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Aggression 74 POSTED + FEEDBACK


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
The show has been posted and can be found by clicking on this link.

Read the show, and please leave feedback below. I'll get an IN/OUT thread going and more information about the (spoiler) posted soon.

Match of the Night:

Face of the Night:

Heel of the Night:

Moment of the Night:

Open Ended Comments:


League Member
Jun 1, 2007
WARNING: Contains Spoilers

Match of the Night: Rezin/MJ2, grats to Straw for the TV Title

Face of the Night: Ummm, is Castor Strife a face? Faces didn't have a great night here in the Empire.

Heel of the Night: The First, ya douche.

Moment of the Night: Castor Strife in Empire Pro

Open Ended Comments: Solid show, sets up things going forward for most of the roster. Battle royals are always good things for angle-building.


Jan 1, 2000
Solid opener, decent matches, good angles... some questionable parts, but overall an enjoyable and concise read. Good job to all involved.

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
Match of the Night: Main event, clearly. Big ups to Rezin, I hope he goes on a tear with it.

Face of the Night: I'll call it a tie between Eli Flair pulling out the victory and Christian Light with a respectable showing. I can see a rivalry forming there.

Heel of the Night: I've gotta give it to The First, he's despicable!

Moment of the Night: Castor Strife, what??

Open Ended Comments: Cheese.


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
WARNING: Contains Spoilers

Match of the Night: Rezin/MJ2, grats to Straw for the TV Title

Face of the Night: Ummm, is Castor Strife a face? Faces didn't have a great night here in the Empire.

Heel of the Night: The First, ya douche.

Moment of the Night: Castor Strife in Empire Pro

Open Ended Comments: Solid show, sets up things going forward for most of the roster. Battle royals are always good things for angle-building.

That pretty much says it all for my comments.


Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Cool stuff's coming down the pipeline, y'all.

Match of the Night: Main event. Kudos to Straw, and I'm looking forward to the next escalation of what I think will be an awesome feud.

Face of the Night: Calico Rose, for bringing peanut butter fudge.

Heel of the Night: Rezin wins a title in the main event using NEFARIOUS TACTICS~, hard for me to pick someone else (though it's true - this was a card where heels had the upper hand all over the place).

Moment of the Night: Revelation of Castor Strife in EPW.

Open Ended Comments: The roster is stacked to the point where I have literally no idea who's going to be the fourth member of the Wrestleverse main event, and that's rad.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
Spent most of the last week and all weekend moving, and I'm worn out, and I've been thinking I need to get things moving, but if I can only get real feedback from three people, I'm not breaking my back to get moving to the next show, guys.

Just saying.


Jan 1, 2000
Well, Brunk... when I get home later, and find the chance to post in a way that doesn't require a phone, I'll put up some more comprehensive feedbacpount-by-point-by-point Strawsma style.

Apologies in advance to whoever I piss off.


Jan 1, 2000
And onward we go...

Opening Segment
I like shows that open on good segments, and this was done well. It was actually a pretty big surprise to me to see Castor in EPW. Didn't quite know how to react at first to his being announced in the World Title match at Wrestleverse V... just seems weird to throw in an impromptu challenger from outside of the fed into the main program. But after I thought about it, it seemed to make sense. Putting himself into the thick of things is something I think the world could expect out of Castor Strife. Besides that, it definitely rounds out the feud dynamic between the First and Impulse; Strife just seems like a natural third to put into that. It does raise another concern, which I'll address later on. As it stands, big announcement for Aggression 75, and a good idea of what to expect come the big PPV event.

Haughton vs. Jones
Took up this match. Wanted to show the best both sides: Jones, developing as an athlete and being the hometown underdog, with "Judgment" putting up a strong challenge as he makes a statement in his debut, and comes around to learn that Jones is one of the good guys. I hope it served its purpose. I'm still quietly rooting for Jones to get over the hump, so I felt his showing a bit of offense and getting a few close calls would do well to show he's getting closer to that point.

Cruise and First Segment
Always a joy, watching these two interact... they can always say so much to each other, and yet I never really get the sense that either of these guys is capable of listening; they're simply on completely opposite wavelengths. Cruise makes a good play here, putting his face back onto the champion's growing lists of concerns, and plugging himself for the battle royal at Aggression 75.

...hang on a sec, was I the only guy that didn't know there was a battle royal happening?

