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The MBE Profile Thread

Yori Yakamo jr

League Member
Jun 4, 2005
Nutmeg State
Yep, it's one of these. Here is a basic template, but feel free to include any other info you think it pertinent.



The Sheffield Wednesday Lot

(Marion “Mac” Forest/“Gentleman” Nate MacNally/Juen Lee)

Nicknames (if applicable)

The Owls, The Wednesday

Hails From

Marion: Sheffield, South Yorkshire England
Nate: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Lee: Tokyo, Japan


Mac: 6’/235 lbs
Nate: 6’2” 239 lbs
Lee: 5’6” 145 lbs

Entrance Music

The sounds of the Juen, Nate, and Mac chanting in unison

“Forever and ever
We'll follow our team
Sheff Wednesday we are supreme
Forever and ever
We'll follow our team
Sheff Wednesday we are supreme
We'll never be bastards
Like the United bastards
We'll keep the blue flag flying high
Die all United bastards
All over the sea
Sheff Wednesday are supreme”

Followed by “Conquest of Paradise” by Vangelis

Accolades (titles, tournaments, awards, etc.)

· Cromwell Cup
o Winners 1867
· Football Alliance
o Champions 1890
· Football League First Division
o Champions 1903, 1904, 1929, 1930
· Football League Second Division
o Champions 1900, 1926, 1952, 1956, 1959
· Football League One
o Play-off Winners 2005
· Football League Cup
o Winners 1991
· FA Cup
o Winners 1896, 1907, 1935
· FA Charity Shield
o 1904, 1935


Nate and Marion are generally the wrestlers of the triad, with Juen there to lend support, and to carry the bag of dirt, carefully collected (after hours) from the beloved Sheffield Wednesday home pitch, Hillsborough Stadium.


Marion, Nate, and Juen all wear the beloved blue and while home kit of Sheffield Wednesday, along with khaki shorts and motorcycle boots. Nate is going prematurely bald (he covers this alternately with a motorcycle helmet, which doubles as a weapon, and a homemade toupee made out of hair he has ripped out of the heads of Sheffield United fans in various brawls. Marion has a shaved head and often wears a blue and white bandanna, which doubles as a weapon. Juen is a diminutive Korean man.

General Wrestling Style

Marion: Punching and kicking, and drinking and punching and kicking.
Nate: Carny-style British mat wrestling.
Juen: Low-tech cruiser

Marion: “The Sheffield Squash” (A top rope senton splash)
Nate: “The Hillsborough Garrotte” (A cross-armed Gori Special into a face buster)
Lee: “The Roland Nilsson Rollup”(A simple schoolboy roll-up), “Bag of Dirt to the head”

Tag Team Finisher: “Bangers and Mash” (A Hillsborough Garrotte from Nate followed by a double stomp from Marion)

Other Common Moves

Marion: Punching, Kicking, The Sheffield (Garvin) Stomp, Dirt to the eyes
Nate: Goofy chain wrestling and submissions, gouging body parts behind the ref’s back
Juen: Bulldog, Tornado DDT, Martial arts chops and kicks

Wrestler Profile

Nata and Marion grew up together in a blue-collar neighborhood in Sheffield. They were raised on clean protestant living, hard work, and Sheffield Wednesday Footy. Only one of these stuck with them, though, and they became what one might refer to generously as hooligans. They take great offense to such a term though, and will take up arms at such an aspersion. They will also take up arms if someone spills their drinks, insults their mums, roots for Sheffield United, or more likely, for no reason in particular. They got mixed up with a small-time Yorkshire Wrestling Promoter who also was a Wednesday fan, saving him from a beating by some drunken United fans. He was impressed with their somewhat raw skills and drunken charisma, and they quickly became local favorites with the pub crowds that populated the Yorkshire shows. Yori owes about twenty thousand dollars to said wrestling promoter through a series of bad wagers on last year’s premiership, and as part of his debt payment, he has agreed to give the Wednesday a contract in MBE.

Oh, Nate and Marion ran into Juen Lee at the World Cup in Germany, and quickly converted him to the greatness of the Owls, or perhaps, kidnapped him. It’s unclear


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
The Thrillbillies


Hoss Garrison

Hails From

Jonesville, SC


6'2"/213 lbs.

Entrance Music

"Black Betty" Ram Jam


Face... teams with Jake McCody as the tag team The Thrillbillies.


Dirty blonde mullet with spikes! Fu-manchu moustache of the same color. Has some muscle about him, but he's also got some body fat due to drinking Jack and Pabst on the weekends. The Stars 'n Bars adorns his left shoulder in tattoo form. Wears solid black tights with "DIXIE" running up the sides of each leg in Confederate flag patterns. Orange boots and black elbow pads round out the ring attire

General Wrestling Style

Brawler with reckless abandon. Aerial, but not as aerial as his tag partner. Consider him the "Matt Hardy" of the group.


The Dixie Driver (Puro geeks know it as the Northern Lights Bomb. WWF fans know it as the Snow Plow.)

Other Common Moves

Crimson Nose Job* (Roaring forearm to the bridge of the nose)
Stump Puller
Bionic Elbow, Dusty style
Garvin stomp
Inverted atomic drop
Crossface chicken wing
Hemimakers Combo (Three haymakers in succession, where between the second and third, Hoss screams "I got a hemi!")
Wheelbarrow suplex
Drawer Dropper (Drop toe hold right into an Indian death lock)
Belly Buster* (knee off the top to the gut)
Diving Fist Drop, both from the top and off the ropes
Front Dropkick
Cross body block
Headbutts, lots of 'em
Memphis (Death Certificate) piledriver*
Basic brawling moves... punches, kicks, forearms, elbows

Three Strengths

1. Fists of stone

Hoss may not be a super-heavyweight, but it sure does hurt when he punches you.

2. Energy

He can keep going and going and going. It takes a lot to drain him. He's got the soul of a fighter.

3. Methodical

While the finer points of psychology escape Hoss, he at least knows about the finer points of wearing down the foe with submissions. Even if it's just a chinlock he slaps on 60 times a match, he's not afraid to slow it down depsite his leanings towards the aerial.

Three Weaknesses

1. Not a very good counterwrestler

His best defense is... a good offense. If you can get control of the match, he may not be able to come back in lieu of a VERY obvious opening.

2. Temper Temper

Flies off the handle very easily. Great in a bar fight, but not so good if you're trying not to get disqualified. Has been known to put more than a few refs in the hospital.

3. Lack of intelligence

Typical product of the rural South Carolina school system. He's also very stubborn and he won't back off a move if he feels he needs to hit it to win a match. Once again, the lack of smarts plays in.

Wrestler Profile

Hoss Garrison is your typical redneck. He's loud and obnoxious. He loves Larry the Cable Guy. May have a still in his backyard. And yes, he drives a hemi.

