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AGGRESSION 70: KOTC Rd. 2 - TAG TITLES: Animezing Dragons (cc) v. Wolves of the Sea


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
Round 2 KOTC: Tag Team Edition match.


Post all RP here.


New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
[FADE IN to “The Dragon” leaning against a low red-brick wall on a disused industrial estate]

Karl: The first round went as expected. Otaku and I retained the belts against a team that showed flashes, glimpses of what might come from them in the future, and we also made it to the second round. A glimpse of a strong future, if the Heat Seakers stay in Empire Pro Wrestling, is just what I needed – the tag team division here was starting to get a bit stale again, and based on their performance in the first round, Otaku and I might have our work cut out next time.

Not that the next round’s shaping up to be easy. I managed to watch from behind the curtain as Wolves of the Sea made it through their match. I must admit, I’d thought those two pirates were just puffing their sails, but they showed more fire, more determination, and more… ingenuity, I guess, than anyone I’ve seen in a while. To say they’ve got a speed advantage in this match would be an understatement.

But something they said when they stared Otaku and I face to face told me how this match will likely go.

They don’t want to win the match. The Kings of the Cage moniker isn’t their priority. They want to take the world tag team titles.

So how will the match go? They won’t be trying to escape the cage – if they wanted to I doubt anyone would be able to catch them. A lifetime at sea’s probably made them adept at climbing quickly, even the confines of a cage. They’d be able to win the match quickly if they were just after that, but they’ll stay, trying to wrest the tag team titles from us. The door could be wide open, but they’re so single mindedly focused on winning the titles, the gold… the treasure… that they’ll forego the sure thing for the promise of what might be.

What did I say last time?

Exactly. If they’re focused solely on winning the titles, it gives Otaku and I the edge. Inside the cage, we know they’ve got the speed advantage. I know they’ve got superb explosive strength – but so have Otaku and I.

We showed that against the Colossal Connection, and we’ve shown it time and time again as a team and as individuals. And while we might not have the history together that Jameson and Syd have, we’re a solid team that’s got a common goal. Giving us the edge where we have two ways to win – by leaving the cage or by decision – gifts us an edge.

An edge that we’ve proven time and again we’ll take.

The Wolves of the Sea have terrific fire. They’ve got guts, courage, determination, and they’re going to go a long, long way. It’s great to see teams that hungry coming in.

But this isn’t a case of piracy on the high seas. Hunger and courage, speed and agility aren’t what’s important. Not even having heart’s important at this stage.

It’s having everything ready for those few minutes… from the time the bell sounds to start the match until the time it sounds again to end it. It’s about being able to overcome the opposition, last that bit longer than they do.

And as pirates, I’m guessing you’re more used to picking on prey that’s weaker than you are. Prey that you can overpower with… well, effectively blitz tactics. Smash and grab. Get in, get out with as much as you can.

You two are quicker than Otaku and I – but you can’t get out with the gold by simply leaving the cage. You’ve got to come to us. You’ve got to put yourself in harm’s way.

I don’t know about Otaku, but the Dragon’s Bite is very, very effective when the prey comes to it.

I guess we’ll see how you modern day pirates fair, won’t we.



New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
[FADE IN to a dingy, dirty, disgusting tavern. A rat scurries across the wooden bar, jumps over the body of a passed out patron, down onto a chair and across the ale-soaked straw and detritus on the floor. We can hear the sounds of a drunken brawl outside.

CUT TO: The far wall, next to a brazier. Sitting on the bench are Syd and Jameson, happily chatting to each other]

SM: Neigh, they were nae Sons, they were daughters! I’ve had wenches put up a bigger fight.

JM: Aye! An’ those Animezing Dragons… they ain’t so scary either!

SM: Neigh, I reckon… I reckon we’ll walk out with the treasure. It looks tae me that the ol’ Dragon’s on his last legs.

JM: [beat] he’s only a couple years older than ye.

SM: Aye, but my body can take it! His body’s on it’s last legs, he’s flown as high as he can, and he’s ready tae crash intae the sea and down, down intae Davy Jones’ depths.

JM: How do ye reckon?

SM: It’s simple, matey! He’s talkin’ about how he can beat us! How we’ve made it easy fer him because we want the treasure!

JM: He said that?

SM: Were ye neigh payin’ attention?!

JM: I kindae drowned him out. He was goin’ on an’ on like a bloomin’ parrot.

