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Adler... Aho... PRIMETIME!


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
Fade in to an empty arena. Tom Adler walks through the seats toward the floor area where the advance team for the CSWA grounds crew have placed the ring components. Adler pauses for a moment and looks around the surroundings, then glances down, noticing a loose shoe lace. As he kneels down to pick it up, Rudy Seitzer appears at the top of the steps)

Seitzer: Tom Adler, I was told that you were here. A bit early, aren't you?

Adler finishes tying his shoe and stands up

Adler: Well, like the old saying goes, Rudy, ya gotta get up pretty early... well, you know the rest.

Seitzer: Yeah, but this is DAYS early. (Adler shrugs it off) Well, since you're here, I was hoping to get your comments regarding your match here in a few days with now former UWA World Champ, Evan Aho.

Adler: I've got a lot[/b] of thoughts about Aho and this match. Not sure if you care to hear 'em all.

Seitzer: Ok, well, first, this match is non-title. Any reason why?

Adler: Lots of 'em. First, and I've said this before, when this match was signed, Evan was still the world champ. I honestly figured he would retain the belt at Fish Fund. Truth be told, as far as I'm concerned, he did. But, that's another issue.

Seitzer: Well, you've been quite vocal about the quality of officiating here in the CSWA as of late, to say the least. But, if you thought Aho would still be champ, why wouldn't you have asked for a shot at HIS belt?

Adler: Well first, Aho left the open contract. I signed it. The contract didn't specify a title match, so, I had no reason to assume there'd be one. But, beyond that, when I signed the match, winning the World Title wasn't my main objective.

Seitzer: That's a pretty cryptic statement, Tom. I've been around long enough to read between the lines a bit. When you say at the time, does that mean your objectives have changed?

Adler: My agenda is what it is. I pick my shots. And I adapt to situations.

Seitzer: That didn't exactly answer my question.

Adler: (Smiling) Didn't it?

Seitzer: Ok, so if winning the belt wasn't your objective at the time, what was?

Adler: I saw an opportunity to increase the stock of the Presidential Championship. Aho was a former Presidential Champion. he was the World Champion at the time. Can you think of a better way of bolstering your position?

Seitzer: So, you wanted to make the Presidential Championship the number two belt in the CSWA.

Adler: Number two? I intend to make it number one. As far as I'm concerned, I'm already second in line around here. Merritt and the rest of the championship committee can rank things however they want. But the fact is that I sucessfully defended my belt against two of the top people in this federation. The US Champion didn't. And, two of the people in that US Title match, I've already beaten. And Southern didn't even beat the CHAMPION to win the belt. And that earns him the top slot? Sorry, I don't think so.

Seitzer: Ok, so fast forward to post Fish Fund. Aho is no longer champ. You are. Why not defend the Presidential Title?

Adler: Well, first, like I said before, Aho was the World Champ when the match was signed. He'd have nothing to gain by asking me to put the belt on the line, so I didn't. After he lost the World Title, despite already being in a different mindset, I told Aho if he wanted a title match I'd give him one. He declined. It was his choice. If he wants a title shot down the road, no matter what the outcome of this match, he can have one. Contrary to what SOME individuals will tell you, I don't duck challengers. But, either way, I intend to beat Aho here in Orlando. If for no other reason than to prove a certain individual wrong when he said I didn't even belong on the same ring as Aho.

Seitzer: I have an idea who that was. But, moving on to something you just mentioned, about ducking people. Am I correct in assuming you're talking about the comments recently from Troy Windham regarding Eddie Mayfield?

Adler: Ya know, I really don't get Troy. He comes out here, tells me he wants and needs my help... which I believe... then procedes to do nothing but throw around insults. Whatever. Rudy, Mayfield and I have been playing this game for a while. Maybe in Troy's mind we've been playing it too long. Maybe or maybe not. But, the way Mayfield and I choose to deal with things is, quite frankly, none of Troy's business.

Seitzer: He did warn you not to reject his offer.

Adler: Rudy, if I were Troy, I'd try to remember that he needs me far more than I need him. I can get what I want without him. Can he get what he wants without me? He clearly doesn't think so. No, if Troy wants me help, he'd better come up with a far more amicable way of asking for it. Until then, sorry, he's just not on my To Do list.