Growing up in the rural town of Jonesville, he was a hardcore Dukes of Hazzard fan, loved professional wrestling and was doomed to life working on a farm until his best friend Jake McCody had the crazy idea that they should try and be professional wrestlers. An all-state strong safety on his high school football team, Hoss was no stranger to hurting people, so doing it for a living was a no-brainer.

Hoss will let you know what he's thinking about even if you don't want to hear it. He's the mouth of the group, and he'll definitely bust an eardrum yelling at you.


Jake McCody

Hails From

Jonesville, SC


6'1"/183 lbs.

Entrance Music

"Black Betty" Ram Jam


Face... teams with Hoss Garrison as the tag team The Thrillbillies.


Long, dark brown hair with the Kidman-wet look. Boyish features in the face, clean shaven with green eyes. Very lanky, may need to eat a few sandwiches to look mean and tough. Barely any body fat though. Wears sleeveless black t-shirt, either plain or featuring the Allman Bros. Band, Skynyrd or .38 Special. Wears black half-tights that extend halfway down his thigh with two white stripes running down each side. White boots and black elbow and kneepads round his attire out.

General Wrestling Style

Spot machine. I mean, this guy has never met a plancha, dive or "suicide" anything he doesn't like. The "Jeff Hardy" of the group, only much, much, MUCH less homosexual.


(1) Jonesville-Can-Rana (Reverse hurricanrana from the top rope) (2) the Cutter from Fort Sumter (Dazed opponent, Jake quickly runs to the ropes behind them, springboards, flips around and on his descent hits the opponent with a Diamond Cutter)

Other Common Moves

Frogsplash* (in hardcore matches, McCody does it aided with a steel chair... this move is called the Iron Bullfrog)
Flying cross chop
High flipping dropkick
Missile dropkick
Suicide dropkick
Enzugiri-style kick from the top*
Spinning heel kick
Neckbreaker (Slackknife style, but not nearly with the panache or suddenness of Troy Windham's)
Dragon screw (offensively and as a counter)
Hurricanranas of all shapes and sizes
Victory roll
Monkey flip
Russian side leg sweep
Springboard Thesz press
Gotcha! (Jake uses this as a preemptive counter... basically, he'll allow his opponent to block a rana or catch him out of a leapfrog in the bomb position. Before the opponent can do anything, Jake will thrust himself off his opponent's shoulders and go forward, hitting the victim with a neckbreaker on the way down... can be used as a counter to a bomb or a counter to a counter to one of his ranas... only used as a trick move every once in awhile so as not to become contrived like RVD's offense ;))

It is also rumored that he can bust out a 630° Senton Splash, but he's only done that in the company of three men, two of which are dead. The other one is Hoss Garrison, and he's surprisingly silent when the question comes up. This move is called the Pinwheel, but once again, it's only a rumor as to whether McCody can actually pull it off...

Three Strengths

1. Instantaneous

If most wrestlers are quick and Jericoholic Anonymous is sudden, then Jake McCody is instantaneous. Seriously, he's got so much speed he can't give it away. You can't catch him. It's like chasing a chicken.

2. Sharp

He's not a Rhodes scholar, nor will he wow you with psychology (hell, most of his matches are spot-o-ramas), but he does have more than a few tricks up his sleeve. Gotcha! being the prime example.

3. Keeps his cool

Even under the most dire of circumstances, you can count on Jake to deliver. He doesn't let pressure get to him, and you can count on him not to choke.

Three Weaknesses

1. High risk, low efficiency

He does a lot of high risk/high reward moves, so it's likely you can catch him on a counter or make him miss just by moving out of the way.

2. Reckless

Really has no regard for his own body. He's on a track to be out of the business by 29, but somehow, I don't think he cares.

3. Not a great wrestler

Doesn't do submissions, spends a lot of the time on the mat floundering to reverse holds. If he's not hitting on offense, his progress in the match is effectively stunted.

Wrestler Profile

Why Jake McCody and Hoss Garrison are friends is a mystery. Jake's reserved, quiet sometimes. He speaks only when he feels he has something to add to the conversation. You can tell he's from the South, but he doesn't think like many of the folks he grew up with.

In fact, frightened by the prospects of having to live an anonymous life doing manual labor for chicken feed, he dragged along his best friend Garrison and became a pro wrestler. Idolizing both the older generation of stars in the CSWA and NWA and the newer wave of Southern wrestlers in O M E G A, (as well as also being an avid Dukes fan) has made Jake into the wrestler he is today... a gunslinger who could possibly crash and burn just to escape Boss Hogg... err win the match.

As a team

Hoss and Jake have worked together all their lives, so it's only natural that continues in an MBE ring. Despite their divergent styles, they have a plethora of double team moves that take advantage of Hoss' roughneck style and Jake's reckless abandon. Signature moves include:

Double elbow drops
Spike piledriver*
Flapjacks 'n Syrup (Hoss with the flapjack, and as the victim falls to the canvas, Jake hits with a guillotine leg drop)
Jonesville Destroyer* (Hoss with a back suplex, Jake off the top, hitting with a neckbreaker and completing the impact)

Their favorite double team move though...

Tag Team Finisher

The General Lee (Both men go to the same top turnbuckle and leap in succession with frogsplashes... in regular matches, Jake goes first and Hoss follows up second. In hardcore matches, Hoss goes first and Jake follows up with the Iron Bullfrog)

*- can also finish a match


Jun 29, 2007
Jeffrey Roberts


Jeffrey Roberts

Nicknames (if applicable)


Hails From

Miami, FL



Entrance Music

Down With the Sickness - Disturbed

Accolades (titles, tournaments, awards, etc.)

- NthWA World Cruiserweight Title
- EWI Intercontinental Title
- GXW Television Title.

Affiliation/Alignment Appearance/Attire

- Heel

- Born November 2, 1977

- Brother of former wrestler Chris Titan, who was one half of multiple time World Tag Team Champions The Night Cripplers in GXW, TCW & EMWA among others.

- Wears his dark dyed black hair hanging loosely down with a black and red singlet. Prone to wild mood swings, one moment a jokester and the next a madman. Lately has been more serious and dark. After a successful albeit short stint in the heavyweight division in the EWI, returned to the NthWA cruiser ranks to go after his old nemesis, Jesse Falcon. Shocked fans with his return to GXW under the guise of a fresh faced babyface gimmick. The newly found attitude soon proved to be a ruse, however as he was revealed as the man behind several vicious attacks on Chris Lehew. Won the GXW Television title from Lehew when Lehew's partner Rob Sampson turned on him, revealing the formation of Extreme Tendencies. Was involved in a brutal cage match, tagging with Rob Sampson against Kendall Codine and Eric Davis at Fallout 2002. Left wrestling altogether with the close of GXW, for unknown reasons.