SM: Well ye better listen, ye scurvy rat!! If we’re gonnae take the treasure from the ol’ lizard, ye better be ready! Ye better be prepared, because we aren’tae getting the chance tae become the treasure holders of the Empire again soon if we mess this one up!!

JM: Ok, ok. What did he say?

SM: He said that we’re goin’ after the treasure, so we have tae pin them or make them quit. He said that gives them the advantage because we havtae engage in close quarters, cutlass in hand!

JM: … that… makes… me… want… MEAD!!

SM: Everything makes ye want mead.

JM: The good mead! Not the watered down bilge they serve at the Sunk’n Norwegian!
[The noise from the patrons suddenly stops, a dead hush as if someone had just insulted your mother]

JM: Come on! Ye all know it’s true! It gets ye drunk just the same!

[An affirmative murmur fills the Sunk’n Norwegian]

JM: Bloody bilge…

SM: One o’ these days yer gonnae regret saying that…

JM: So’s that lily-livered, scurvy invested landlubber!! Sayin’ that we’re giving him the win because we’re focused on the treasure, doesn’t he know the only way tae get the treasure is tae be so focused on it yae can tell from memory where the map said it was?

SM: Good point.

JM: [taking a draft from a fresh flagon] Not a nice pint.

SM: We’re gonnae take the treasure because we know where it is and we’ve nearly never, ever missed the treasure when it’s so, so close. I can almost touch that gold, the treasure of an Empire! It’ll look so grand in our Cap’n’s treasure chest, down in the hold, ready for us for all time!

JM: Listen, now, wherever ye be, Dragon. We ain’t scared o’ ye. We ain’t scared o’ getting a might crispy round the edges. We know that we’re gonnae take the treasure from ye because that’s what we do. We’re the Wolves of the Sea! We’re a pack, Syd and me, and we’re gonnae use that tae our advantage! We’ll pick off the weakest member of yer crew and then there’ll be nothin’ stopping us from taking the treasure, by beating YOU!

And now… more mead. Please. This talk of Dragon is makin’ me thirsty.

SM: Aye, matey. We’ll continue another time.

JM: Continue what?

SM: Our talk about… never mind. BARKEEP! MORE MEAD!!



New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
[FADE IN to a forest clearing, seen many times during the past 9 years. There is the familiar rock, on which sits Otaku in the lotus position. He’s dressed casually, which for him is still somewhat of a costume, inspired by Blade of the Immortal. To one side of the clearing, in the branches of a powerful oak tree, sits his tag team partner and former Empire Pro Wrestling Intercontinental and TV Champion, Karl “The Dragon” Brown. He’s wearing a pair of brown converse trainers, but apart from that his appearance is what we’d expect – jeans, and a green fleece jacket with black trim done up against the cold. He’s sat with his back against the tree, one leg bent while the other is straight across the length of the branch]

Otaku: Dragon-domo?

Karl: Yeah?

Otaku: Is this really the best way to get ready for the match?

Karl: Yeah.

Otaku: But shouldn’t we be

Karl: [interrupting] You know the rules. Big title defence, don’t risk injuring yourself. Those sparring sessions are getting pretty intense, you’re hitting a lot harder than you used to.

Otaku: I have to! Got to keep up, gotta be ready for anything!

Karl: Exactly.


Karl: This is part of training. Taking it easy, resting your body. You can’t push your body endlessly without taking a break. You’ll be exhausted, and then what good are you?

Otaku: But

Karl: [interrupting] Not buts. Didn’t you see Syd and Jameson resting? Sure, they’re ready for this match, they’ll have been getting ready since they beat Sons of Tradition, but they’re also taking time out. They don’t go from one quest to the other to another to another, they take a couple of days to rest. If you have to, think of this as part of training.

Otaku: How?

Karl: Patience training, if nothing else.

Otaku: But I won’t be standing on the ring apron in this one! It’s a cage match, anything goes inside the confines of the cage, right?

Karl: I swear if you don’t rest I’m breaking out the Vixen’s Tail on you at tomorrow’s sparring session.

[Otaku suddenly looks a little worried, and clams up for a few seconds, before]

Otaku: But what about what they were saying?

Karl: About how I’m passed it, you mean?

Otaku: Yeah.

Karl: Doesn’t phase me. I may be 30 but that doesn’t make me past it by any stretch. I’m not as quick as I was 9 years ago but I’m still quick enough to catch them. And I only need to catch them once, remember?

Otaku: I guess.

Karl: Besides, they want to talk about taking out the weaker member of this team and then going to work on the other? They have to make sure to take us out at the same time. Without the rest of their crew it’s going to be difficult for them to isolate one of us, and if they go down the one-on-one route, are you honestly worried?