Seitzer: One last question. What was on the letter that Eric Wright showed you after Fish Fund, and will he be at Primetime?

Adler: I'm sorry, that was two questions, but thanks for playing our game.

Seitzer has a somewhat dumbfounded look on his face as Adler walks away.

Fade Out


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Talk is Cheap

{{...FADE-IN: Shane Southern standing in front of a CSWA backdrop with the US Title belt slung over his shoulder...}}

SHANE SOUTHERN: "Ahhh...Tom. Ya' know, I was just gonna' let sleepin' dogs lie. I was just gonna' let go tha' fact you don't give me an OUNCE of tha' respect I deserve. But now ya' gone n' disrespected tha' US Title belt. {{...shakes his head...}} Can't have that Tom. Tom, I don't discount what you've done in this sport. I grew up watchin' you. You've always done what YOU wanted WHEN ya' wanted to and that's commendable. But Tom, when ya' start tryin' ta' elevate yerself through WORDS insteada' DEEDS, then maybe it's time ya' tooka' step back and re-evaluated yer place here. "

" If ya' wanna' start comparin' you ta' me...comparin' FISH FUND performances, well that's fine n' dandy. I wrestled TWO of tha' greatest CSWA wrestlers ta' come along is quite some time...throw in Dan Ryan for good measure n' you've got yerself quite a battle. You say that just cause I didn't pin HORNET for tha' title that makes it LESS of a win and makes tha' belt LESS important. You climbed a <BLEEP>in' LADDER ta' keep yer belt Adler...AND ya' had help. I'd hardly call that a clean title defense. "

" BUT EYE don't discount tha' Presidential Title. Hell, ta' hold a belt in tha' CSWA means yer one helluva wrestler. But you seem INTENT on tryin' ta' discredit MAH' title reign ta' make YERS look more important. Maybe ya' feel like since you eliminated me fromma' Battle Royal that means yer better than me. Maybe ya' feel like since you've done SO much more in this sport that yer better than me. Well Tom, you ain't better than me, n' any time ya' care ta' prove it...well, I'm as game as they come. "

" Party's Over. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
So's Your Win

You wrestled two of the greatest the CSWA has seen in quite some time, and you didn't beat either one of 'em. Hey, I give you credit for finding the easiest route to the title. But, let's not stand here and pretend it was anything more than that.

But, I'm not trying to discredit anything. I'm simply stating a fact. You can win, hold, and defend that belt of yours anyway you want. If Hornet doesn't care enough about it to go back after it, I'm certainly not going to begrudge you keeping it.

Beyond that, Shane, I know I'm better than you for a lot of reasons. You've listed enough good ones, so I'll just leave it at that.

So, near as I can tell, I don't need to beat you to prove my place in this sport. But, if somebody else decides that I do, then rest assured, I will.

Until then, I've got a match to prepare for.



Jan 1, 2000
(CUT TO: Troy.)

TROY: None of my business? Being the man who is currently carrying this promotion on his back, being the man that is the FOUNDATION of the CSWA for now and for the future... Eddie Mayfield's presence, him and his alliance to take down the CSWA, to take down my home is certainly my business. Like I told you before, Adler-- Mayfield used you as a human ashtray. I can give you the opportunity to be a force in this sport once again. I've got no regard for The Intruders but maybe they are right about one thing... Adler Is Dead. (FTB)


(FADEIN: GUNS in his hotel room, smiling.)

GUNS: Far be it for me to interfere in CSWA family squabbles, but I have to say, Troy - it's hard to carry a company on your back when you're laying in a hospital bed. It's hard to be a company's FOUNDATION when you haven't set foot in that ring for over six months. I don't like Tom Adler, we've had wars together, but I do know this. Between the two of you, there's only one man who has carried an entire company on his back, and here's a hint, Troy - it's not the one who used to wear flannel and bang 13-year old ringrats.

Lord knows I'm not shy about the sound of my own voice, but I also know that words can only do so much. You want to be a leader, Troy, you're gonna have to do more than flap your gums. Adler's done it, Troy. All you've ever done is talk about it.

Of course, Adler's history isn't going to help him a bit when Eddie decides to run for office, but it still puts him head and shoulders above you in the credibility department, slick.