General Wrestling Style

Technical Flyer, psycho heel


Primary: Shooting Star Guillotine (shooting star press ending with a knee across the throat)

Secondary: Running Liger Bomb (running layout powerbomb) - generally used as a setup to his primary finish

Other Common Moves

running powerbomb
450 splash
dragon corkscrew plancha
powerbomb flipover into a pin
flying clothesline
Texas cloverleaf
slingshot somersault legdrop
belly to belly suplex
belly to back suplex
head and arm suplex
german suplex
dragon suplex
jumping DDT
figure four leglock
missile dropkick
shooting star press

Three Strengths/Three Weaknesses

1. Technical proficiency

Unmatched technical skill with a gift for counters.

2. Agility

Very innovative in his flying attack, which he has become very adept at using in a high impact fashion. Will leap off of anything, no matter the height or risk, tying into....

3. Absolutely fearless
Probably psychotic to some degree. No regard for his own safety and an inhuman resistance to pain. Has been known to be happy when injured.

1. Crazy

Sometimes gets more interested in maiming someone in a new and interesting way than actually winning the match

2. Loner

Obviously, not the social type. Not likely to inspire help from anyone should he get in a jam.

3. Inner Demons

His inner demons control him - his past and his mindset could help him become one of the greatest ever, or similarly cause him to disappear and never be heard from again. His recent four year absence and reappearance are attested to this.

Justin Evitable

League Member
Jun 29, 2007
Wethersfield, CT
Name: Justin Evitable

AKA: The "True Face"

Height" 6'3"

Weight: 231 lbs.

Image: Clean cut individual, short hair, spiked up in the front, trim and cut, black tights, "True" written on one side, "Face" written on the other, black knee pads and elbow pads, "True Face" is written in kanji on his tights, "True" on the front, "Face" on the back. Long black boots in the style of CM Punk and RVD to assist in his kicks.

Hails From: Hadley, Massachusetts

Entrance Music: "End of Heartache" by Killswitch Engage

Entrance Description: The intro starts as the lights dim down, after the percussion starts the lights begin to strobe as Justin emerges from the back, walking slowly to the ring at the same time acknowledging the crowd, nothing fancy or shocking happening.

Finisher: Last Serenade - Usualy after his Vide Infra, Justin hooks the leg of a face down opponent, reverse the way you hook an STF, applies a crossface and reaches around to his other hand that is applying an Anacond Vice at the same time, sits up to apply the pressure on the neck, back, arm and shoulder.

Finisher 2: End of Heartache - Shao-lin Long fist focused elbow to the chest/heart, usualy sets up behind an opponent or next to a dazed opponent, flourishes and releases the punch

Setup: Vide Infra (translated as See Below) - a front facebuster, instead of slamming face first onto the mat, Justin brings his knees up instead of extending them and brings his opponent face down onto both of his knees as he hits the mat. (Think of a reverse backstabber from Carlito instead involving the opponents face)

Style: Techical and submission, striker. Head dropping to wear down the neck and submission to wear down the muscles of the shoulders and neck. Strikes with his fists and other various appendages to wear down the wits of his opponent.

Other moves: DDT (assorted variations), piledriver (assorted variations) suplexes (assorted variations), european uppercut to the back of the neck, striking punch to the shoulder blade, front russian legsweep, hammerlock german suplex, Wheelbarrel reverting to a arm drag wrapping his leg around opponents neck into a leg scissors and wrenching back on the arm twisting it and pulling it back in unnatural ways, various strikes with his feet using the Tae Kwan Do style of martial arts, strikes with his fist in a Shao-Lin Long Fist style of martial arts, various Shuai jiao style throws and takedowns.

Wrestles as: Over the top comedic face, sometimes a little too over the top, splits sometimes into a more serious face when provoked to extreme levels

Quotes: The ends justify the means

Titles Held: MBE Tag Team Champions (W/ Hida Yakamo of the Hida Heat Agency)
MBE Extreme Champion
MBE Unified Champion
PbPro Quintuple Crown Champion (2x and current)
2006 ENNY for Most Improve Wrestler

Three Strengths/Three Weaknesses
1. Great Ring Discipline
Justin can come out of nowhere, reversing or otherwise taking an odd circumstance and turn it to his advantage with a move of his own, he can take any situation and quickly make it work for him as he is a well rounded wrestler that can take the fight to any level

2. Fan Favorite
Justin is a man of the people, he has always fought for the people and acknowledged their presence, he gains strength from their cheers but the moment he loses the crowd, he loses the match.

3. Never Say Die Attitude
Justin will not give up on anything, even if the cards are stacked against him, he will try and give his all until all hope is lost, and its not easy to prove to him that all hope is lost, Justin will keep fighting until he has no fight left in him

1. Weird Sense of Humor
Justin does and sais some of the strangest things next to Yori Yakamo Jr.,and may actually do something in the ring to make a fool of himself and completely turn the match around out of his favor, sometimes doesnt make sense to the point where people think he's crazy, or on Qualludes, but Yori seems to have a monopoly on that market.

2. Lack of Care
Gets himself into some crazy trouble now and then with his mouth and actions, gets himself in odd man situations where he has no hope of coming out unscathed.

3. Elevated Sense of Self
Justin thinks highly of himself as a "True Face" and as a popstar, but that might get him into jams he might not be able to (or legaly qualified to) get out of.

