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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
SW Chicago
Here is the application to join the GLCW. You can fill it out here as a reply or email it to me at TBirdSCIL@aol.com:

Your Name:

Your Email Address:

Wrestler Name:




Ring Music: (please use a real song and not generic WWF songs)

Gimmick: (please describe his gimmick here as much as possible, if he has one)

Appearance: (please be as detailed as possible, including what he wears to the ring)

Alignment: (face/heel?)

10 basic moves:

5 signature moves:


Finisher: (be as descriptive as possible, nothing lethal either)

Valet or Manager: (name and description)

Character Bio: Please describe as much about the history of your character as much as possible.

If you have a tag team simply input the same information for the partner as well.

If you have any questions, email me at TBirdSCIL@aol.com.

GLCW President Scott Malec


Hawk McDaniel "The Big Texan"

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-02 AT 05:11 PM (EDT)]Your Name: Hawk McDaniel

Your Email Address: bighawkmc55@hotmail.com

Wrestler Name: Hawk "THE BIG TEXAN" McDaniel

Height: 6'7

Weight: 309 lbs.

Hometown: Sweetwater, Texas

Ring Music: Whiskey In The Jar by Metallica

Gimmick: A big tough Texan. A tough man who had been considered a legend in wrestling considering how long he's been around.

Appearance: A large imposing figure with long black hair. Wears black shorts with The Big Texan written on the back in white letters and on the front a white longhorn. Long black and red wrestling boots which are cut into the shape of cowboy boots and have THE BIG TEXAN written down each side. Two black knee pads and two cut off gloves. A tattoo of a longhorn on his right arm and tattoo of the state of Texas on his right shoulder.

Alignment: Face

10 basic moves:

Oklahoma Slam
Running Powerslam
Repeated Rights and Lefts (in the corner)
Shoulder Breaker
Sleeper Hold
Hard Body Slam
Stalling Suplex
Rear Chin Lock

5 signature moves:

Snake Eyes
Pumphandle Slam
Big Boot


While opponent is lying on the mat he throws up the longhorn symbol with his right hand and taps his elbow. He then gets up a big head of steam and drops a huge jumping elbow drop into his opponents heart.

Character Bio: He's basically a legend in this business. THE BIG TEXAN has been around for what seems like forever. He decided that he found a place to kick some ass in the GLCW. He's been World Champion in more organizations than seems like any other competitor in history. He started his career in the mid-80's, and has been goin strong ever since. He hopes to continue the Legend of the Longhorn for years in GLCW where he hopes he can go back to his old wrestling style, which is sort of a combination of The Undertaker and Wahoo McDaniel.

THE LEGEND OF THE LONGHORN now continues...............


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
NEMESIS (Ellis Scott)

Your Name:
Your Email Address:
Wrestler Name: Nemesis
Height: 6'
Weight: 237
Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Ring Music: "Wicker Man" Iron Maiden
Gimmick: Slightly confused... let's just say he marches to the beat of a retarded drummer.
Appearance: Out of the ring: Black muscle shirt (Sometimes a black, hooded sweatshirt.), Steve Blackman pants. In the ring. Black muscle shirt, standard black, wrestling pants (Like HHH's) and wrestling boots.
Alignment: (face/heel?) HEEL HEEL HEEL
10 basic moves: DDT, swinging neck breaker, back drop, suplex, back splash into turnbuckle, Russian leg sweep, fall-away slam, atomic drop, fall forward slam, bow and arrow, running back elbow, back breaker, capture suplex, twisted armbar "The Twister," tornado DDT, hangman's DDT,
5 signature moves: Tornado Cutter (off the turnbuckle), twisted armbar "The Twister", "The Last Temptation" (Canadian Back breaker/bow and arrow lock), "The Rush" (Boxing combos), Lunging Uppercut
setup: "The Wrath" (Uranage/STO) Usually done spontaneously as a counter attack of a clothesline or some such maneuver. This move is more often than not used as Nemesis' finisher.
Finisher: "The Penance" Reverse Fisherman's brainbuster. (Reverse Perfectplex)
Character Bio:
Part I:
Grew up in Seattle, Washington. Wrestled in high school and won two state championships as well as two golden gloves in boxing. Straight B's in high school, cleaned up his act end graduated from M.I.T. with honors. Tried a usual desk job, but needed something more. Friend got him interested in professional wrestling again. Been quite an unusual journey since then.

Part II:
Wrestles throughout the world under the moniker "Nemesis" and later "Ellis Scott." He has experiences in Japan and various regions across the United States. Has held numerous titles, however, has only received a single shot at a world belt. Seen by many as a jinx as he is a reigning champion for many big-time federations as they close. Such federations include the FWF, CWWF, EWA and the UWC. This is only reinforced as he guides the CWWF inadvertantly until it goes under, and upon its first return, gains the TV title, only to have it fail once more. He is, at best, considered an outstanding mid-carder.

Within the last few years, his demeanor has worn from an energetic fan favorite, to one of apathy and agitation. Constantly changing himself at a whim, he has garnered up to five false personas (Spectre, Bueno Excellente, Bogus Suicide, Ellis Scott, and Nemesis). Many allege he has donned many other masks and wrestled in many other organizations than initially thought. His motives are no longer clear, thought to be at many times fame and fortune, his disregard far those during these few last years of his life have suggested otherwise.