Otaku: I guess not.

Karl: Exactly. In terms of experience as a team they far outshine us. But if they want to beat one of us and take them out of the equation, we’ve got each other’s back. And since neither of us intends to leave the other in a two on one situation, they can’t hope on that to isolate one of us.

No. They’re quick, they’re hungry, but the Wolves of the Sea aren’t going to have this their own way.

Otaku: I guess. I mean, it’s not like we’re slouches. We’re the World Tag Team Champions! Twice!

Karl: Exactly.

Otaku: Sure, we lost the titles once and the number of reigns means nothing against a reign like Blitz’s, but when we went down we came back up and took the titles back! Then we beat the Dreamstealers so badly they turned tail and ran away. We’ve shown we’re the best tag team in Empire Pro at this moment. We could be against any of the teams in this tournament and at the start of the match, we’re the champs! Anarky-san and Rezin-san, First-baka and Cruise (no honorific), they still have to beat us! We’re the top of tag team wrestling and we’re ready, hungry, still hungry, still young!


Karl: … do you have to be so loud?

Otaku: Meanie.

Karl: It’s good you’re focused on winning, but don’t get cocky. And don’t get ahead of yourself. We’ve still got to beat the Wolves of the Sea. I’d rather not walk away from the Kings of the Cage the same way I did King of the Cage – champion but beaten.

Otaku: We won’t! No matter who we’re against, we’ll beat ‘em! We’ve just gotta pin one of them or make one quit or both leave the cage, right?

Karl: Yup.

Otaku: So as long as I have your back and you have mine and we’re going for the common goal, we’re ready! Man, I’m so psyched… gotta burn off some of this energy!

[He jumps off the rock]

Karl: Where’re you going?

Otaku: Five hundred laps of the clearing! ON MY HANDS!

Karl: Oh gods…

Otaku: Don’t worry, this is a warm up for me! I have the power of Bushy-brow sensei!

Karl: You’ve got to stop melding reality and Naruto

Otaku: Where’s the fun in that?

Karl: I guess.

Otaku: Besides. You’re not passed it, I know you can do a thousand laps on one finger!

Karl: In my dreams.

Otaku: Wolves of the Sea better watch out! They maybe be used to canvas but that canvas is over their heads! This time there’s a cage and a dragon and… what costume do you think I should go with?

Karl: Your choice. It’s a big match, why not your pay per view gear?

Otaku: But it’s not a pay per view!

Karl: Then something similar?

Otaku: I guess… I wonder if Liger-domo will mind me using the Super Liger costume… OH! Or I could use that one!! YEAH!!

Karl: [under his breath] Small things please small minds… while bigger fools don’t take a nap in a tree.

[He glances down to the camera as it PANS UP to show only him, Otaku setting off on his laps]

Karl: Think I’m passed it if you want. I’m used to being underestimated. I’m ready for whatever you two throw at us. Your speed, not an issue in the cage. Your experience as a team, not an issue. Otaku and I are good enough in singles action to take you two on one on one. Your heart and determination?

Otaku has you beaten on that, and I’ve got the experience in the ring to take you apart as soon as you let yourself get in reach.

And you can’t pin me without getting in reach of the Dragon’s Bite.

[CUT TO: Otaku, doing a lap on his hands]

Otaku: You know… this is harder than it looks… but… it’s worth it. Best training is simple. Best tactics are simple. Dragon-domo and me, we’re ready. We’re going to beat the Wolves. I know we will. Because we don’t quit. You’ll have to break our spirit. And nothing can break out spirit. You’ll be left fluttering on a broken mast! Yeah! Cap’n Luffy couldn’t save you!

Look it up. It’s on DVD.


Voice: Next time on Animezing Dragon…

Otaku: Hey Otaku-Dragonites! Next time on Animezing Dragon there’s adventure on the high seas as Dragon-domo and I search for the legendary Silver Fox Tooth! But there’s a couple of scallywags…


Karl: It’s British. Just go with it.

Otaku: What does it mean?

Karl: It means you’ve run out of time for your end credit speech.

Otaku: GAH!

Next time on Animezing Dragon, Battle for the Silver Fox! Don’t miss i…



New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
[FADE IN to the clear ocean, waves crashing against a rocky outcrop. The sky is clear blue, not a cloud in the sky, and there’s a soft breeze. A seal plays quickly in front of the camera, before our attention is grabbed by the sound of something hitting the water

CUT TO: The sight of a man leaping from the top of a cliff, hurtling down 8 storeys to land in the water in almost a cannon-ball position. There’s the sound of howling laughter as someone surfaces, followed quickly by a second figure.