Wrestler Profile
The "True Face"s history was long and arduous in his stay in the MBE. Justin faced many pitfalls along the way just to be able to have a finger on any belt in the MBE, from unjust management of the MBE to the many enemies that he made along the way on his quest for the fans to bring gold back to the real good guys of sports entertainment. Justin barely managed to taste success with his Hardcore Championship, only to be pummeled into an injury. A few weeks later he returned again, despite doctor recommendations and fought alongside his then best friend, Hida Yakamo, and together with the Hida Heat Agency managed to take the Tag Team Belts and wear them proudly, only to lose them after reagravating his neck defending the titles, forcing Hida Yakamo to face their next opponents in a handicap match, inevitably losing them. Justin's career took a turn for the worst as Hida Yakamo blindsided Justin with a chair in the ring, cutting him from the Hida Heat Agency and ending their team and friendship. This dishearened Justin as he lost his only friend in the company and was now standing alone. Justin managed to fight with all his might to rise to the top. Justin's prime moments in this time was his upset at the Stacked Rings Ladder Match where he and Mr.Amazing eliminated each other, giving BobbyR the NA Title. This loss upset Justin greatly as he thought that he was destined to bring that title to the "True Face", but instead had to go back to square 1 again. After some grueling battles, Justin claimed the Unified Title and held it for a few weeks, before literaly dropping it at Hida's brother's feet. A few weeks later in a match with Maggot, Justin suffered a career ending injury that left many fans shocked as Justin's lifeless body, filled in a pool of blood with his surroundings smashed and shattered by an unknown assailant. This ended Justin's run in MBE for good. Behind the scenes Justin wanted his name to still be known in the wrestling business. Shaken by the loss of his potential career he signed a "Fake" Justin to carry on the "True Face" name to A1E, though after one match the "Fake" Justin was demoted to house shows and was slowly forgotten. After almost 3 years of recovery, and training back under japanese banners, Justin returns with a new focus, to be the same "True Face" he was when he began his wrestling career, and to party like he was allready heavyweight champion, unfortunately some of those parties have left questions as to whether some of the people were underage, Justin denies any involvement and claims that he wants to be a rolemodel for young people everywhere, and hopefuly make it as a pinup in some college girls dorm, HS girls room is also acceptable as long as she is a senior. senior means seniority and seniority generaly means older, wise and learned so to speak. Whatever, Justin doesnt have to explain himself to you, he's a popstar, well, at least in Russia, but his hobby of making songs for clubs has earned him "Favorite Artist in the St. Petersburg Club Scene" award 6 straight months, earning very little for this success, Justin has to focus on his wrestling career as well. After exploding onto the scene of MBE v.2, Justin has quickly gained acceptance among the fans and peers as being an important part of the new MBE and has a perfect attendance record so far since signing his contract, which is both impressive and stupid as he has worked on some injuries that could have meant the meaning between a career and an extended period on the disabled list. Justin's top career moment came from the restart when he defeated AJ Cirrus, Andrew Gilkison and Duchess in the tournament to face Doc Silver for the MBE World Heavyweight Championship, although coming up short against him for the second time, many people believe that to be one of the best matches of the new MBE and Justin's prime moment in his career thus far. Justin focused on the newly invading PbPro contingent lead by FreakFish and has been working ever since to purge MBE and it's fans of this poison...trying to take the helm of MBE single handedly, he fights on, winning the PbPro Quintuple Crown Titles and now looking to get them back and hold them for good...


League Member
Jun 30, 2007
London, Great Britain

General Mayhem

Hails From

Berkshire, England


6’6/240 lbs

Entrance Music


"And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England’s mountains green?
And was the holy lamb of God
On England’s pleasant pastures seen?

And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
Bring me my Arrows of Desire;
Bring me my Spear; O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of Fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England’s green and pleasant Land."

Accolades (titles, tournaments, awards, etc.)

Ex-General in the British Army
Victoria Cross


Bob Backlund style heel.


Bald head, clean shaven tanned face, and spotless British military uniform.

General Wrestling Style

Scientific when calm, brawler when mad.

"Shot at Dawn" - The victim is on their back, the attacker grabs the victim by their legs and hooks both feet with their arms. The attacker falls backwards, pulling the victim off the mat and shooting them over the attacker's body. Often done into an object, however, can be done to shoot the victim across the ring so they land chest/face first on the mat.

"Dishonourable Discharge" - Figure Four.

Other Common Moves

Suplexes, Power Slams, Body Drops, Punches, Kicks, Piledriver, Clothesline, Arm and Leg Locks, Sleeper.

Wrestler Profile

General Mayhem was born in Berkshire to a rich family. He attended the nearby school of Eton and then went to Sandhurst military academy. He quickly rose through the ranks of the British Army, seeing action in such places as Kuwait, Iraq, the former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan, before receiving a "honourable discharge". Rumour has it that there was a cover up after he beat up Afghan children for "lacking discipline".


League Member
Nov 22, 2003
Lafayette, Tennessee

NAME: Promo

NICKNAMES: The Underground Icon

HAILS FROM: Philadelphia, PA

HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 6’3”/265 lbs

ENTRANCE MUSIC: "I Stand Alone" by Godsmack

ACCOLADES (titles, tournaments, awards, etc.): MBE World Champion (1x), UXW World Champion (1x)


APPEARANCE/ATTIRE: Promo has a well-sculpted frame with very low bodyfat. He has put on some muscle mass since the old days of MBE. He wears black warmup pants with Promo outlined in red on the legs. His mask covers his entire face and has flames rising from the neckline.

WRESTLING STYLE: Prefers to brawl it out, but over the years has developed into a capable technical wrestler.

1) Promoplex - A top rope German Suplex.
2) Fadeout - This is his version of the katahajime.

OTHER COMMON MOVES: Airplane Spin, Airplane Spin Toss, Tilt-A-Whirl Back Breaker, Spinning Boot Scrape, Knife-Hand Chops, Brainbuster DDT, Drop Kick, Cradle Piledriver, Abdominal Stretch, Dragon Sleeper, Boston Crab.

1) Confidence. Truly believes that he's one of the greats in the sport and can stand toe-to-toe with anyone.
2) Pain Threshhold. Throughout his career, he's proven that he can and will take the big bump. Fortunately, he's been pretty resilient and able to bounce back.
3) Self Reliance. Although he's, somewhat shockingly, aligned with the PBPro Contingent in it's feud with MBE, Promo has almost always been a loner who prefers singles matches where he doesn't have to rely on partners.

1) The Past. It's not clear who is holding on to the past more in this new version of MBE, the fans or Promo. He continues to parade around with the old MBE World Title, which PBPro officially recognizes.
2) Size. Although he's always up for a good fight, Promo just doesn't have the mass to manhandle the larger opponents that he might face. Recently though, he has been gaining some mass, which he credits to a new Personal Trainer.
3) Too Much, Too Soon. Did Promo attain too much success early in his career? Some believe so, as he went from a small Philadelphia promotion to MBE World Champion in a merger between UXW and MBE. That position, believed by many to be the result of Jess Chapel's influence as the owner of UXW and later the merged federation, might have given Promo too much, too soon.

ENTRANCE DESCRIPTION: "I Stand Alone" by Godsmack begins to play as the lights in the arena go dark and the stage area fills with smoke. White lights slowly illuminate from behind the smoke and the sillouhette of a man with a Signapore cane raised in the air can be seen. A large pyro explosion goes off as the arena lights come back on and Promo makes his way to the ring. Once in the ring, he climbs to the second turnbuckle and raises the Singapore Cane once again pointing either to his opponent or the stage depending on his order of entrance into the ring.

HISTORY: Very little is known about the masked man known as Promo. Jess Chapel found him training in a small gym in Philadelphia and offered him a spot on his new promotion, Underground X-Treme Wrestling (UXW). Promo jumped at the opportunity as he had aspired at being a professional wrestler for a long time. One UXW was underway, Promo found himself to be very popular among the fans at The Storage Facility, UXW's home arena. He was entered into a tournament to crown the very first UXW champion, and defeated Abel of The Twins to move into a four-way match for the title. In that match, Promo faced Victor Molotov, Mi-Raiki Wasabe, and Rat for the belt and after a brutal shot with a golf club to Rat, Promo walked away as the first UXW champion. A short feud with Rat ensued and Promo retained the title. Up next, Victor Molotov, the most technicaly advanced wrestler on the UXW roster, but he was no match for the violence of Promo.

