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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{{...FADE-IN: An early morning sunrise. The purple-orange haze of the newly awoken sun peeks over the horizon of a sugar cane field. The camera pans down to see a rooster perched on the top of a rotted out fence post. The rooster flaps his wings a few times, then lets out the daily "COCK-A-DOODLE-DOOOOOOOOO". CUT-TO: Shane Southern lying in bed. As the rooster crows he opens his eyes and smiles. It's time to go back to work today. The CSWA called last night and they want him on a plane to Richmond, Virginia today. He's scheduled to defend the CSWA United States title against good friend Lawrence Stanley in 2nd billed match. Southern smiles again as he thinks about locking horns with Stanley. It will be a refreshing change from what he's been used to dealing with the past few months. Southern rises from bed, throwing the sheets to the floor and walks to the open window next to his bed. "It's gonna' beea' good day." Southern thinks to himself. "A very good day."...CUT-TO: Shane Southern sitting in his "play room". It's decorated with various wrestling awards and posters. The CSWA United States Title is on a shelf over a fireplace. The room also contains a big screen TV with a VCR and a shelf full of labeled videos. We catch a glimpse of a few labeled "GUNS", "WINDAM", "HORNET", and finally "STANLEY". The camera pans back down to Southern and tightens the shot preparing for his comments...}}

SHANE SOUTHERN: " So it's time ta' go back ta' work 'eh? Time ta' put on tha' tights, lace up tha' boots, strap on tha' knee brace and take that next poundin'. " {{...smiles...}} You know, there's one thing I really miss about bein' on tha' Indy circuit when I was younger. It's tha' fact that HERE, in tha' big time, it can never JUST be about WRESTLIN' anymore. There's always a backdrop, a story, a history behind things. There's always extra "baggage" that goes along with facin' a big enemy or going after that elusive title shot. But at PRIMETIME this week, for just a fleetin' moment, I get ta' forget about Tha' Professionals' wantin' ta' pound a hole in me...I get ta' forget about Mike Plett's fascination with wantin' ta' be like Troy Windam, I get ta' FORGET about Tom Adler's fixation on himself. For ONCE, I get ta' focus on WRESTLIN'...I get ta' step inta' tha' ring with one of tha' greatest pure WRESTLERS in this federation with nuthin' ta' focus on but havin' one helluva five star match. "

" Ya' know Lawrence, you n' me...we're friends. I think we can agree on that. We have sorta' tha' same outlook and tha' same styles. I sure wished our little alliance coulda' worked out Lawrence, but after what Plett did ta' both of us, I had ta' walk away forra' while. I had ta' take a step back and look at what it really was I wanted ta' accomplish in tha' CSWA. I realize you n' me never really talked about it, and I sorta' left ya' high n' dry...n' for that, I apologize. After bein' screwed by Plett, I thought I needed to go at it alone for a while. My TRUST in people, especially people with wrestlin' boots on, was at an ALL TIME low. But ya' know Lawrence, after a few beat downs by those goons, and a phone call from Troy Windam, I realized that I couldn't go at it alone. I realized that somethin' has GOT ta' be done about all these guys runnin' 'round wantin' ta' destroy tha' CSWA. But I've only got room in this big ol' bucket of trust for ONE Lawrence, and right now...that's Troy Windam. I apologize if that offends you, but that's gotta' be tha' way it is for now. "

" So let's put all tha' baggage on tha' backburner, turn tha' burner up front up ta' HIGH and give these people in Richmond their money's worth as I know only tha' English Gent can do. I'm lookin' forward to it Lawrence...but realize this, I'm comin' ta' WIN. Party's OVER. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}

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