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All About being the Manager


Damian Stone

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jun-23-03 AT 12:11 PM (EST)]We see Echo, dressed in a black designer halter top, with a denim jacket and jeans, standing in front of a T.V. in Stone's St. Louis Apt. On screen is The Damned's finial match in the SCW, the infamous TLC Match. The match that they won, and then in an act of betrayel by Stone's than fiance, and cursed by his retailiation, lost the titles.

Echo is thinking out loud "They worked so hard, and won such a victory, and then got screwed out of it. No wonder Reaver and Damian are so pissed at these people. I understand now why Damian wanted to join GXW and at the same time is taking it so hard."

Stone enters, dressed in a pair of black shorts and a wifebeater and see's the end of the match replaying on the T.V. and groans. Echo quickly walks over to the T.V. and suts it off. Then walks in to the kitchen and comes back with coffee for Stone.

Echo: "Sorry, just trying to understand things a little better. I've heard about the TLC match, but I needed to see what happend for myself. I'm sorry...........Did you sleep better last night?"

Stone: "Not really. Things lately have gotten hectic on me and well,
I just crashed last night. Man, this whole revenge thing is going to be the hardest thing I have ever tried to do..."

Echo: "You should have come and talked to me, I was up most of the night working on the same thing. With the exception of being non- biased about it, and I have already set a plan in motion."

Stone: Time out. What makes you, someone who only knows what's on a video tape, suddenly into a guru...

Echo cuts Stone off "Because Damian, I am your manager, it's the job that YOU hired me for, Remember???"

Stone curses under his breath and then adds "It's too dang early to argue with you right now anyhow..."

Echo: "Damian, its 12:05. It' not morning."

Stone looks a the clock on the stove. It flashes 12:05. He curses himself again: "You could have, at least, came in there and told me when eight o'clock was. We do have a flight to catch later today for EUWC show this week. I think it's in Charleston, SC. We'll visit the beach while we're there.

Back to subject, how do you, mind I say, help me with the future destruction of Mr. Eddie Brown?"

Echo: "Check your messages."

Stone walks over to the phone and hits play. The messages is from his old tag partner Reever, who is also a member of GXW, wanting to talk to Stone. A look of shock comes over his face...then a look of pure happiness.

Stone: "You do this?"

Echo: "Yes I did."

Stone's smile goes away. He becomes semi-serious "Do you know what you are asking? It might make my stay here shorter..."

Echo: "I just provided you with an old tag team, capable of kicking tail and taking names, and of finishing what was started in SCW, but neither of you have to do it alone." Smiles almost wickedly "That and I have just stirred up two rattle snakes, and watching them run in the GXW will make my job a lot more interesting."

Echo picks up the phone, dials Reever's number and hands the phone to Damian

Stone: "You know what...I like you." evil little smile crosses his face "You are not just good...you're better than Amanda was ever. You're a keeper"

Lights fade as Stone starts talking on the phone.

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