Facing growing financial concerns, Jess Chapel was approached by Mr. Amazing of MBE and the two organizations worked out a merger. This new organization retained the name MBE, but it held onto the X-Treme style of UXW. The champion of MBE, Paco the Wetback, was up next for Promo in a battle to unify the MBE World title and the UXW title. The two men battled fiercely, but in the end, the rookie sensation of Promo bested the veteran dictator.

After a short feud with Freakshow over the MBE World Title, Promo shook MBE to its foundation when he, along with A.J. Cirrus, walked out of the promotion, forfeiting the World and Unified Titles, respectively.

Cirrus and Promo left MBE and went to A1E where they made a quick impact by taking out Nemesys and Drifter. Both men missed action following the sneak attack, and Nemesys suffered a career ending injury from a Promoplex.

The celebration didn't last long as MBE folded and most of the talent made their way to A1E, including Spoiler and Freakfish. The duo made it clear that they blamed Promo & Cirrus for MBE's demise and engaged in all out war, dominating the former MBE champions.

Promo went on to defeat Gladiator to earn a shot at the A1E Cyber title held by Housefly, but came up short in his quest for his first A1E championship.

After an extended absence from the wrestling scene, Promo joined the upstart promotion UCW. This got his competitive blood flowing again and he contacted his old friend AJ Cirrus about another run in A1E. The two of them re-debuted in A1E by attacking the new team of Team Crash and announcing their intentions of going after the A1E World Tag-Team titles.

One day, the phone rang with an incredible offer. MBE was reopening and they actually wanted Promo to be a part of it. With the kind of money that was being put on the table, he'd have been a fool to turn it down. Although there were some serious contract negotiations between the two parties, with both sides walking away from the table at various points, a deal was eventually worked out.

Soon into the new run of MBE, Promo was, quite shockingly, officially recognized as the MBE World Champion by PBPro representative Freakfish, who had obtained 50% control of the company. Now, aligned with Freakfish, A, Ravage and later, Irishred, Promo looks to achieve the goals of PBPro in MBE.

More coming soon...

QUOTES: "In the end, it's not about winning or losing, it's all about the Promo!"

Yori Yakamo jr

League Member
Jun 4, 2005
Nutmeg State

Roboticly Optimized Bootytastic and Orgasmatronic YORI simulation

aka ROBOYORI or the YORobot

Hails From

Every Woman's Fantasy, also known as the Underground R+D Labs of yorilove.com


160 cm/200 Kilos

Entrance Music

"Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto" by The Polysics


ROBOYORI is programmed to obey the commands of Yori and any of his underlings


Like Yori, if he were six feet tall and an anatomically correct Voltron robot.


YOROBOT = AWESOME- A sitout reverse tombstone.

Other Favored Moves

-Hitting opponents with dildos.
-Letting opponents hurt themselves trying to punch shiny metal head or picking up ROBOYORI.
-Engaging the Clitoris


ROBOYORI is a giant metal robot. He is very difficult to lift, and has no electrical receptors for pain inside his neural cortex.

If ROBOYORI falls on his back, he cannot get up.


ROBOYORI was created in the Underground labs of Yorilove.com. He was intended to become the premier sex toy in all the world. However he has a programming defect that causes him to intermittently go on hip thrusting rampages, and he is a fairly serious fire hazard. So until they work out those kinks, ROBOYORI has been programmed to serve the needs of Yori and his associates in MBE.


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO

Petey Esdee

Nicknames (if applicable)


Hails From

Fort Leavenworth, KS


6'2" / 276 pounds

Entrance Music

"Rooster" by Alice in Chains

Accolades (titles, tournaments, awards, etc.)

- Dishonorable Discharge from the U.S. Army in December 2006.


Heel. Petey cares for very little in the world. He'll do anything to get nothing. He's uncaring and morbid in his way of thinking. At one time he was a good guy, but three combat deployments destroyed him.


[FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Petey Esdee is one of the dirtiest men, hygienically, on the planet. Both his facial hair and the hair on his head are greasy, black, and unkempt. He’s white[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif'], but due to the dirt his skin is so dark that he could pass for Hispanic. No piercings, but he does have one tattoo on his neck that seems to have something to do with his previous stint in the military. He has black hair and a stout, slightly muscular build similar to a Dave Taylor. He wears a black t-shirt and olive drab cargo pants everywhere he goes. In fact, he’s probably wore those same clothes for the better part of his life (without cleaning them). His black combat boots are almost grey from harsh usage and lack of polish. [/FONT]

General Wrestling Style

[FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Power mixed with submission. Petey is deranged, and even though he has a distinct power advantage over many adversaries (call it retard-strength) he seems to get a sick sense of pleasure from hearing people tap out.[/FONT]


[FONT='Times New Roman','serif'](SUBMISSION) Stress Disorder (aka Texas Cloverleaf)
(IMPACT) Trauma (aka rolling DDT)[/FONT]

Other Common Moves

[FONT='Times New Roman','serif'] 1.[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif'] Fisherman’s Suplex (pinning combo)
2. Keylock
3. Full Nelson
4. Crossface
5. German Suplex
6. Samoan Drop
7. Guillotine Choke
8. Rear Naked Choke
9. Sidewalk Slam
10. Shoulder breaker[/FONT]

Wrestler Profile

Not much is known about Petey other than the fact that he was once a good guy, fighting the good fight. After three combat deployments, he went crazy and was dishonorably discharged from the U.S. Army.

It is unclear how Petey managed to get involved in professional wrestling, much less Message Board Entertainment.
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League Member
Oct 31, 2005
Name: Johnny Onan

Nicknames (if applicable): "The Super Adonis", "The Ideal Male", "The Human Wet Dream"

Hails From: Minneapolis, MN by way of Milan, Italy

Height/Weight: 6'2"/237 lbs.

Entrance Music: "Epic" by Faith No More

Accolades (titles, tournaments, awards, etc.): Armani Newcomer of the Year, 2004.

Affiliation/Alignment: Johnny Onan loves no one but himself. If that makes him a heel, oh well.

Appearance/Attire: Sexy. Damn sexy. And damn handsome, too. Dark, curly hair. Pornstar mustache. Cut like a male model with the exception of his overly proportioned biceps and forearms

General Wrestling Style: Basic heal repertoire, with a minor in power moves. Not much of a brawler.

Finisher: Headlock from Hell - A Headlock... from Hell.

Other Common Moves: *****slap, Eye rake, Choke on Top Rope, Body Slam, Power Slam, Basic Suplexes (Belly to Belly, Vertical, Belly to Back), A Nice Drop Kick, Series of Elbow Drops, Bulldog, DDT, Spinning Neck Breaker, Knee Drop from Top Rope, Kick to Groin.

Three Strengths

1. Well Conditioned - Johnny Onan can go All Night Long.

2. Really, Really Strong Arms - Johnny Onan takes great pride in his massive biceps and triceps and it show.

3. Confident, single-minded and self-reliant - Johnny Onan firmly believe the motto: "If you can't love yourself, who can you love?" He knows that if he wants something done the best one to do it is himself.