Part III:
Upon a return from a state of mockery, held throughout the wrestling world, he once again set out to prove himself, for whatever reason. Wrestling principally in the IWF, site of his most humiliating performances as a rookie as well as a seasoned veteran, as well as the place where the frequent changes are rooted in. Going a six month stint, he was able to regain some of his lost luster and respect.
Last edited by a moderator:


Jon Savage

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-02 AT 08:54 PM (EDT)]Your Name: Jon Mayhew

Your Email Address: themayhews1@yahoo.com

Wrestler Name: Jon Savage

Height: 6 ft. 4 inches tall

Weight: 275 lbs.

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Ring Music: "Baba O'Riley" by The Who

Gimmick: Works the crowd on the way to the ring

Appearance: Red and Blue Trunks with matching jacket

Alignment: heel

10 basic moves: Hiptoss
Fireman's Carry
Eye Gouge
Snap Mare
Low Blow
Chop to the throat
Flying Bodypress

5 signature moves:
Eye Poke
Using ropes for leverge
figure-four leglock
pulling tights
Facerake against the ropes

setup: flying clothesline

Finisher: Jumping Piledrive

Valet or Manager: Lyla

Character Bio: Started fantasy wrestling as Savage in the Cyber World Wrestling Federation in 1999 and was a one-time tag team champion with partner (thankfully gone) Thorax (sounds like a VD term).....Is known in many circles as the Oiginal Dirtiest Player in the Game.....held the Michigan Heayweight Title a record......Was voted Most Likely to maim by the cyber retired wrestlers society.....Met Lyla after clearing a metro-Detroi bar of 99 bikers, Savage didn't have a scratch.....Not a particular fan favorite, Savage is not pretentous: he'll kick a$$ with the best of em'.....He doesn't care how many rules he has to break or bend, he only cares about the vicory.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Your Email Address: durobase@juno.com

Wrestler Name: The Jobber

Height: 5'11

Weight: 220

Hometown: Whitelandia USA

Ring Music: (please use a real song and not generic WWF songs) Lawnmower by Worthless United

Gimmick: (please describe his gimmick here as much as possible, if he has one) Arrogant old school dude from Whitelandia, jaded from tours of the "minor leagues" and dealing with the people there, his experiences in such leagues have left him believing in the teachings of Nietzsche, that he is a superman who must create down his own morality, and lay down his own rules. I hate filling these sections out, you can never describe it right. His current hometown also adds to his feeling of being superior, as does the fact he hasn't been pinned or submitted in over 2 years, a streak he'll try to protect at all costs.

Appearance: (please be as detailed as possible, including what he wears to the ring) Long brown hair, long black tights, black boots, that's it. In other feds he's been carrying around the FWF Frontier Title, I guess he might as well here...

Alignment: (face/heel?) SHADES OF GREY BRUTHA! Heel.

10 basic moves: Dropkick, hot shot, dragon screw leg whip, half crab, knee breaker, inverted atomic drop, shoulder breaker, the thing where Hennig or Hart will drape a leg over the bottom rope and do ass drops on it... If that has a name, I'm shocked and appalled, the
thing where ya drag him to the corner, pull the leg out and slam it against the ring post... Since he's a heel I'm sure he'll also pull his family jewels into the post too, and a dropkick to the knee.

5 signature moves: Spinebuster, piledriver, sleeper, hard kicks to the knee of opponent, like Muta's been doing to set up the shining wizard, and a superplex.

setup: Tiger Driver (The regular one, not the 91.)

Finisher: (be as descriptive as possible, nothing lethal either) Step over toe hold. He hits the Tiger Driver, then hooks the Step Over Toe Hold on right after the Driver, like Malenko did with the Cloverleaf.

Valet or Manager: (name and description)

Character Bio: Please describe as much about the history of your character as much as possible. He used to do Hardcore, then softcore, then was really goofy, then was really political, then really philosophical, now he still is, except he's really jaded and arrogant... Each phase of his career comes up in RP, and beyond that nothing is important.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Your Name: Vertigo

Your Email Address: Divinevert@aol.com

Wrestler Name:Golem

Height: 6'0"

Weight:238 kilograms. Just kidding, metrics are gay. 238 lbs.

Hometown:Death Valley

Ring Music: "The Day The World Went Away" by Nine Inch Nails

Gimmick: Monster-looking but a technical wrestler. Thinks he is really smart. I personally agree with him.

Appearance: Warm and fuzzy...wears black trunks and black boots and knee pads.

Alignment: heel

10 basic moves: DDT, Leg lariat, Discus elbow, jawbreaker, shoulder breaker, Bearhug into a STO, Abdominal stretch, Fujiwara armbar, Hangman's neckbreaker, Indian Deathlock

5 signature moves: Powerbomb pickup into a stungun, Death Valley Driver, Half-Nelson suplex, Full Nelson Faceslam, Tiger Suplex with Bridge

setup:Back Drop Driver

Finisher: The Claw (Illegal. He puts his claw in their throat and scratches the lining. Blood fills the mouth and they begin to choke. Uses behind the ref's back. As a clean finisher, the DVD or the Tiger Suplex or the Back Drop Driver. )

Character Bio: NAWF, FWF, IWF, WAR, WWL.

Mister Dread

League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Under your bed.
Your Name: Unknown

Your Email Address: Mr_Dread@juno.com

Wrestler Name: Chris 'Mister Dread' McMillan

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 180

Hometown: Cadillac, MI

Ring Music: 'Dogs of War', by Pink Floyd

Gimmick: He's doing the anti-gimmick thing at the moment. Uses the 'Dogs of War' music from his old tag-team, but has dropped the military look. Just tries to be himself out there.

Appearance: Shoulder length black hair, hazel eyes. Has a small scar on his right cheek. Usually sports a fresh set of stitches. Wears black jeans, harness boots, and a sleeveless 'Dogs of War' t-shirt.

