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AS I C IT: CS2002-002


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
From The Desk Of Eric Wright

As I C It: Edition # CS2002-002

Topic: Get The F Out!!

Hey again, everyone, welcome to the second edition of As I C It. I'm Eric Wright.. the ONLY columnist in wrestling that doesn't use the paint by numbers method of reporting.

First up, my appologies for neglecting my investigative duties over the last several weeks. I've been in some negotiations that I assure you were important. But, we've got some important stuff to cover, so let's get right to it.

Now, today I want to talk a bit about the World Wrestling Federation. Er, excuse me.. World Wresting Entertainment (yes, I'm rolling my eyes). Now, some of you are probably asking, "Eric, what's the WWE have to do with the CSWA?" Well, impatient ones, hang with me and you'll figure it out.

Now, I realize that some of the sheet writers strike wood every time the name Vince McMahon is brought up. But, let's be realistic, people, the product that the WWE puts out sucks. And it has for a long time. Long before the brand extention. Long before the Alliance. And long before WCW folded, the WWF put out a pathetic product. Yes, it MAY have looked good (at times) in comparison to some of the options, but good by comparison does not make it good.

Let's be honest, the WWF/E survived WCW's initial onslaught for one reason, and one reason only. Because vulgarity sold more tickets than talent. Say what you want about whatever talent Austin, The Rock, and Hunter may have had, the people turned in because The USA Network (and later TNN) didn't have the same issues with #####, ass, and cursing that Ted Turner did. Deny it all you want, but it's true. Austin's mouth and the Kat's hooters saved the WWF.

Here we are a couple of years later, and, like it or not, the pruduct still sucks. In fact, if anything, it's gotten worse.

Now, the reasons it is so bad can fairly easily be narrowed down to a half dozen or so different problems.

1) Vince McMahon. Sorry, but this "marketing genius" has long since outlived his usefullness. McMahon's ego got in the way of making anything productive out of the WCW buy out. And, let's be realistic, his ego is behind the name change from the WWF to the WWE (yeah, that just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it). Basically, anything that McMahon has touched (whether in character or out) in the last year or so has bombed royally. And some how or another, he'll figure out a way of screwing up Bischoff's arrival too. Why? Because he can't handle the notion of Bischoff getting more heat than he does. It's just a matter of time before McMahon turns face, wrestles Bischoff in some riddiculous match, and makes him look like a fool (see Ric Flair).

Lesson? Owners should keep themselves off camera, and leave the booking to others.

2) Brock Lessner. I don't care what this guy did in college (and apparently neither does the WWE since the guy has yet to actually even use a wrestling hold). Vince, pay very close attention. Ok, you ready? Good. Brock Lessner is NOT BIll Goldberg. Goldberg was in the right place, at the right time, and was given the right amount of time to at least somewhat mature before he was pushed to the world title picture. Let's not forget, Goldberg spent six months wrestling Mongo McMichael (as bad as that was) and Hugh Morris before he even got a title shot. Why? Because wrestling in the power plant isn't the same as wrestling in the ring. Lessner is not now, nor may he ever be worth anything in that ring. Clearly, McMahon hasn't learned a thing since the 80s. Lessner is getting a push because he's a mountain of muscle, nothing more. That, and Vince and Jim Ross think that if they can duplicate Goldberg's appeal with Lessner, that they'll either taunt Goldberg into signing with them, or will make Lessner successful enough that they won't need him. Either way, watching Lessner work against anybody who isn't a fantastic worker (or at least as good as Flair is these days) is clearly more painful to the fans that it is to the workers. It's time to job this loser into oblivion, send him back down to the minors, and hope that a year or two down the road he's actually worth watching.

Paul Heyman made a comment, on camera, a week or so ago, that he made Van Damme, and Dreamer, and the Dudley's. We can debate whether or not he's right. But, one thing's for sure, if Lessner were wrestling in ECW, he'd be cannon fodder. I can understand McMahon putting Heyman with him (it's the only hope of gaining even the slightest credibility he has). But, Heyman can't even save this guy.

3) John Cena. Don't get me wrong, I kinda like Cena. I think he's a good young talent, and will probably make something of himself. But, he hasn't earned the push he's getting. It makes no sense to me to push Cena and snub people who are, quite frankly, better, more experienced, and capable of working better matches, both on the mic and off. Give him another six months, maybe a year, and then push him.