Three Weaknesses

1. Loner - The only one good enough to be with Johnny Onan is Johnny Onan. Thus, he has very few friends or people he can rely on.

2. Arrogant - duh.

3. Over-protective of his great looks - Johnny Onan does not like getting hit in the face and will fly off into a rage if he feels someone is threatening his most prized possession {his gorgeous visage}

Wrestler Profile: Johnny Onan was once the worlds premiere male model until the designers all "got jealous of his huge arms" {according to Johnny Onan} and stopped using him. Now he has come to conquer MBE with his great looks and prodigious talents.

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Name: Doc Silver

Hails from: Las Vegas, NV

Height/Weight: 6' 215

Entrance Music: "Only Happy When It Rains" by Garbage

Face/Heel: Heel

Appearence: A pretty screwed up forehead, short brown hair, always wearing one of his nigh infinate Garbage T-Shirts and sweatpants with the word "Doc" bleached into the left leg. Wears sneakers in the ring.

Style: Bump and Blood machine

Finisher: "The River" a widow's peak

Other moves: Superkick, which he calls for by 'warming up the band'. Doc often fakes the superkick and catches the ducking opponent with a DDT...It is uncanny how he always lands the correct move there...Beyond that he generally works a body part and goes for whatever submissions work on it, throws suplexes when he can.


1- Intelligence, is almost always a step ahead of his opponents or has some crazy stun planned to steal victory from the jaws of defeat.

2- Pain tolerance, can take inhuman beatings and still win.

3- No sense of shame, will stoop to any low, commit just about any act to win.


1- Easy to make bleed

2-Is losing his passion for the sport and will most likely retire soon, might not have the fire in the belly to fight to the bitter end as he did before.

3- Will submit if trapped in a submission if no quick escape shows itself, will make an honest attempt for the ropes, or hope for a minion to show up and save him, but if that's not looking good after about 20 or so seconds, he's tapping.


"Phenomenal" Frankie Scott

Name: “Phenomenal” Frankie Scott
Height: 6”2’
Weight: 242
Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Face/Heel: FACE

Entrance Music: Phenomenon – Thousand Foot Krutch

Appearance: Full brown hair, hazel eyes, clean shaven (but grows a goatee from time to time), athletic build – muscular with male model looks. Wears dark blue or burgundy, silver ¾ wrestling trunks and sequined robes with “Phenom” on the back and white or burgundy wrestling boots.

History: Being somewhat of a brat when starting out, Frankie Scott changed his attitude after a near career threatening injury to his neck and back after an attack by “Ego Buster” Dan Ryan. Being an only child of a single mother, Frankie always had things for himself and didn’t have to share with siblings but became much of a loner throughout his adolescence. Has a chip on his shoulder and does not like to talk about his past. He made his way through the University of Georgia on an English Scholarship. His attitude grew as he made it as a walk-on to the UGA Gymnastics team and then as a cornerback on the football team as a freshman. Won the NCAA U.S. Nationals in Gymnastics and named second team All-SEC on defense in his sophomore year for the Bulldogs. Was thrown off both teams after demanding that his needs be catered to. Entered the EMWA “Money Pit” Wrestling School in Baltimore, Maryland after he left school. Was the first graduate of the school to make it to star status. Blends technical expertise with a good knowledge of high flying moves. His workrate is beyond compare and his charisma is a great factor. He really wants to make it to the top and become World Champion. Won the NthWA Rookie of the Year in 2000. The fans grow increasingly behind him. A teacher vs. student match against Dan Ryan, a fued with the legendary “Kamikaze” Randy Cobb and a major tournament to win the first ever NthWA Intracontinental Title helped in gaining a tremendous amount of experience. He still needs to build up stamina and consistency. Fans started cheering Frankie before the attack which seemed to enrage Dan Ryan and Randy Cobb who were Scott’s Team Phenom partners. After the attack, Frankie could never get back on track in the wrestling ring, so he went into semi retirement, then full retirement. During that time and after a long bout of lingering back and neck injuries, Scott hired a physical therapist, a trainer and gymnastics coach to help get him back into shape. During this time, Frankie and his wife, Aurora who was his valet at one time, divorced. He has been seen recently with another woman who he keeps out of the wrestling business. While in retirement, Scott had been frequently competing in celebrity golf tournaments and car races. He has set up a non-profit charity organization for children with disabilities called “Phenomenal Kids”. The money that is raised serves the organization in helping children realize their dreams. It also helps with medical costs and sends them to special camps in Savannah, Georgia and San Diego, California.

Titles Held: NthWA Intracontinental Championship

Style: (Compare your wrestler to a real life counterpart, or simply classify them) A hybrid of Chris Jericho and Paul Orndorff. Mat technician with a flair for medium high flying moves and piledrivers

Move Set: (Pick 10-25 moves your wrestler performs in the ring.)
Collar and Elbow into a firemans carry, Japanese Armdrag, Double Underhook Backbreaker, Top Rope Elbow Drop, Belly to Belly Suplex, Flying Clothesline, Full Nelson into Front Leg Sweep, Leaping Powerslam, Cradle Piledriver, Basic Textbook Dropkick, Juvi Driver, Stepover Armbar Cradle, Fallaway Suplex, DDT, Sharpshooter, Spinebuster, Rolling Senton Splash, Suplex into Neckbreaker, Springboard Flying Bulldog, Side Suplex into Leg Drop, Russian Leg Sweep, High Knee Lift, Middle Rope Forearm Smash

Description of Main Finisher: Tilt a Whirl Piledriver

Finisher Name: Maximum Ride

Description of Submission Finisher: Guerrero Special

Finisher Name: Phenom Effect
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Jan 1, 1970
I know, I know. . . the odds are likely bad anything comes of this. :cool:


'WILD CARD' Jeff Hawkins

Nicknames (if applicable)

The Mat Maverick, The Last Gunslinger, The Prodigal Son of Texas Wrestling

Hails From

Gold Rush Ranch, Texas


6'2, 237

Entrance Music

'T is for Texas' -- The New Earth Mud

Accolades (titles, tournaments, awards, etc.)

2005/Valedictorian Champion Graduate of the Gold Rush Wrasslin' Ranch
Lone-Star Wrestling Texas Heavyweight Champion (April 2006-April 2007, independent Texas territory promotion, he retired the belt after exactly 1 year of defending it.)


UBERface that generally has a Jericho/RVD mix of personality, he'll break the rules for sh*ts, giggles and today's fans' roars. The main line drawn making him a bigger face is that once you earn his trust, Hawkins won't stab a friend in the back, EVER. He'll throw his body into a 2 on 7 fray for a friend, as well. Very loyal, but a freewheeling son-of-a-gun.