Alignment: Face

10 basic moves: Head-and-arm suplex
Standing moonsault
Asai moonsault
Snap suplex
Exploder suplex
Martial arts kicks/strikes
No-look corkscrew plancha
Top-rope Savate kick

5 signature moves: Superkick
Backdrop driver
Michinoku Driver II
Tornado DDT
Half-nelson suplex
setup: Floatover crucifix DDT (think Miavia Hurricane)

Finisher: Dread Driver (Tiger Driver '91)

Valet or Manager: N/A

Character Bio: Former member of the gimmick tag team 'Dogs of War'.
Dropped the gimmick in favor of a more real, 'smart' approach. Started out in BWOW, capturing the Cruiserweight strap, as well as enjoying a brief reign as Heavyweight champ. Did a brief stint in Japan Thunder Pro before coming back to the states to wrestle for NFW. Made his NFW debut at the inaugural pay-per-view, and was immediately sidelined for four months with a broken leg. Made his return, had a (very) brief run at the Heavyweight strap, and is currently the #2 seed in the NFW TV title tournament.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Miami, Florida
Your Name: Angel Castillo
Your Email Address: Tokangel@netscape.net
Wrestler Name: "El Diablo" Angel Castillo
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 234 lbs.
Hometown: Miami, FL
Ring Music: "Pure Trauma" by Downset
Gimmick: Goth monster, kinda.
Appearance: He has dark brown eyes, dark auburn hair, slightly tanned skin, firmly tones arms and legs, but he doesn't have the largest frame, standard CW size.
Alignment: (face/heel?) face-ish, at times a cool heel
10 basic moves: european uppercut, roundhouse kick, spinning heel kick, spinning back kick, DDT, reverse DDT, vertical suplex, hurracanrana, choke takedown, knee lifts, steinerline.
5 signature moves: Knee lift/bionic elbow combo, spinning tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, swinging neckbreaker, exploder suplex, pitchfork leglock (he grabs the legs, places knee on the lower back, and pulls on legs while putting pressure on the back and ankles.)
setup: bionic elbow
Finisher: (be as descriptive as possible, nothing lethal either)
He likes to call it ¡SALSA PICANTE! It's a powerbomb pickup to a sit out choke slam.
Character Bio: (Please describe as much about the history of your character as much as possible.If you have a tag team simply input the same information for the partner as well.)
(I'm just gonna include a sample narrative that is basically his backstory)

(FADEIN: Humboldt park, Chicago, Il. A small apartment that does not have much. An oven, a stove, a table, a mini fridge, a couch and a TV. Upon the couch is seated our hero, “El Diablo” Angel Castillo. He wears some loose-fitting black cargo pants and a red GLCW T-Shirt. A black bandana caresses his dark-skinned forehead.)

Angel Castillo: GLCW…a new opportunity. Some of you may wonder, why some Hispanic boy like me would move all the way to Gringo, USA just to wrestle in some budding organization? I mean, sure, I could have made a happy living selling freshly made mariquitas on the streets of Miami, or doing somebody’s landscaping, but I came to GLCW for opportunity. My parents came here from Cuba 15 years ago for the sake of opportunity. My dad had to scrimp and save every meager cent he earned from his job at a plant for packaging snack foods to keep my family satisfied. It wasn’t a lot, but it was better than we had left behind in Cuba, and we were glad for it. Now when it came time for me to leave the house and live for my own, my parents scrimped and saved so I could go west and get a nice job. And now I’m going to show the same strength my parents had shown all those years and had given to me with GLCW. I see all the people coming to GLCW, everyone raving how GLCW will be the next big fed. Everywhere from eWu to WWL, stark raving about GLCW. I figured if I was gonna do something that would keep me from starving, it would be something where I could use my physical and mental talents. And while I’m at it, I might as well expose this region of the United States to some culture. I mean, except for a few spots in Illinois, there isn’t a non pasty protestant proselytizer for miles! And when I see someone who’s of Hispanic background on TV today in this country, he’s portraying the stereotype of Latinos who can’t help but say “ese” and “horale” every other word, or yammering about how much he wants a taco. I’m here to add…a little spice…a little flavor, to this company.

(“El Diablo” whips out a branding iron, pours some alcohol on it, and lights it on fire with a lighter.)

Castillo: I’m gonna make this fed a little…¡¡¡PICANTE!!!

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans"
-John Lennon

xXJay StrokeXx

High Plains Drifters

Your Name: Jacob Strouckel
Your Email Address: captainstrouckel@hotmail.com
Tag Team Name: High Plains Drifters

Wrestler Name: Dalton Parker... Parker, for short
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 185 lbs
Hometown: Glendo, Wyoming
Ring Music: "Concrete & Clay" by Jurassic 5
Gimmick: They’re both just wrestlers. Do they need much more? The chemistry between them is going to be enough of a gimmick. But, if they need something, how about two mock western wrestlers?
Appearance: A lanky looking guy, Parker is more of a pretty boy than most wrestlers, but doesn’t flaunt it. Walks to the ring in a black 3/4 length duster and matching cowboy hat. Clean shaven, with a very defined jaw. Once in the ring, Parker wears full length black tights with thin chaps and a black muscle shirt.
Alignment: (face/heel?) Face
10 basic moves: Mule Kick, Somersault Legdrop, Back Handspring moonsault, Half Crab Leg Lock, Flipping armbar, Front Dropkick, Dragon leg whip, Dragon Sleeper, Short arm scissors, Half nelson slam
5 signature moves: Jawbreaker over the ropes, Roundhouse Kick off the top rope, Spinning Knee Twister, Frog Splash, Springboard moonsault
setup: Backflip Bulldog… Opponent is directly behind Parker, standing backflip over the opponent, right into a bulldog
Finisher: A Tag Team Finisher: Parker gets opponent into a full crab, while Kurt goes to the top rope. Kurt does a variation of the harlem hangover (here called the "Twisting Tumbler") onto the opponent.