ZOOM IN to the two swimmers, and we see it’s Jameson and Syd, the Wolves of the Sea, treading water and mopping the worst of the excess from their hair]


SM: By Her I love doing that! There be nothing as exhilarating as hurtling down intae the depths from up there!

JM: You’re telling me, matey!

SM: Well, except finding the best riches and holding them tight in me grasp!

JM: I forgot about tha’.

SM: Ye’d ferget yer hat if we didn’t remind ye tae take it.

JM: That’s why I wear a headscarf, matey! Easier tae keep on.

SM: Aye, aye. Not as comfortable, though.

JM: I know ye’ve got eyes on the Cap’n’s cabin, don’t need tae keep bringing that up.

SM: Shh, laddie. The Cap’n keeps me in good graces because I don’t go spreadin’ that around!

Anyways, who doesn’t want a ship of their own, a crew in their command, hunting treasure, the treasure of Empires!

JM: An’ that be what we’re after! Diving down tae the depths, followin’ the map, all tae find the treasure!

SM: Aye, matey. And when we have that there treasure… oh the riches that’ll be ours!

JM: Aye! And we’re gonnae be rich, rich! The treasure…

SM: Calm down, laddie! We’ve gottae be ready tae take on the beast!

JM: The cripple?

SM: There’s no more dangerous a beast than the leviathan who’s on his last legs, lad. None at all. For then he be willing tae take any chance fer one final huzzah! He be ready tae give it everything for the chance. He’s more dangerous than in his youth, because he knows it’s his only chance tae defeat the foe that’s hounded him an’ hunted him tae the point o’ madness!

That’s what the Dragon’s at! He’s beaten, but he’s dangerous.

JM: But we’re gonnae beat him and that weirdo.

SM: Bit much ye callin’ someone else a weirdo, matey.

JM: True, but that guy is weird! Dressing in costume like that, it’s not natural I tell ye.

[Syd blinks before swimming over towards a small rock where we can see the pirates have left their clothes. Yes, all of them. Syd sits on the rock, the camera angle SHIFTING to ensure nothing untoward is shown as he strips the water from his well toned physique]

SM: Aye, he’s a bit crazy, but crazy is good. Shows a good grip on reality, it does. It shows he might not be the weak link in that team, that we have tae beat the broken ol’ Dragon.

[Jameson surfaces, having submerged himself to swim to the rock. He rests his arms on the rock]

JM: Either way he’s a freak. Tryin’ tae do five hundred laps on his hands… that’s not natural. I think we better be careful, Syd, he might be cursed.

SM: Cursed be iron.

JM: But we’re still gonnae win, curse or neigh.

SM: Aye. As mighty as they claim tae be, they’ve never faced anyone like us, for there be neighbody like us on land or in the air. Only on the sea can ye get people like us. Only the sea can make ye appreciate life fully.

JM: Aye. We’ve seen crewmates swept out tae sea, dashed on the rocks. We’ve had highs an’ lows. We’ve had treasure snatched from our grasp an’ known the joys of revenge!

We’re battle hardened, battle ready!

SM: Hit an’ run isn’t the only thing we can do, is it, matey?

JM: Neigh! It’s the most fun one, though, especially after a quest at Nancy’s.

SM: Aye. But in this fight we ain’t gonnae hit an’ run. It’s never good tae skirmish with the Beast. Ye track it, wear it down, an’ then… when it’s thrashed out it’s last…


[Jameson smashes his arms against the water, momentarily bobbing a little uneasily before righting himself]

SM: Aye, lad. We’re gonna wear down Otaku and the Dragon. We’re gonnae make them walk the plank, keelhaul ‘em, an’ send ‘em down, down tae Davy Jones an’ take their treasure!

JM: An’ then tae Nancy’s?

SM: There be neigh finer place fer us tae celebrate!

JM: And we ain’t ever gonna give the treasure up, are we, matey?

SM: Neigh! ‘Tis better to have then tae have had an’ lost! More is more, an’ we’re gonnae take it all!

JM: And then more wenches!

SM: More wenches and mead!

JM: Oooh… almost forgot the mead.

[Syd, in shock, kicks Jameson on the top of the head, the smaller man laughing as he goes under the waves. The camera FADES OUT as the two pirates laugh, Syd starting to stand just in time for us to END]

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