Two inches past the shoulder-length, dirty blond, wavy hair. Blue eyes, Scruffy 5 o'clock shadow beard that in a couple of years should mature into something P.S Hayes like, but he's still young. When coming to the ring, he'll generally wear a duster with a cowboy hat, he wears old and weathered cowboy wrestling boots that have the Ace/Jack of Spades on both sides. In the ring, he'll wear black elbow and knee pads w/ Joker card insignias, black wrestling pants or trunks that have all four aces spread across the backside and 'WILD CARD' in saloon cursive font on the backside.

If its a big-feud match, or extreme rules. . . Hawkins' weapon of choice is a bronzed Gold Rush Ranch branding iron, that's he'll light on fire and use.

General Wrestling Style

Athletic, Aerial Technician that will start brawling, if he hates his opponent.


Normal Finisher:
BlackJack (Vertical Suplex into Cutter)
Alternate Variations:
Double BlackJack (An elevated cutter)
Blind BlackJack (An elevated cutter with his opponent starting with their back to Hawkins)

The Royal Flush (Top-Rope Piledriver, should only be used in feud blowoffs)

Other Common Moves

Superkick, Lone Star Flash (Shining Wizard)

'Aces Wild' - Rolling Vertical Suplexes (can be used to setup finisher, "Split Aces BlackJack")
'Suicide Jacks' - Rolling Senton -> Moonsault
Shooting Lone Star Press
Lone Star Jam (Top Rope Corkscrew Legdrop)
'Straight Flush' (Texas Piledriver)
The Gold Rush Bomb (Accordion Powerbomb: made famous by his adopted father Golden Hawk, can be used for pin)

Wear-Down Holds:

Northern Lights Suplex, Leg hook Saito Suplex, Top Rope Superplex, Texas Cloverleaf, Elevated Boston Crab, Sleeper Hold, Spinning Sleeper Slam, Full Nelson Facebuster, Running Dropkick when opponent in Tree of Woe (add the chair!), DDT (Jake Roberts style), Snap DDT (Terry Funk style), Hangman's Neckbreaker

Common Spots:

Tajiri Kicks, Series of right hands -> Discus Punch, Iron Claw -> Discus Punch, Kip-Up, Tree of Woe, Flying Lariat, Spinning Leg Lariat, Axe Bomber, Springboard Dropkick, Dusty Rhodes Elbow Drop, Suicide Plancha, Springboard Bodypress out of ring, Somersault Legdrop, Springboard Moonsault, Reverse Knife-Edge Chops, Punches, Bulldog

Wrestler Profile:

Golden Hawk had seen alot strange things at the Gold Rush Wrasslin' Ranch over the last 25 years. Even with the experiences of training thousands of wrestlers, nothing compared to what he found on his doorstep just over 21 years ago. Hawk and his wife found a baby boy without a note, but in the same hand cradle were a pair of full-size adult cowboy wrestling boots with the Ace/Jack of spades on all sides and a pair of black wrestling trunks with four Aces on them.

Hawk and his wife were the proud parents of two daughters, but the wrestling legend had always dreamed of a son following in his footsteps and becoming even something greater than himself as a man and wrestler. After the local authorities spent weeks looking for the baby's parents with no luck, Golden Hawk adopted the child and his family named him Jeff Hawkins. Golden Hawk still believes the boy was delivered from God, due to the circumstances and the fact that the boy was a natural wonder when it came to his personality, his spirit and love of the sport.

Jeff Hawkins grew up on the ranch and during the day lived like any normal Texas kid or teenager by going to school and playing football. However, the nights spent in the wrestling gym at the ranch were the moments he treasured -- as a kid, he had the opportunity to watch a young Mike Randalls, Craig Miles, Southern Remedy and so many others step into the hallowed halls of his father and learn the crafts of wrestling as well as the brotherhood.

His teenage years were consumed by learning the identity behind the boots left to him, the wrestling trunks and the nights training with his adopted father. Hawkins eventually gave up on finding his real parents and the reasons they left him with Hawk, but instead embraced what was left behind to him as a baby, and at the age of 18, Hawkins decided to enter his father's school. Hawkins was a 3-time state amateur champion at this point, and obsessively focused on becoming a successful professional wrestler.

This began at the Gold Rush Wrasslin' Ranch, where students sleep, eat and live wrestling for one full year. More brutal, dangerous and intense than the immortal dungeons of the Harts, Malenkos or Guerreros. . . the Gold Rush Ranch would start with a class of 50 and only 16 would survive for their annual November tournament. Hawkins won the 2005 tournament, which quickly got him bookings everywhere amongst local Texas promotions where he feuded with legends such as Polaris, Dream Warrior and indy warriors like DC Stratton and Marc Robinson. In 2006, Jeff Hawkins defeated Charlie Crowe for the Lone Star Wrestling Texas Heavyweight Championship and after 365 days, he retired the belt with a 2 out of 3 pinfall Cage match victory over long-time nemesis and 2005 Wrasslin' Ranch runner-up, "The Career Killer" Cody Adams.

Signing a short-term contract with MBE, Hawkins is hoping to gain national exposure, make his father proud, uphold the name of the Wrasslin' Ranch and maybe, just maybe who left him on those doorsteps 21 years ago.
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King Bear

League Member
Jan 19, 2006
Buffalo, USA

’Mr. ROCK ‘N ROLL’, “Dangerous” Duke Mason

Nicknames (if applicable)

The Tennessee Legend, ACIDFROG!, Mr. Friday Night Fight, Mr. ROCK ‘N ROLL, “Dangerous”, “Danger”, Rock’s Last Bad Ass, Kickin’ Ass with Lips and Glass, “Ten-time DUI”

Hails From

Knoxville, Tennessee


6'3” / 229 lbs.

Entrance Music

”I Just Want to Celebrate” by Grand Funk Railroad

Accolades (titles, tournaments, awards, etc.)

Lead guitarist/vocals, Psychodelic Soup
2000 Best Classic rock/Acid Rock/Hippie rock Cover Band EVAR~!

Platinum record in 2004, Highway to Halucination
Gold record in 2006, I see Rabbits. I really do!
Blew .81 when pulled over on the LA Expressway. A family record.


His following has grown to the HOLY****th power over the past three years. His band, Psychodelic Soup, have been the result of many lawsuits and public altercations and overall recklessness. He has become the poster child for a destructive, drug-fueled alcoholic who has unprotected sex with massive amounts of women, often at the same time. He plays the ‘bad boy’ cards and really doesn’t give a **** about anything other than… ****ing, really.


Duke is the dark and handsome fella with long, wavy black hair. He has light blue eyes and black
5 o’clock shadow, usually. His attire doesn’t vary much between appearances, being too ****ed up to shower in most cases. He wears a pair of broken-in blue jeans and black cowboy boots, also weathered in their days. His signature lather jacket is always with him, whether slung over his shoulder or he is wearing it, accompanied by a black or white undershirt. Duke’s whole left forearm is tattooed in a sleeve style, with motorcycles, babes, and card images intertwined throughout it.