Wrestler Name: Kurt Rogers
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 215 lbs.
Hometown: Norman, Oklahoma
Ring Music: "Concrete & Clay" by Jurassic 5
Appearance: Kurt is a shorter looking man, taking the Sancho Panza role to Parker's Don Quixote look. In fact, Kurt wears a knit pancho and a cowboy hat. He is a little more shaggy looking, but not bad to look at. The muscles just flow on Kurt, as is easy to tell when he's in the ring. He wears identical ring wear as Parker, except, for some reason, he likes to leave his hat on.
Alignment: face
10 basic moves: Mule Kick, Somersault Legdrop, Back Handspring moonsault, Half Crab Leg Lock, Flipping armbar, Front Dropkick, Dragon leg whip, Dragon Sleeper, Short arm scissors, Half nelson slam
5 signature moves: Jawbreaker over the ropes, Roundhouse Kick off the top rope, Spinning Knee Twister, Frog Splash, Springboard moonsault
setup: "Jolly Rogering", a dragon sleeper hold ended when Kurt does a reverse diving DDT.


RE: High Plains Drifters

Your Name: Mike Stanton

Your Email Address: StantonMJS@aol.com

Wrestler Name: Redemption

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 213

Hometown: Parts Unknown

Ring Music: (please use a real song and not generic WWF songs) "Chop Suey" by System of a Down

Gimmick: (please describe his gimmick here as much as possible, if he has one) A high flyer techincal wrestler.

Appearance: (please be as detailed as possible, including what he wears to the ring) He wears a black body suit and black mask. His body is well build but hard to see under the suit. Like a Golddust outfit.

Alignment: Face

10 basic moves: Chops, spear, dropkick, Back Suplex, tope, Tilt-o-whirl backbreaker, DDT, neckbreaker, snap suplex, inside cradle.

5 signature moves: Face First Side Russian legsweep, Frankensteiner, Inverted DDT/Backbreaker (Christian's move), Missile Dropkick, No hands Plancha

setup: Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex

Finisher: (be as descriptive as possible, nothing lethal either) "Deliverance" Frog Splash

Valet or Manager: (name and description) none

Character Bio: Please describe as much about the history of your character as much as possible.

A man with a past he does not want to bring up. He fights to redeem himself


Warren A. Nickolson
Wrestler's name:The Emerald Warrior
Hometown:Seattle Washington
Ring music:The Final Countdown by Europe
Gimmick:He was known as a firefighter.
Appearance:He wears a costume similar to Jushin Thunder Liger's costume except it is green.
10 Basic Moves
Running Powerslam
Flying Dropkick
Punch to face
Top rope frankensteiner
Body Slam
Big Boot to Face
Sleeper Hold
5 signature moves
Pumphandle Slam
Snake Eyes
Setup: Explosive Powerslam
Finisher:Human Torture Rack(Similar to the Backbreaker)
Manager:Warren A. Nickolson
Character's bio:He was part of the Seattle Fire Department when he met with Warren A. Nickolson. In fact it is the same firefighter who showed up in 99 but failed to save his mom. This firefighter has other asperations to become a wrestler. He tried out for Tough Enough but failed but got Warren's attention. So he talked to this guy and told him about a wrestling school who taught Warren how to manage his wrestlers. So he went there to trained for 24 months and he is a fast learner. He was waiting for the day he will be called on to wrestle for Warren. Warren A. Nickolson signed him on the GLCW circuit to see what he can really do.


The Phenom
Jan 1, 2000
Salt Lake City, UT
Gridlock w/Sly Sterling

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-02 AT 04:32 PM (EDT)]Name: Ryan Aston

Email Address: phenom415@yahoo.com

Tag Team Name: Gridlock (Raze and Nuke)

Manager: Sly Sterling


Wrestler's Name: Raze

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 270 lbs.

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Ring Music: Body Count "Killin Floor"

Gimmick: The smaller half of a monster, heavyweight tag team. The team is somewhat in the mold of LOD.

Appearance: Imposing and intimidating, what Raze lacks in cardiovascular fitness, he more than compensates for in brute force. Mammoth arm, neck and chest definiton. Has one short, but large spike of brown hair near top of forehead and a big goatee. Wears black tights in the ring, along with a strap system of black leather, chains, and spikes as entrance-only attire (not worn in ring.)

Alignment: Heel

Basic moves: Bodyslam, Hanging Vertical Suplex, DDT, Gorilla Press Slam, Fallaway Slam, Inv. Atomic Drop, Belly-to-Back Suplex, Reverse Chin Lock, Hammerlock, Sitdown Powerbomb

Signature moves: Flying Lariat (Top Rope and/or Running), High Standing Dropkick, Big Knee Drop, Violent Headbutts, Blatant Eye Gouging

Setup: Sambo Suplex/Mini-Choke Slam

Finisher: Dragon Sleeper

Team Finish: Afterburn (Raze whips opponent off the ropes on the far side and catches him with a bearhug. Nuke then catches the opponent with a big boot, while Raze simultaneously forces the opponent down into a sidewalk slam.)

Manager: Sly Sterling

Character Bio: Little is known about Raze, his wrestling history, or his uprbringing.


Wrestler's Name: Nuke

Height: 6'10"

Weight: 330 lbs.