Now, if Shane and Tom want to debate the merits of the United States title versus the Presidential title, it's a hollow debate. Both belts are going to end up in the same place, boys, in the same pile with the coveted Greensboro Heavyweight title, and the World Tag Team titles. Sooner or later, they're all ending up in Camp Intruder.

You boys want to bicker amongst yourselves? Go right ahead. You guys want to stand together against a common enemy? It won't matter. The walls of the CSWA are coming down, whether you stand united or not. Of the three of you, only Shane has a choice about where he's gonna end up, but the clock's ticking on that too.

The Intruders didn't get together to play divide and conquer, boys.

We just came to conquer. One at a time or all at once, doesn't make a difference to us.

Adler's still alive, Troy -

but this company - and his career along with it - will be dead soon enough. (Grins. FADEOUT)


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
YOU are the one carrying this federation? Funny, near as I can tell, about the only thing you've done in the last three or four months is sucker punch a man who shouldn't be champ to begin with.

When you decide to do something other than your usual SLACKING around here, come talk to me about presence.

As for Mayfield? Dunno, last I checked, last time he and I were within 10 feet of each other, I wasn't the one leaving skidmarks in my shorts.

But, that's neither here nor there, is it. Mayfield and I may not like each other. And, there may well only be one thing in life we agree on. And that's that there is a time and place for everything. We will settle up when we reach it. And, it'll be on our time clock, not yours.

Until then, if this is the best you can do to lure me to save your bacon, sorry, friend, but you're sh#t outta luck.



League Member
Apr 16, 2004
I'm sure there was a compliment in there somewhere, so, I'll just accept it and simply say thank you.

Beyond that? You're right, GUNS, you've known me a long time. Can the Intruders shut this place down? (shrugs) I've been in the ring with all of ya in some fashion or another. I know what you're capable of individually. I suspect I know what you can do together. So, maybe you can. You've probably got a better shot at it than the GX-Lax group over there. But, I'm not sure that's saying all that much.

Do I care? Honestly, not really. I've done the Blinded by loyalty gig. I'm the ORIGINATOR of putting somebody else's colors on a CSWA strap, remember? I also know that I got stabbed in the back by those colors more times than I really care to remember. It's also safe to say that I probably know more about humbling a federation out of existance than anybody in the GXW, the Intruders, or any other group you can come up with. So, I'm pretty much loyal to what's best for Tom Adler. I've never denied that.

Right now what's best for Tom Adler SEEMS to be what's best for the CSWA. But, don't proclaim to know whether Merritt is smart enough to realize it or not.

Ultimately, whether you destroy this federation or not doesn't mean a great deal of difference in the over all scheme of my life. Naturally, I have my doubts as to whether any of you are, individually, capable of doing it through me. But, I suppose that all remains to be seen. And, no doubt sooner or later, we will. Until then, until I have a reason to care about what you're doing, I don't. And, I'll continue to do what I do best. And that's beat people like Even Aho.

If you do destroy this place, I'll land on my feet and move on. I've been a man without a federation before. I can wear soggy shoes.



Jan 1, 2000
Well, Tommy Boy, I gave you a chance-- somethin no one else has been willing to do for years. And like I told you before... DON'T REFUSE ME. You want to increase the value of that title you have around your waist? The only shred of dignity you have left, boy? Well, you get past Aho first, then you shine that up because I might want to take something and put it on my mantle. And Guns-- I know you're watching this... you shine yours up, also. Troy Windham's baby blue eyes always went well with gold. (FTB)


Troy, anytime you want a shot at my coveted Greensboro Heavyweight title, I'm not a hard man to find. Ask around the locker room - I'm the short, old guy who talks too much. (Smirks.)



Ignore the Hyped


Evan Aho is out in what looks to be the arena's parking garage. Apparently Adler wasn't the only one who showed up early. Aho paces slowly with his eyes to the ground.

AHO - Sometimes...I think you think like me, Tom. I get the idea that maybe, just maybe, you're in it for the same reasons I am...that you're a wrestler's wrestler. I thought maybe Tom Adler was one of the purebreds. Then I watch Fish Fund over and I hear your interview...

He smiles lightly and shakes his head.

