I spoil things.
(Fadein, the backstage Lockerroom for TEAM NFW. Walking backstage through the the area is Christian Cruise, dressed in white suits and dress shoes, his "Brian Wilson-like" beard grown in more thick than before as the NFW Pure Champion Bobby-Jack Windham solemnly walks beside him, his head bowed along with Cruise's and a hand calmly placed about Cruise's shoulder, patting him softly on the back as he stays within-step with Cruise.)
CC: Dear lord. Please bless Eddie Mayfield, Craig Miles, and the men on the New Frontier Roster, for they know not what they do. Please bless them and guide them to make the better educated men I know they can be and make the right decision. Please help guide them and keep them as they need not know what they do by going up against myself, Bobby-Jack Windham as well as the rest of the members of The Windham Clan.
(CUTTO: Lockers can be heard as Peter Windham starts going through everyone's bags, one by one. Suddenly Windham comes up on a bag with the name "Deacon" labeled on it and starts to ransack and rummage through it, much like Beavis takes after Sugar. His eyes light up momentarily, holding up a book he squints as he focuses on the title and sees it labeled as "The Bible", groans and tosses it behind him before going back through other bags. Shortly thereafter he comes across an inhaler and holds it up, scanning it quickly before losing interest and tossing it to the side as well. CUTBACK TO CRUISE.)
CC: And may poor Rosie return to health quickly. For her breathing problems have been caused by her life of sin, working late night in an Alcoholic establishment, dressing down and improperly to gain money from lonely men. Hopefully her punishment will lead her to see that this was her fault but it can be rectified if she becomes pure like those of us in The Windham Clan.
(Cruise pauses and looks to the camera, taking a knee with Bobby-Jack Windham and in stereo says "Amen" as Peter continues to rummage and pillage through belongings.)
CC: Dear lord. Please bless Eddie Mayfield, Craig Miles, and the men on the New Frontier Roster, for they know not what they do. Please bless them and guide them to make the better educated men I know they can be and make the right decision. Please help guide them and keep them as they need not know what they do by going up against myself, Bobby-Jack Windham as well as the rest of the members of The Windham Clan.
(CUTTO: Lockers can be heard as Peter Windham starts going through everyone's bags, one by one. Suddenly Windham comes up on a bag with the name "Deacon" labeled on it and starts to ransack and rummage through it, much like Beavis takes after Sugar. His eyes light up momentarily, holding up a book he squints as he focuses on the title and sees it labeled as "The Bible", groans and tosses it behind him before going back through other bags. Shortly thereafter he comes across an inhaler and holds it up, scanning it quickly before losing interest and tossing it to the side as well. CUTBACK TO CRUISE.)
CC: And may poor Rosie return to health quickly. For her breathing problems have been caused by her life of sin, working late night in an Alcoholic establishment, dressing down and improperly to gain money from lonely men. Hopefully her punishment will lead her to see that this was her fault but it can be rectified if she becomes pure like those of us in The Windham Clan.
(Cruise pauses and looks to the camera, taking a knee with Bobby-Jack Windham and in stereo says "Amen" as Peter continues to rummage and pillage through belongings.)