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Aggression 67 POSTED + FEEDBACK


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
I'm still becoming familiar with the roster here at EPW, but I'll answer what I can....

Match of the Night: Triple X vs. Rezin - There seems to be a feud developing between the two, which has a great deal of potential. Match was well written and detailed.

Segment of the Night: Interaction between Boogie Smallz's agent and Dan Ryan - I've always been a huge fan of Boogie and would love to see him back in the EPW.

Best Moment: Return of Apocalypse - I marked out, as he's always been one of my favorite characters in e-wrestling. Plus, I always enjoy the opportunity to work with EZ.

Overall Thoughts: Great card, with good building blocks going into the PPV. On a personal note, I'll admit that I neglected my match a bit as I focused heavily upon the Ultratitle tournament. I'm getting a little bit of a block when it comes to the direction I want to take Codine Jr. I'm trying to get away from the typical angles I ran with Codine Sr. The loss gives me a direction in which I think I can build upon an idea.

Overall, good stuff as always Brunk (and those that helped write the card)!!


Jan 1, 2000
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: 'Nark vs. Tact. Grats to the new EPW TV ANTI-Champion. Now all he needs is his own custom belt with an Anarchy logo. I thought this was a really good main event, featuring a lower tiered title between two characters with history. Teddy Alexander's involvement was a pretty unforeseen swerve. Gonna be good to see how this pans out in the five-man match at Black Dawn.

SEGMENT OF THE NIGHT: The in-ring meeting at the end of the show was a good segment, and a good substitute for another World Title match. In lieu of that, we got both of the main competitors in the ring and the angle building on toward Black Dawn. I also liked Jimmy Mylde pimping the Dreamstealers. It was a short and entertaining read, and it got the message across. I'm hoping the emergence of some new tag teams gives the division a boost in exposure.

FACE OF THE NIGHT: ...nothing from Impulse this week? Dang. I'll give the nod to Adrian Willard for picking up the win in his comeback.

HEEL OF THE NIGHT: Teddy Alexander took a step up and got himself noticed on this show. Probably the first time in many cards where the award doesn't go to Stalker. Where the hell was Stalker for this card anyway?

BEST MOMENT: The Gabriel Poe return was a pretty huge mark-out for me... although I was bummed that there was no mention of his Global Xtreme Wrestling tenure. That's pretty much from where I know him (along with Boogie, Dan Ryan, et al). Also, did I read this right, or does it say that Poe was in New Frontier?

How friggin' out of the loop AM I? Is that Ultratitle thing still happening? Has the Round 1 RP period started yet? What bracket am I in?

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Good card... good step toward Black Dawn. I missed the presences of Impulse, Stalker, and Wells, but I think it benefited in giving the TV Title scene some solid exposure. Anarky as TV Champion could be even superior to his run as World Champion, given how the TV Title is one of the more competitive belts. Happy to see some comebacks, some new blood... everything seems to be groovy in the Empire right now.

Any word on when we're getting an In/Out Thread?


Long Live THE KING
Mar 16, 2004
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Anarky vs. Tact. As a fan, I just completely dig that entire anti-champion thing. I think Anarky as Television Champion does nothing but add value to that belt, and the direction in which it seems to be going. I'm already interested in seeing who, if anyone, can take it away from him. For the first time in a very long time, I found myself marking out. And, then the RP after, where

SEGMENT OF THE NIGHT: The Boogie Smallz, Dan Ryan, Saul Weinstein segment made me laugh a few times. Gets the nod for me.

FACE OF THE NIGHT: I'm still getting reacclimated with all of the character's alignments, but I came off feeling bad for Tact, although I'm not sure he's a face. I love Aaron Jones, also.

HEEL OF THE NIGHT: Rezin. ...I think that Ryan has so much potential with that character. I like his transition from Erik Black to who he's become, which was one of the main reasons I leaped into that match, even though I knew it would be tough, as Ryan has always been, as a competitor for the last five years or so for me. Great job, Strawsma!

BEST MOMENT: Hands down, The Apocalypse.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: I liked other titles getting exposure, but I also felt a little empty not seeing Impulse on the show, or very much of the World title, or champion. But, sometimes that's a good thing. I feel like EPW is going in a great direction, and I'm simply happy to be back. Thanks everyone for having me.


New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Stevens vs Rezin. It was such a well written match with the real potential to start a feud off properly that it just edged the TV Title match for me.

SEGMENT OF THE NIGHT: This is a close one. I really liked reading that Boogie Smallz is coming back, but I'm going to go with the Mylde one. It showed that the tag team division is about to get a lot more dreamy :p

FACE OF THE NIGHT: It's really tough to find out and out faces, there's a lot of tweeners, but I think props should go to Point of View for hanging in there and looking good.

HEEL OF THE NIGHT: Rezin, hands down. The character is really coming along nicely and you can't mistake him for a good guy!

BEST MOMENT: Since it didn't get segment, BOOGIE SMALLZ BABAY!!

OVERALL THOUGHTS: A strong show. It would have been nice to see more of a "Go home" feeling ahead of the PPV but that's something that handlers work on, not match writers (and I include me in that handlers bit). A nice show.


Diva Tree
Jan 1, 2000
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Rezin v. Stevens. A bit of a marathon match but I just really enjoyed the pacing and desperation and seeing Rezin really push Stevens to his limits. Overall I've enjoyed his slow descent into madness/heeldom quite a bit (obviously) and I really find the character interesting. I'm also enjoying the new take on Stevens, where there's a bit more uncertainty than there once was.

SEGMENT OF THE NIGHT: Dude, making that kid step on his Animezing Dragons hat?! I felt for him. I FELT FOR HIM. Though he does get laid, which is nice. But seriously, that was a pretty impressively heel moment.

FACE OF THE NIGHT: Animezing Dragons. Another hard-fought win. Otaku is just so adorably likable.

HEEL OF THE NIGHT: Probably Jimmy Mylde, but it's hard to pick just one. Rezin has been pretty amazing lately, and First is just such a d*ck. But picking on fans like that makes Mylde pretty horrible.

BEST MOMENT: The win by the Dragons, or perhaps the interference by Teddy Alexander (poor Tact!) or maybe the win by Willard or the win by Stevens. Nothing quite stood out to me as THE MOMENT but there were more than enough enjoyable moments.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Overall really enjoyed the card. Thought we could perhaps use slightly more hype towards the main event and/or the IC stuff but honestly, I'm just nitpicking. I think it was actually kind of cool that right before the PPV we got some supporting characters moving along and doing interesting stuff.


League Member
Apr 12, 2012
I'll be reviewing this show on the next EFG Radio show. After it airs, I'll post it on here.

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