You intend to make that Presidential strap mean something? Bull s***. You're making a name for yourself. Truth be told, you'd be working the same spiel whether you were carrying the Greensboro, US or World tin. You don't really care if that belt means anything or not Tom, it's all about you. But you'll come out on TV and tell anyone sitting at home that because you escaped from Cameron Cruise and Lawerence Stanley, now the Presidential Championship is worth its salt. So where do you want the shine Tom? You or the strap?

I gotta disagree with an earlier statement. You do belong in the same ring as me, Tom. Your ring work is no secret to anyone. But if you're looking to make a name for yourself or your belt at my expense, you came to the wrong guy. I'm not after your belt Tom, I just want a match. It's no mystery why I declined a shot at the Presidential title. It's not about the title Tom, this is about you and me. This isn't about the polish on some belt, this is a statement about wrestling.

Aho lifts his eyes to the camera.

Don't let the peanut gallery fool you Tom. I'm the only guy that matters to you at PRIMETIME. And while you may beat people like me... you never *out-wrestle* Evan Aho.



League Member
Apr 16, 2004
RE: Ignore the Hyped

Like you? Well, I'm not in the habit of liking or disliking much of anybody. I don't have a problem with you, Evan, and that's about as good as it gets with me.

At any rate, let's clear one thing up right now. There are people here who've got belts that wouldn't get a mention in a self written column without it. I am NOT one of those people. In case you missed my comment earlier, I do what's best for me. Don't deny that, never have.

If I were carrying the US or World strap would I be running the same drill? Damn right I would, because the end result would be the same. I'm the best champion this company has right now, no matter what flavor it comes in. So, if you were hoping to get somewhere with that statement, sorry, you're just tossing out recycled headlines.

And since we're on the subject of headlines, I don't need to beat you to make 'em. If I walked out of this place tomorrow, I'd still be a bigger name in this industry in five years than you are today. And I've earned every bit of it.

Which reminds me, given the way YOU ascended to your last post, I don't think I'd come out here and be too overly critical about how I retain mine.

But, you did get one thing right, Evan. You ARE the only thing on my mind for PrimeTime. I'm not wrestling Windham, or GUNS, or Mayfield. No, I'm wrestling you. And you'll have ample opportunity to figure out who will be OUTwrestling whom.



The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
RE: Ignore the Hyped

(Hornet stands in front of a CSWA banner in the back of an arena where he's just finished an on-sale promotion.)

You're just one of the many 'recycled headlines' around here right now, Tom.

I've got little doubt that in five years, a whole lot more people are going to be talking about Evan Aho than you or me, Tom. Especially you.

Evan's not a dumb man, Tom. He's got you pegged, and no matter how you try to twist, he's not gonna forget it. We all know that Tom Adler doesn't do ANYTHING unless it benefits Tom Adler's face-time requirements.

You wanna be the top champion in this company, Tom? In this sport? Then clamp your tongue between your ever-flapping lips and prove that you're still the man who held the CSWA Unified Title and the AAWC Universal Title.

You don't like the fact that Windham's champ? Well, that's one thing we both agree on. Then go out there and beat "The Living Psycho" from pillar to post and take the strap away from him. I'll even come out and cheerlead if you want.

Who's better than Southern? Tom is? Well then go out there and take him down a peg.

There's just one problem, Tom. You don't have it in you anymore. You're just a man looking for a paycheck, no matter how much you try to affect your apathetic stance.

The fact is, you do care. You care that fans see you as irrelevant. That's why you felt like you had to stick your nose in my business a couple of months ago. And it's why you feel like you have to run down everybody that's stepped over your lazy carcass to take your spot.

It's almost comic to see you tout yourself as the 'supreme champion,' when it's only by virtue of your paid lackey 'commentator' and your personal extreme houseboy that you're still a champion.

And before you point out the fact that there's no gold currently around my waist, Tom.... don't worry, I'm perfectly aware. And don't you fear, since you don't appear to be in a position to take that big gold belt away from the insane wonder that has it, I guess it'll be up to me.

Of course, if I ever need a big tin belt buckle, I guess I can pull that AAWC Universal title out of storage and strap it back on. I'm sure that'd have you slobbering.

