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A Message to the Unholy Alliance


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Statesville United States
Camera fades into an interview set, where Johnny Wildside is seen taping an interview for the upcoming "Wired," the new television show of Great Lakes Championship Wrestling. Jon Savage is seen on a cell phone just offstage. Savage is seen hanging up the phone and approaches Wildside....

JON: Are you sure this is going to work? I mean, I know my singles career is crappy because the front office is against me......

WILDSIDE: I told you, Malec called me on the phone three days ago, begging me to let him tap into my sheer brilliance as both an administrator and wrestling manager. He claimed he wasn't happy with the Unholy Alliance, that they were weak and spineless. I told him that I would revolutionize tag-team wrestling in GLCW and make a Major Impact......

JON: Hmmm....A major impact..... So when he is supposed to get here????

WILDSIDE: Anytime, now. The limousiene went to pick him up at the airport. Let me call the driver.....

Wildside gets on his cell phone to his personal car. He is seen mumbling to the driver then hangs up....

WILDSIDE: They've just pulled in to the parking lot. Let's go, I'm done here for now....

JON: Good idea....

They walk out of the studio, down the hallway, and out a side door to an awaiting stretch limo. As Wildside and Savage walk to the door, the camera spins around to their side. The door opens....

JON: (smiling) Wwwweeellll buddy. It's been a long time. How the hell are ya???

WILDSIDE: WOW! That's amazing! We're going to make a Major Impact here in GLCW. Unholy Alliance, shine up them belts and get ready to meet the future GLCW Tag Team Champions!!!!!

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