I think it's a good thing that we can have tag team matches again that don't directly involve the Tag Team Championships or the people who carry them. Nicely written match here, putting over Dirk Dickwood Presents, reminding the world they won the King of the Cage tournament to establish themselves and cooling off Point of View, who were up until then the hot frontrunners to compete for the Tag Titles. Eager to see where the stuff with Freedman leads to; this match had a nice callback to their being pulled from a match against the champs, but considering he didn't do much other than come out and make his presence known, I'm still guessing as to what his business is about. More to come in time, I'm certain.

Impulse Segment
Now, if it were MY character trying to bring brownies into the building, he'd be spread out against the concrete with his hands behind his back in a heartbeat...

But anyway, good callback to the events at the end of the last show, keeping this belt heist story a'rollin.

Boogie Smallz vs. Wolves of the Sea
Seemed pretty quick and to the point. Implementing tag rules was a good way of protecting the Wolves here, but Boogie just looked like an unstoppable beast from bell to bell. Glad to finally see him get to action, and glad to see it pay off in a big way. He's really developed nicely as a monster champion... would actually make an interesting fourth in the WV5 main event.

First Segment
Again, could lead-up with the belt heist segment. Now the Impulse arrival seg seems less random... good to have a continuation of the storyline throughout the show. Short here, but it gets the job done.

Daymon Segment
Nothing really to say here. I've learned over the years in this hobby, the worst angles are usually the ones that get no response. Not sure with what I was going with, and not sure where I'm going with this character in general. Been trying to play Rocko like Peyton Manning in today's NFL; all this East Coast drama getting the headlines, but he's just quietly going out there and getting the job done night after night. The lack of having any compelling storyline, however, just makes the character seems stale and formulaic... and because of that, it feels more like he's falling behind the pack rather than pulling ahead.

Flair vs. Daymon vs. Light
Damb, Flair got MAD over in this match. In a way, it make sense... after all these weeks of everybody being overly respectful to each other, it would seem natural that the one guy who finally comes to the conclusion of "Fuck it... I'm here to kick your ass, and that's what I'm going to do" would be the guy that goes the extra step. I guess I didn't expect it to happen in such dominant fashion, especially given the caliber of the opponents. It's a frustrating result, and perhaps not the ideal outcome in terms of what I'm trying to do, but there's enough there for me to work with. In any case, Flair looks good, and denying the hand-shake to Light when he seemed willing to do so with Aaron Jones gives me the idea that he's over being the nice guy. I think he'd be a good foil to Smallz, personally... two guys who just jump in and start kicking ass without delay.

Team VIAGRA Segment
I'm happy to see Team VIAGRA back in action... and even happier to see this flair of personality on the show. Seriously, I think I got a better idea of "High Flyer" Jack Harmen in this one segment than I've ever had. Good, powerful segment, and I'm actually eager to see Harmen make a presence at Aggression 75.

Rezin vs. MJ2
Ben Rusch is clearly the muthafugginest of handlers I've had the honor of working with in many a year, and I'm glad to have him as a part of this federation, with a character as non-compromising and badass as Malcolm Joseph-Jones. Really tried to give him some credit by showing MJ2 as the dominant and determined bulldozer of a human being he is. At the same time, tried to show some of Rezin's strengths, in his speed, striking, and sneakery. Wanted to leave this one open-ended, in an effort to extend a feud through Wrestleverse V... try something new with the Television Title, which for many years has hosted a revolving door of champions. Hope everybody liked the read.

Closing Segment
I thought this was the perfect way to close out the show: both the prime players face to face in the ring, with Impulse standing heroically and the First taking the low road and hiring thugs to work into a scheme. The beauty of it is he didn't NEED to beat down Impulse, who was already in the process of handing the belt over, adamant that he wanted it off his hands; but the champ added insult to injury anyhow, just to assert his grip on the top of the company. Really good way to keep this feud interesting and rolling along, which should build up nicely to Wrestleverse V.

Only reluctant thought on this match actually has to do with said main event to WV5. I was expecting Impulse to stay involved, but originally, I was thinking it would be a rematch between the two, with an added stipulation: maybe a submissions match, with Muse and Rosie holding the towels. The wrestling match to end all wrestling matches, or something. Four corner matches are nice, but they can feel bloated sometimes if there isn't a whole lot of storyline involved. Or, two other people would distract from the story that matters: Impulse vs. the First.