4) Failed company division. This is an extension of the last two. McMahon went out of his way to find a way of making the WWE into two companies (after he flubbed WCW). He finally got it, and he's still screwing up the biggest advantage that running the two seperately gives them... talent usage. Two "seperate" companies, and you still center the whole thing around a half dozen or so guys. He puts the biggest names he has (Rock, HHH, Angle, Jericho) on Smackdown... and then gives them absolutely NOTHING to do except wrestle each other. Then, pushes a nobody like Lessner on RAW up to the top at warp speed, loses his top Raw name (Austin) in the process, and forces far more talented workers into prelim matches, and situations where they are either bitches for the Undertaker or Lessner. If McMahon doesn't make use out of guys like Dreamer, Justin Credible, and at least a half dozen others soon, somebody else will.. period.

5) Call this a pre-emptive bitch, if you want... but SummerSlam's main event, for those who don't already know, will be Brock Lessner wrestling The Rock for the "Undisputed" Championship. The Rock is a part time wrestler (at best), there for one reason, to boost ratings. Chances are, he'll be gone by fall. And, he's wrestling a guy who's stiff as a board. In the mean time, they shove the Undertaker (of whom I am NO fan, don't get me wrong), completely out of the picture... all the while, trying to prefect HIS invincible image, and trying to turn him somewhat face at the same time. Simply put, unless advanced booking changes, they'll do a complete about face from the match they've been building toward and go with something that has no purpose what so ever, other than to put Lessner over.

Analysis? It's time to either seperate Raw and Smackdown completely, or forget the brand extension, fire 2/3 of your roster, and let both them and you move on. Simply put, it's time to pull your head out of your asses and do some decent booking.

Now, what does all of this have to do with the CSWA? I mean, none of these guys are here. McMahon doesn't own it... and bitching about the WWE has nothing to do with any of it. So, in that respect, no, it has nothing to do with the CSWA. But, the lesson to be taken from this column is the same... booking.

Let's look at Fish Fund. And, we'll start right at the top.

World Title Match: Evan Aho vs. Mark Windham. Sorry, but why, exactly, is Mark Windham in this match? Yes, yes, I know, he beat Eddie Love for the shot. Congratulations. But, let's be honest, Windham's been gone for ages. A win over Love or not, there are people here far more deserving of title shots than him. Then, add in the possibility that Melton may get a shot as well (at least he admits that he bought his way into it, if, it does, indeed happen), and you see my point. Yes, unlike Lessner, these guys have histories longer than the Nile. But, that was then, this is now. There are those in this federation who should have been given consideration over wither of them.

US Title Match: 4 Way Dance. I have no problems with three of the four people in this match. The one I do have a problem with is Dan Ryan. Don't get me wrong, the man is a great talent. But, success in another federation shouldn't translate to title shots here. Sorry, but this is nothing more than pandering to another federation while snubbing your own talent.

World Tag Title: Simply Stunning vs. The Professionals. Haven't we seen this match before? REPEATEDLY? Nothing against either of these teams, but the frequency of this match is a testimony to how sad the tag team division is in this federation. If you wanna raid other federations for talent, maybe you should consider some tag teams.

Presidential Championship: 3 Way Pole Match. Ok, I've got to put this out here, this match annoys me. No, not because of anybody who's in it. But rather, the type of match. You have three of the best technical wrestlers in the business in this match.. and instead of letting them do what they do best, you force them into a gimmick match that is far more suited to Nathan Storm vs. Kin Hiroshi than the three involved. Why? For a couple of cheap pops. In the mean time, you risk the well being of three of your best talents. If Bill Buckley and Sammy Benson can't call a decent scientific match, tell them to step aside for somebody who can. End of story.

My point is this. There is some of the best talent in the world in this federation. Talent spanning the entire spectrum of styles, allegiances, and experience. This type of mis-use is the same type that's making the WWE so bad right now.

The Lesson? If you can't make any better use of your talent than Vince McMahon does, maybe it's time to follow his lead and GET THE F OUT!

That's it for this edition. I'll be back soon (very soon) with another does of hard core reality. As always, you can rest assured that my insight is accurate, worth following... and above all else... the truth. At least.. the Truth.. As I C It!

I'm outta here!

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