Before you go back to criticizing the man who just held the CSWA World Championship for over eight months, a feat I don't believe you ever accomplished... realize that you're in a catch-22 here. If you beat Evan Aho, you'll be beating a great wrestler...with a bum shoulder. Of course, if you lose to him... you'll be losing to a great wrestler, who wasn't at 100%. Just a no-win situation for ya, huh?

Lesson in point, Tom, my old friend. Don't get sucked into believing your own hype. I have no illusions of grandeur. I know this business, and I know that I'll be a short paragraph of accomplishments shortly after I'm gone. But I guess I can rest comfortably in knowing that you'll simply be a footnote to that paragraph.


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
Pot Kettle?

Gee, just when I thought nobody else could crawl out of the woodwork and into the depths of irrelevent banter, here you are.

I suppose the first thing I should be doing right now is wondering if I'm breach of contract by even talking to you. After all, we all know that part of dear ol' Uncle Chad's requirements for even letting me in the door was staying away from you. But, since I don't see anywhere that idle chit chat violates the Hornet/Randalls restraining order, I suppose I'll bite for a second.

I never said Eho was a dumb man. Unlike a lot of people around here, I wouldn't be wrestling him if I thought he was. Nor have I EVER denied that all I really care about is what's best for Tom Adler. I've admitted that HERE several times. Maybe if you'd crawl out of that self indulgent little world you exist in long enough to watch someting other than Dan Rather Made for TV Sound Bytes you might realize that. But hey, we all know that Hornet's self reflection time can't be infringed upon long enough for anything like that.

Now, as far as the AAWC Universal Title belt you like to take out and gaze at every now and again, as far as I'm concerned, you can melt it down and make jewlery for the slut you keep pining after. I stoppeed waving the AAWC banner LONG ago. In fact, I've rejected at least two offers from 'em to go back. So, whatever points you think you're scoring here appear to be heading into the minus column.

Oh, and since I realize that you continue to be irked by the fact that my contract is bigger than yours, I'll be sure to make a nice big contribution to the "Save Hornet's Face Paint" fund, which I hear is earmarked for ban by Christine Todd Whittman for excessive lead and the only place you'll be able to find it before long is E-Bay.

Now, since last I checked you and Aho arent exactly close friends, I have to wonder if this sudden need to defend him in some way isn't based on the fact that he duped you not long ago. But, either way, you can quit rattling your sabre. I didn't come out here disrespecting Aho. Just the opposite.

I'm the one who's said all along that he should probably still be champ. I'm the one who offered him a shot at mine after he lost it... something I don't see the other champs lining up to do, including Windham. I've already GOT respect for what Aho can do. I don't need the Hornet Protection Agency making a call to instil it in me.

And, speaking of Windham, if reinacting a scene from "America's Team Gone Awry" for the 300th time is what gets you up in the morning these days, by all means, have at it. I neither like nor dislike the fact that he was champ. At this particular point in time, I couldn't care less of Sammy Benson walked out with the strap. If I wanted a title shot, I would have one. I signed to face Aho before he lost the belt. I could have just as easily asked for a title shot and been wrestling Windham at Primetime by default. But, the simple truth is that Evan is right, my desire to wrestle him had nothing to do with belts. I didn't need to beat him for his title to making winning worth something, and he doesn't need to beat me for mine.

At any rate, I see Uncle Chad has sent security to examine the situation. So, it's time to move on. I'll just leave you with one little thought. Dismiss it if you want, since it probably won't fit into the Hornet World View of things.

I'm not the only person around here who doesn't think the US Title is worth jack s##t right now. And, if you wanna know why, you need look no further than your own bathroom mirror. After all, if the man who IS the Franchise Player in this place doesn't think the title is important enough to defend it respectfully, why should any of us care about it either?

Sorry, you chucked away the prestige that went along with that belt when you left Southern to wrestle a scrub to determine it. And, it'll be up to Southern to make it worth something again, not idle praise from the rest of us.

So, go wrestle Windham. Put the big gold belt around your waist for the umpteenth time so we can have illusions of your grandeur while you claim not to. Beat up on a man who shouldn't be champion to begin with. I'd rather spend my time wrestling the man who should.

Btw, don't bother responding. I probably won't be listening anyway.


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