Fortunately, I think Castor is a GREAT fit to that storyline; I don't think he distracts from that rivalry, but instead adds a new dimension to it. So that's awesome. My concern, though, is the fourth person, and where they fit in. Think about it... this person is expected to overcome the entire locker room in a battle royal, then overcome the follow-up match to earn his way into the main event of Wrestleverse V, and then overcome three other elite talents already embroiled in their own triangle dynamic. It just feels like whoever that may be, they'll end up being a fourth wheel on a tricycle. They'd almost be damned to being overshadowed, after putting forward so much effort to get there.

I don't think that will be the exact case -- as I said earlier, I think if Boogie Smallz, as the merciless IC champ, would walk right into that match like he walked into his match on this show, not give a damb about what the other guys were yammering about, only that he was there to crush and conquer, 'nuff said. Under the right circumstances, it could be made to work. I'm just hoping the interest doesn't get split up too much, with half of the show building this dynamic between Impulse/First/Strife, while the other half building around finding a new competitor.

...ah, who the fuck am I kidding? We all know Hornet's going to win in the end.


Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Ben Rusch is clearly the muthafugginest of handlers I've had the honor of working with in many a year, and I'm glad to have him as a part of this federation, with a character as non-compromising and badass as Malcolm Joseph-Jones. Really tried to give him some credit by showing MJ2 as the dominant and determined bulldozer of a human being he is. At the same time, tried to show some of Rezin's strengths, in his speed, striking, and sneakery. Wanted to leave this one open-ended, in an effort to extend a feud through Wrestleverse V... try something new with the Television Title, which for many years has hosted a revolving door of champions. Hope everybody liked the read.


Thanks for the kind words, Straw - I've been a big fan of Rezin since I first joined EPW (and he was actually one of MJ2's first opponents back in King of the Cage). I'm really really looking forward to continuing this feud and pursuing these natural enemies more thoroughly. I think it's always beneficial to a feud when characters have more than a "I'm face you're heel grr" reason to go after each other; MJ2 and Rezin have completely opposite ideologies when it comes to wrestling and life, and it's just rad.

The tag team division is hopefully on track to getting healthy once again, there are a minimum of half a dozen (if not more) characters who I think would fit in perfectly in the 4th WV main event spot, cool things is happening.

EDIT: DDP vs POV was the one I took on...hope everyone liked it, a short and sweet thing that hopefully put everyone over to some degree. I'm also maybe the biggest mark for Hank in the world, if you didn't notice.

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
The irony, Straw, is that Rose and Rezin probably include the same 'secret ingredient' in their baking.

I was really psyched for Rezin vs. MJ2, I feel like A: their feud has a lot of steam left, B: Rezin is going to make the TV Title as big in EPW as the TV title is in NFW, and C: MJ2 (and Rezin, after his run) are both destined for something bigger.

My guess on the triple threat booking was that, of all three wrestlers, Rocko Daymon is the only one who can take a pinfall and have it not hurt him at all. Christian Light is a DEF legend and Eli Flair is a FWC legend, but when it comes to EPW... crickets so far. Rocko's a long time vet and former World Champion.

Put it this way. To my way of thinking, if Rocko got the pin over either of those guys, and they ended up in the title match at Wrestleverse, I'd legitimately say to myself "Well that came out of nowhere." Conversely, with Rocko getting pinned, if he ends up in the world title match at Wrestleverse, I wouldn't even think twice about it: he's already made in this fed and nothing can change that.

Eli Flair's sportsmanship toward Aaron Jones so far has been a matter of "You need help," and he (mostly Poison Ivy) has always been willing to help the kids. Christian Light isn't a rookie, he's established and he's looking to make the same mark as Flair, which means he approaches him differently. The fact of the matter is that Flair respects his peers but has never really shown it - when he does, it's like the floodgates open. Think of the number of times in the past 20 years that the Undertaker has shown in-ring respect to an opponent. Probably less than 10 times in 20 years, which makes those instances when it happens mean more.

And I agree with you that it could be very easy for Impulse to get lost in the shuffle with the World Champion, the Ultratitle Winner, and a mystery fourth person involved in the Wrestleverse main event. I don't intend to let that happen. And I think I've got a good track record of making a lot of noise. :)

The only thing I found issue with with your recap, Straw, is that you always have a legitimate and unbiased point of view on the show at hand, yet you somehow still feel like you need to qualify yourself as "Apologies to anyone I piss off." I'd say if an impartial vote took place and we were asked to name one person in EPW who has earned the right to tell the blunt, painful truth, you'd win in a landslide.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
Pete is right, Straw. You've earned your opinion and then some.