Hometown: Parts Unknown

Ring Music: Body Count "Killin Floor"

Gimmick: The muscle of a monster, heavyweight tag team. The team is somewhat in the mold of LOD.

Appearance: His near 7' body is well defined in its entirety. Bald head with unique moustache/goatee that curls down all the way to the chin. Wears black tights in the ring, along with a strap system of black leather, chains, and spikes as entrance-only attire (not worn in ring.)

Alignment: Heel

Basic moves: Bodyslam, Big Boot, Military Press, Standing Clothesline, Atomic Drop, German Suplex, Jackhammer Suplex, Sleeper Hold, Cross Face Chicken Wing, Abdominal Stretch

Signature moves: Two-Handed Chokeslam, Superplex, Powerbomb, Blatant Biting, Smashing/smeering of face using various methods (Foot, Forearms, Elbows, etc.)

Setup: Hard Irish Whip into Turnbuckle

Finisher: Torture Rack

Team Finish: Afterburn (Raze whips opponent off the ropes on the far side and catches him with a bearhug. Nuke then catches the opponent with a big boot, while Raze simultaneously forces the opponent down into a sidewalk slam.)

Manager: Sly Sterling

Character Bio: Little is known about Nuke, his wrestling history, or his uprbringing.


Manager's Name: Sly Sterling

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 185 lbs.

Hometown: Syracuse, New York

Ring Music: David Bowie "I'm Deranged (Edit)"

Gimmick: Money-grubbing, power-hungry, heel manager extraordinnaire

Appearance: In good shape, athletic for a non-wrestler. Always drapes himself in extravagance. Armani suits, bizarre designer jump suits, tacky hawaiian shirts or kimonos with expensive shorts and things of the like are the norm for Sterling. Man appearing to be in his early to mid-30's with medium length to long hair, pulled back into a tail, with a small, trimmed goatee.

Alignment: Heel

Basic Moves: Slaps, Backhands, Chokes, Clotheslines, Bodyslam, DDT, Arm Drag, Vertical Suplex, Inv. Atomic Drop, Rollup

Signature Moves: Crying like a newborn baby when physically threatened in the ring, gloating reprehensibly when he has no business doing so, and the managerial master move.. the low blow.

Setup: Throwing and/or squirting various kitchen and bathroom products into the faces of opponents.

Finisher: Pointing and laughing maniacally as his clients clean house.

Character Bio: Kid from the suburbs of Syracuse who made a small sum of money in mutual funds and developed a craving for cash, fame, and glory.



Wrestler Name: TeKo

Height: 6'8

Weight: 320

Hometown: ???

Ring Music: Predictable By KoRn

Gimmick: Enforcer, Ruthless Aggressor

Appearance: Very large build (Like the unborn love child of Triple H and Brock Lesnar but bigger) he has short brown hair, wears jeans usually and a sleeve-less t-shirt, black wrestling boots with TeKo written on the sides.

Alignment: Can be either, but prefers heel

10 basic moves: powerbomb, suplex, neckbreaker, powerslam, boot to face, choke lift, brainbuster, spinebuster, clothesline, gurellia press slam

5 signature moves: stalling suplex, sit down powerbomb, chokeslam, death valley driver, stalling brainbuster

setup: kick to the groin/midsection

Finisher: The R.A.D. - He picks his stunned oponent up onto his shoulders, does a couple of military presses to them, then while he has them straight up in a military press, throws them to the side and delivers a death valley driver.

Valet or Manager: None

Character Bio: He dosent really know talk much so no one knows why hes came here, but someone has brought him here for a reason, and soon that reason will be revealed.

Dean McQueen

God's Gift to GLCW

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-02 AT 07:06 PM (EDT)]Your Name: Dean McQueen
Your Email Address: d_mcqueen@hotmail.com

Wrestler Name: "God's Gift" Dean McQueen
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 256 lbs.
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Ring Music: "Rottweiler" by Pitch Black

Gimmick: He's cocky and arrogant, and thinks he's God's Gift to everything and everyone. He prides himself on his "Superstar Look" and magnificent abilities, but will often resort to cheating to win, just so he has the bragging rights.

Appearance: He has short, blond hair and brown eyes. He's muscular, and has no tattoos, no chest hair, and definitely no back hair or anything gross like that. He's clean shaven, and wears yellow spandex shorts with red tassles, red kneepads and red boots to the ring.

Alignment: (face/heel?) heel

10 basic moves: full nelson, eye gouge, choke against the ropes, side headlock, Boston crab, back suplex, belly-to-belly suplex, DDT, superplex, dropkick, clothesline, abdominal stretch, armbar, bearhug

5 signature moves: Ace Crusher, spinebuster, sleeperhold, Northern Lights Suplex, butterfly suplex

setup: he uses the element of surprise for this one, sometimes it'll come following a poke to the eye

Finisher 1: Last Look (superkick)

setup: low blow

Finisher 2: Stunt Driver (jumping piledriver)

Finisher 3: punch with a small chain wrapped around his fist with the referee conveniently not seeing it

Manager: Naomi
Incredibly hot natural red head with a killer body. She accompanies Dean to the ring, and will occasionally get involved in the matches in some way, shape or form in order to help him. In most of these cases, she'll serve as a distraction or slip him a foreign object.