For the record, the battle royal was officially announced on the E-Fed Guerrillas podcast several weeks ago. Don't feel bad if you missed it. Knowing about it before this show isn't vital to success in winning it.

Also, Pete is right about Daymon also. In EPW terms, Daymon is much bigger than Eli Flair. It wasn't a job for that purpose, but Rocko can survive this loss and then some.


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Rocko Daymon once returned to EPW via Fibonacci Sequence. HE EARNED THAT RIGHT.


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
My wife understands that FW comes before love. And if I have to write an RP during dinner at the top of the Eiffel Tower, then that's what has to happen.

Billy is the ultimate sign of what a committed RPer is. Even before he shows his newlywed wife what he believes that love is....

He has to show Brunk first.

Be like Billy, fellas, be like Billy. :)


League Member
Jun 20, 2013
Sorry the feedback took so long, things are hectic but I should have done this sooner

Match of the Night: The main event, MJ2's total domination completely undone by trickery lead to a great ending.

Face of the Night: Erm, did a face other than Haughton win a match? Maybe go with Castor even though he's not nesscarily a face persay

Heel of the Night: rezin claiming the championship

Moment of the Night: I may have only been here 3 months, and had little to no involvement with NFW, but a few big names get thrown around here and Castor Strife is most definitely one of them. his arrival and the announcement of the royal rumble, so much potential

Open Ended Comments:
Nice to have a win under my belt, looking to build up some good storylines in the next few weeks, especially with the Rumble happening now. Twas a good card and I look forward to being part of this all. (Also, am I the only one who thinks Aaron jones winning the rumble is a very good idea?)


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Match of the Night: Christian Light vs. Eli Flair vs. Rocko Daymon. Fuck those two old ass bastards - I was rooting for Light to pull off the upset. :) The finish really had me on the edge of my seat. This was one of those matches that, with the right build up, could have easily been a PPV main event in some league, any league, and was definitely written like one. Great job.

Face of the Night:
Rocko Daymon was the fan favorite, EPW legend, making the comeback, and lost heroically. I'd like to think he had the most sympathy of anyone on this card.

Heel of the Night:
The First is nothing but a scheming little bastard.

Moment of the Night:
I appreciate people giving the nod to Castor here. I also thought it was a cool moment, not just because it's a name character being dropped into an authority role, but more importantly, how this will impact The First and Impulse. Castor is a real wild card here, and I think he adds a new dimension to the World Title drama, as well as his authority role potentially affecting other players in the league as well. I'm excited to do it, excited to be back in EPW (I RP'd Layne Winters here an age ago) and it couldn't have happened without Stanton and Pete working with me and catching me up on what's been going on. Wrestleverse has me pumped, almost as much as when Layne Winters dropped a heartbreaker to Shawn Heart at Wrestleverse III years ago. :)

Open Ended Comments:
"If This Segment Last More Than Four Hours, Call a Doctor" is the greatest segment name ever. Awesome seg, too. Harmen was already a favorite of mine, but ever since Ultratitle when he did some of the best work I've read from that character, and his combined EPW/NFW run thereafter, he has really become a character that I look forward to reading and being surprised by again and again. It's not like he did that much on this card in particular, but I'm a huge mark for him and TEAM Viagra is hilarious. I know that's a team that goes back all the way to PRIME, right?

ALSO: The thread that really carried this card was the Impulse/First storyline. I enjoyed the ending segment, with the "Burns Wrestling Academy" twist thrown in. For a second I thought the federal government got wind of Impulse's illegal pot dispensary business or something. The Rocko/Caitlyn seg also had me marking. No clue what the fuck is going on between those two, I just think it's hysterical that Rocko's ex-wife has been a cunt to him for half his career. You just don't see that type of continuity anymore. Kudos, Strawsma!


Jan 1, 2000
The Rocko/Caitlyn seg also had me marking. No clue what the fuck is going on between those two, I just think it's hysterical that Rocko's ex-wife has been a cunt to him for half his career. You just don't see that type of continuity anymore. Kudos, Strawsma!

A happy reminder to empty your PM box, sir. :)

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