Character Bio: He grew up not only as a fan of the heels of wrestling, but also has a huge Steve McQueen mark, so much that he even worked as a stunt driver in Hollywood for a brief period of time. He went to wrestling school and worked the indy circuit for awhile, and here he is today. Oh yeah, and he thinks he's Steve McQueen's illegitimate son, although it may or may not come up much.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-03 AT 09:57 PM (EST)]Your Name: Steven James

Your Email Address: sml2001@hotmail.com

Wrestler Name: Showtime Steven James

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 240

Hometown: Warwick, Rhode Island

Ring Music: (please use a real song and not generic WWF songs)
Another One Bites the Dust by Queen
Gimmick: (please describe his gimmick here as much as possible, if he has one) A cocky smart ass, however not to the point that his arrogance makes him a heel. Believes he's the star of the show but doesn't throw it in anybodys face.

Appearance: (please be as detailed as possible, including what he wears to the ring) Short black hair brushed back (what the rock had before he left for hollywood), wears a flashy shirt to the ring and his spandex pants are light blue and yellow. The yellow cuts into the blue like a sharks teeth so it gives a jagged effect.

Alignment: (face/heel?) face

10 basic moves: body slam, snap suplex, leg drop, drop kick, hip toss, german suplex, belly to belly suplex, back breaker, piledriver, and double ax handle.

5 signature moves: drop kick off top robe, bulldog, sleeper neckbreaker, full nelson slam, and a headbutt from the top robe.

setup: Reverse suplex

Finisher: (be as descriptive as possible, nothing lethal either)
A Reverse TKO. it's called "Lights Out"
Valet or Manager: (name and description)

Character Bio: Please describe as much about the history of your character as much as possible.
Born in Warwick, Rhode Island he stood out in anything athletic that he did. He was an All American in football and baseball and took his hockey team to the championships. Also, after winning the NCAA Title for wrestling he decided to get into "sports entertainment" and hasn't looked back. Although he is sure of his ability he doesn't take it too far as far as his ego in concerned which keeps him unannoying and easy to like. Also, he has a sharp tongue and will not hesitate to insult and mock anything that moves.

If you have a tag team simply input the same information for the partner as well.


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
Name: J.B. Irvine
E-Mail: jgoods21@hotmail.com


Wrestler Name:
"THE FUTURE" Brett Irvine

Calgary Alberta, Canada

Height: 6'4

Weight: 257

Hometown: Calgary Alberta, Canada


Entrance Music: "There Goes My Hero" by Foo Fighters

Gimmick: A charismatic technician, in the style of Bret Hart and Chris Jericho.

Character Appearance:
Has a bulid similar to Triple H, long blond hair, he wears black pants with "THE FUTURE" on one leg and barbed wire design on the other leg, black wrist bands and black elbow pads on each arm, with a knee brace on his left knee.

1. Standing Side Kick
2. Figure Four Leg Lock
3. STF
4. Atomic Elbow Drop (from top rope)
5. Double Underhook Backbreaker
6. Knee Breaker
7. Running Powerslam
8. Kick to Groin
9. Russian Leg Sweep
10. Belly to Belly Suplex

Setup: Spinebuster


Finisher Description: Much like the Walls of Jericho, except its a single leg crab. Elevated Single Leg Crab

Character Bio:
The 24 year old competed in many Canadian feds and was considered the best technical wrestler in the world. He made his way to the USA after winning numerous titles in his young career. He'll do anything to become a top star in the world of pro wrestling.

He's ready to take the reigns in GLCW and become the World Champ.

As always, "THE FUTURE IS NOW!!!!!!!"

real name: Laura Haden
wrestler's name: Nick Kurtel
wrestler's real name: Nick Kurtel
from: Boston, Mass.
age: 25
height: 5'9"
weight: 220 lbs.
gimmick: A young, feisty man. What he lacks in weight and height he makes up in speed and agility. He loves to be the center of attention. He can be a jackass sometimes, finding ever-new ways to insult people. His old ways of pleasantness have sadly been left behind due to family issues which have plagued him for over a year.
wrestling style: luchador
background: Born and grew up in Boston. He's always been a crazy and daredevil-like guy. He loved acting and wanted to be an actor, but his tastes changed in high school. He decided wrestling was the way to go, but his parents disapproved, saying it was too unpredictable a career. They declared he would go to law school, just like his father. But he wouldn't abandon his dream. Torn between his parents' demands and his dream, he went on the verge of committing suicide, but was stopped by a friend. His friend told him to pursue his dream of professional wrestling, and he did. Lately, though, family relations have greatly deteriorated and Nick's father even went so far as to claim he has no son. This has deeply impacted Nick's view on life and his career, but with support from his mother he is once again wrestling professionally.
alignment: neutral
music: "Breakdown" by Tantric
entrance: Walks down the ramp, occasionally noticing the crowd but training his hard eyes on his opponent. He jumps onto the outside section of the ring and then flips over the ropes, flashing a smile to his opponent.
10 moves:
backsplash, tornado DDT, toprope leg drop, flying clothesline, moonsault, running hurricanrana, running dropkick, swinging neckbreaker, superplex, choke sweep
setup: "Insanity"- step-up reverse powerbomb
finisher: "The Folly"- 450º double elbow drop
titles held: FWF Tag Team Champion, WAR Tag Team Champion
AIM: PrplFuzyGnome or RaskalRogue

Your Name: Scott Strout

Your Email Address: Scott_Strout@hotmail.com

Wrestler Name: Jarod Poe

Height: 6'5

Weight: 265

Hometown: Hell, Michigan (yes, a real town)

Ring Music: "Shadow Man" by W.A.S.P.

Gimmick: (please describe his gimmick here as much as possible, if he has one) A depressed loner. Jarod lives his life by putting his body through extreme torture. A firm beleiver in body manipulation he looks for different way to expres himself that way.

Appearance: Dressed in black leather pants and blak boots he keeps his hair long and somewhat unkept. His upperbody his covered with tribal tattoos that outline the muscle structure of his body. His tongue has been surgicly cut and half to give it a snakelike appearence and on both his forearms he has surgical screws inserted above the muscle layer that create a feathered appearence under the skin. He also has a double bridge piercing on his nose. Down his spine are five bar piercings. lastly the webings of his right hand are pierced with sharp metallic talon's

Alignment: (face/heel?) tweener

10 basic moves:

1. takeover suplex
2. standing armbar
3. figure-four headlock
4. cobra clutch
5. kneebar
6. powerslam
7. death-valley driver
8. tiger driver
9. DDT
10. cradle suplex

5 signature moves:

1. "Wings of Death" - a choke sleeper the *surgical implants* leave a feathered patter around the neck

2. "Black Circle of Death" - an airplane spin into a Diamond Cutter

3."Blood Rush" - the small talon piercings dig into the forehead as Jarod performs an Iron Claw. It leaves small trckles of blood from the forehead. Not really doing a whole lot of damage, but intimidates them/

4. "Sudden Impact" - placing his opponent backwards on the top-rope. Jarod stands on the seconf rope and perfroms a release suplex dropping his opponent hard on the head and shoulders/

5. "Poison Dart" press slam into a falcon arrow

setup: "Breathstealer" throwing his opponent of the rop he lifts him as you woulf for a Dominator, but drops him down on his knee in a reverse atomic drop

Finisher: "Fading Light" a double-underhook into a piledriver. similiar to a Stiener Screwdriver

Character Bio: Please describe as much about the history of your character as much as possible. in his early 20's Jarod was a clean cut Army cadet. While away on leave he familt was brutely murdered and he began blaming himself for not being there to protect his family. Admired in a funk he turned his inner pain as a way to express himself being the only expression of feeling he reallt had left. A close friend of Violence Jack's (Hellion's brother) Jack turned his friend toward wrestling and martial arts as a way to excersise his inner agression. Jarod did that as well his dweelling into the world tof tatoo's and body manipulation. Now done with training and having competed in many freestyle and amatuer wrestling tournament he brings his shocking apperence to professional wrestling as another way to release his inner demons and express his different lifestyle.


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
Your Name: Ed McCann

Your Email Address: YinYangGuy@aol.com

Wrestler Name: "The Eradicator" Troy Martinez

Height: 6' 0"

Weight: 260 lbs.

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA

Ring Music: "Narcosynthesis" by Nevermore

Gimmick: Troy Martinez is very much an enigma. If I were to compare him to a real wrestler, I would say that he's most like Vampiro. Over the last few years, many have suspected that he may be a vampire, but he has neither confirmed or denied this.

Appearance: Troy usually wears mirrored sunglasses (even at night), a black leather jacket over a "Nevermore" t-shirt, blue jeans which have seen better days, and black boots. Facial he bares a striking resemblance to James Hetfield of Metallica.

Alignment: (face/heel?) Neutral

10 basic moves: Spinebuster, Powerbomb, Brainbuster, Lariat, DDT, Swinging neckbreaker, German Suplex, Fishman Suplex, Facebuster, Flying Forearm

5 signature moves: "Spiritual Hammer" - Flying Double Axehandle, "The Rabble Rouser" - Death Valley Driver, "Total Eradication" - A leaping Spinning Heel Kick, "Celerity Bomb" - Sitdown Powerbomb, "Nevermore" Northern Lights Suplex

Setup: Belly-to-Belly Suplex

Finisher: "The Eradication" which is a Texas Cloverleaf ala Dean Malenko

Valet or Manager: Karen Jewello, she looks like a typical goth woman, black lacey clothes, black hair, pale skin, black make-up

Character Bio: Martinez is a veteran of the squared-circle, he trained with Joe Massacre and was his tag team partner for many years. He has remained active in the WWL as a member of the Tri-State Terrors. I think you know the rest, but if you have any questions, just ask.

My Name: James Heller
My E-Mail: Heller187@AOL.COM
Wrestlers Name: "Lost Cause" Chris O'Neill
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 227lbs
Hometown: Scotch Plains NJ
Ring Music: "Down With The Sickness" by- Disturbed
Gimmick: He is Antiestablishment, Anti-Instatution, and Anti-Socity....Yet, A piece of him is what everything every common man wants to be.
Appearance: He is not muscular, he a little chubby, but not fat. He is pale in skin tone, and always has a five o'clock shadow. He has tattoos up and down his arms, on the small of his back, and between his shoulder blades. He has a huge scar over his left eyebrow, and it runs to his cheek bone. His obvious bleach blonde shoulder length hair looks like a from finger painting class gone wrong. With all kinda colors ranging from pink, to purple, blue.....etc
To The Ring: He wears a black hoodie, with the hood up. He has silver hoop earrings in both his ears and his nose which he takes out before his matches.
In The Ring: He wears black skater UFO pants, really white boots, and his fists, and wrists are taped up with "X" on em in black marker.
Alignment: Face, with an attitude!
10 Basic Moves: Superkick, Roaring Elbow, Running Powerslam, Sharp Shooter, Guillotine Leg drop, Brainbuster, Piledriver, STF, Sit-Out Choke Slam, Standing Drop-kick
5 Signature Moves: Press Slam into a Diamond Cutter, Split-Legged Moonsault, Asai Moonsault, Reverse Rockbottom, Bridging German Suplex
Setup: "The Indy Star Press" -a standing shooting star press
Finisher: "F- THE SYSTEM"- a 450 splash!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BIO-A lost soul in the world of so many people, all with direction, and supervision.
He was raised by "AUNTS and UNCLES", cause his parents "DIED"! He spent his whole life trying to find the "TRUTH," no he could careless about anyone or anything....He bucks the system, cause he claims it doesn't apply to him!


Nick Kurtel

Real name: Laura Haden

Wrestler's name: Nick Kurtel

Hometown: Boston, Mass.

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 220 lbs.

Ring music: "Breakdown" by Tantric

Gimmick: A young, feisty man. What he lacks in weight and height he makes up in speed and agility. He loves to be the center of attention. He can be a jackass sometimes, finding ever-new ways to insult people. His old ways of pleasantness have sadly been left behind due to family issues which have plagued him for over a year.

Alignment: neutral

Appearance: Walks down the ramp, occasionally noticing the crowd but training his hard eyes on his opponent. He jumps onto the outside section of the ring and then flips over the ropes, flashing a smile to his opponent.

10 moves: backsplash, tornado DDT, toprope leg drop, flying clothesline, moonsault, running hurricanrana, running dropkick, swinging neckbreaker, superplex, choke sweep

Setup: "Insanity"- step-up reverse powerbomb

Finisher: "The Folly"- 450º double elbow drop

Character bio: Born and grew up in Boston. He's always been a crazy and daredevil-like guy. He loved acting and wanted to be an actor, but his tastes changed in high school. He decided wrestling was the way to go, but his parents disapproved, saying it was too unpredictable a career. They declared he would go to law school, just like his father. But he wouldn't abandon his dream. Torn between his parents' demands and his dream, he went on the verge of committing suicide, but was stopped by a friend. His friend told him to pursue his dream of professional wrestling, and he did. Lately, though, family relations have greatly deteriorated and Nick's father even went so far as to claim he has no son. This has deeply impacted Nick's view on life and his career, but with support from his mother he is once again wrestling professionally.


Name: Matt Maitland
Email: mttmtlnd@fastmail.fm

Wrestler: Kris "The Shaft" Schaffer
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 260lbs.
Hometown: Detroit, MI

Ring Music: Everybody Knows (Leonard Cohen)
Gimmick: N/A
Alignment: Heel

Appearance: Kris Schaffer's looks have that in common with those bruisers known to frequent motorcity's finer drinking establishments. Not one to worry himself over superficial things, Schaffer's ring attire consists of only those articles of clothing he finds most comfortable. A pair of tattered blue jeans, and a black hooded sweatshirt. His hair, greasy. His face, unshaven.

Biography: At rock bottom, there was little that Kris Schaffer had to live for. Unemployed, he'd found little reason to pursue job after job. A career, in his eyes, only handicapped what you could become. Unable to accept these limitations, Schaffer began training under multiple mentors across the United States. His chosen profession, wrestling, a career where one's life takes center stage in a contest of strength and wits. His mission? To prove that with wrestling, there are no limitations.

Basic Moves (10):
1. Armbar
2. Bulldog
3. Double Arm DDT
4. Double Arm Suplex
5. Forearm Shot
6. German Suplex
7. Headlock
8. Knee Shot
9. Piledriver
10. Russian Leg Sweep

Signature Moves (5):
1. Boston Crab
2. Crossface Chicken Wing
3. Figure Four Leglock
4. Sharpshooter Grapevine
5. Tequila Sunrise

Setup: Bearhug

Finisher: "The Shaft" - From the bearhug, Schaffer drops his grip to his opponents knees and slams them to the mat.

Jason Payne

New member
Jan 1, 2000
Great Mills, Maryland
Your Name: Jason Swift

Your Email Address: pingsteal@hotmail.com

Wrestler Name: Jason Payne

Height: 6' 6"

Weight: 243

Hometown: Payneville, KY

Ring Music: "I Stand Alone" by Godsmack

Gimmick: Jason Payne's gimmick, if you call it that, could be described as someone who was formerly in the military, dressing like he was a former mercenary, but who acts more like a tough guy, or barroom brawler type person.

Appearance: His ring attire consists of red, black, and white camo fatigues, with a black shirt that will have his likeness, or a catchphrase of his on it. During vignettes, he usually wears a black shirt with the words, "I Stand Alone" emblazoned on the front in a red font that resembles blood smearing down a wall.

Alignment: Heel

10 basic moves:
Flying tackle
Boot to the Face
Sidewalk Slam
Spinning Wheel Kick
Double Underhook DDT
Inverted DDT
Electric Chair Drop
Elbow Drop
Leg Drop

5 signature moves:
Military Press Slam
Flying clothesline
Reverse Piledriver (Tombstone)

setup: Irish whip to the ropes

Finisher: Payne Killer (Full Nelson Slam. During the move, Payne does not drop to his butt, but keeps his footing as he slams his opponent to the mat. Most times Payne sets up his opponent by throwing them into the ropes first, but he can pull it out whenever he wants to)

Valet or Manager: None as of this time.

Character Bio: A 10 year veteran of the ring, Jason Payne and Mr. Dread were once known as, the Dogs of War. Terrorizing the south and mid-west for about five years, the Dogs of War never really caught on with the big promotions. Tiring of toiling around in the indies, Jason Payne left wrestling in order to join the military. That career came to an abrupt end as Jason Payne assaulted an officer and found himself with a dishonarable discharge.

After a few months of soul searching, Payne returned to the only profession that could exploit a dishonarble discharge. He blames Mr. Dread for not talking him into staying in wrestling, and has since returned to wrestling to exact his revenge on his former tag partner.

He tracked Dread as he worked promotions in the northeast. Finally signing a deal with NFW, Payne made his prescence felt on Dread immediately. After a back and forth feud that lasted a few months, a match was finally booked between the former tag partners at the NFW PPV, Futureshock.

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