General Wrestling Style

One day in the mid-90’s, Duke was tripping on acid in the Mojave Desert and stumbled across a secret tribe of wrestling Indians, the Grapaho. These Indians taught Duke everything he would ever need to know if he wanted to use wrestling as a way to catch gold belts & hot bi*ches, instead of using his cosmic guitar skills. These Indians, as we come to find out, we just Arapaho Indian teenagers toying with the incoherent musician. We find that out, not Duke. The style they taught him comes from a wide array of televised superstars’ moves (Lindsay Troy, YYJ, Dan Ryan to name a few) and then Duke throws in his own mix of no-where-close-to-sober and out-of-shape variations of the classics.


Normal Finisher:
Tracer – Side-shuffle Superkick from HAYell, usually right in the temple because he sees so many different enemies he has to go for the ultrakill.
Alternate Variations:
Head Rush – Dragon sleeper-like move, with Duke punching the opponents’ ribs while its all going down.
GIMME SOME BLOW ‘BOW – Sky-high Diving elbow drop (ie. Brett Hart)


ACIDFROG – Frog splash through TWO tables! Sometimes THREE!

Other Common Moves

anything witty and cunning, like only a musical genius would do

’Solo’ – It's a sharpshooter, but Duke pretends the leg is a guita and he plays it.

‘DUI’ – Tornado DDT with a kick to the nuts in the middle
‘BhuddaBomb’ – Gutwrench powerbomb
‘Groupies ROCK!’ – single-arm reverse Russian legsweep (Rock Bottom)
The ACIDSTAR Press – Shooting Star Press

Wear-Down Holds:

Belly to back throw, German suplex, Fisherman’s DDT, Short-arm clothesline, Superplex, Hurricanrana, Jumping Inziguri Kick, Sidewalk slam, Shoulderbuster, Groinbuster, Reverse neckbreaker

Common Spots:

Lariat, Springboard Plancha out of ring, Fistdrop, Rolling Legdrop, Springboard Moonsault, Knife-Edge Chops, Spinning Neckbreaker, Punches, Running Bulldog

Wrestler Profile:

Duke Mason is the man. He plays guitar and sings for a band that has sold out every show but one – that was in
China – and become the staple post for the rock ‘n roll nation. His riffs are out of this world, as been told to him by aliens, and his lifestyle is even farther out there.

His self proclaimed drug use extended from Anthrax to Zendra-phena-drenaphine. He has sex with underage girls, who, for some reason or another – neve gets reported, but he says it anyway. He drinks til he hallucinates. His head is filled with holes from acid trips. Muchrooms are his favorite fruit. However, he never stops rockin’.

In the 9 years with the band, he has never missed a show. His bandmates & brothers – Funk, ‘Wild’ Kyle, and Felatio Mason – have said he has been the cause of a lot of lawsuits and refunds due to fights or derogatory remarks, but never because he didn’t show up. One time, in Reno, Duke began to throw down with two stage security hands. It was later found out he was strongly under the influence of Tequila and Cocaine. Just one of the times, by the way.

Never slowing down, and always looking for a new thrill, Duke has stumbled his way into a wrestling contract. Who knows how, who knows why – but he wants to wrestle. Aside form the fact that it has been a year since the band last recorded and are waiting for many lawsuits and smoke to clear from their last tour, titled the “MAYBE WE’LL FIGHT YOUR TOWN! Tour” Since then, the band has been laying low and playing small time venues.

Duke’s manager, Art Mandalay-Bay-Fieldington, pulled a few strings to set this up in MBE, giving the rock ‘n roll recluse a shot to release some of his inner demons before its tour season again. Duke comes to Message Board Entertainment for three reasons: more gold, more panties to hang from the rearview mirror in his 1942 Studebaker, and to kick some more celebrities’ asses who think they’re hot **** – like the Carters.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Amsterdam, NY
Name: Bryan Storms

Nicknames: "The Icon", "The Great White Hope", "The Best Wrestler Nobody's Ever Told You About"

Hails From: Orlando, Florida

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 230 lbs

Entrance Music: "Hello" Oasis

Accolades: MCW World Heavyweight Champion, UCW United States Champion, 2007 TEAM Tournament of Champions Entrant

Alignment: Intelligent, cocky, and incredibly sarcastic heel. He's basically the annoying rich kid from every 80s teen movie, turned up to 11. Plus, he can actually back up his talk. He's accompanied, every so often, by erstwhile tag team partner/manager/constant annoyance Matt Johansson, who is the annoying rich kid's far more annoying friend amplified by about a billion.

Appearance/Attire: Bryan is described by most as "classically good looking" with short black hair, green eyes and sharp features. Outside the ring, he's got an absolutely impeccable sense of style, favoring some of the finer European designers and almost always sporting a ludicrously overpriced pair of tinted or mirrored sunglasses. In the ring, he wears long, dark blue tights with "STORMS" written down each leg in white.

Wrestling Style: A lot of high-speed, innovative chain wrestling with flashy kicks and throws tossed in, plus a good deal of high flying, though much less of that in the last year.

Primary Finisher: Red Tide Rising (Corkscrew Death Valley Driver)

Set-Up: Flying Discus Elbow

Secondary Finisher: Brink of Disaster (Sliced Bread #2)

Set-Up: High Kick to the Opponent's Head

RARE Finisher: Tidal Wave (Red Tide Rising from the top rope)

Signature Moves: Swinging Powerbomb, Shining Wizard, STF/Dragon Sleeper Hybrid, Rolling Cutter (Eye of the Storm)

Other Common Moves: DDT, Moonsault, Northern Lights Suplex, Flying Lariat, Springboard Hurricanrana, Backflip Enziguiri, Hammerlock Suplex, Keylock, Tiger Suplex, Snap Suplex, Spinning Leg Lariat

Three Strengths:

1. Agility: His natural athletic ability is off the charts, and he pretty much has the ability to turn any negative position into a positive one.

2. Counter-wrestling: Great textbook wrestling knowledge, and a keen sense of ring positioning and leverage give him an ability to work his way out of most troubled in-ring situations.

3. Resilience: He beat his drug habit, and believes that if he could get through that, he can get through anything, with a wrestling match really being no big deal to him. Couple that with great natural endurance, and he's very tough to outlast.

Three Weaknesses

1. Cockiness: His talent, in his mind, is so great, that he doesn't always put forth maximum effort.

2. Matt Johansson: Matt's not the smartest person in the world, and often gets himself and Bryan into troubling situations that Bryan is then forced to bail himself out of.

3. Drug Addiction: He's been clean for more than a year, but it's still a part of his past, and something that, on both a physical and emotional level, took a lot out of Bryan, a toll that still exists today.

History: Born to a rich Orlando-area family, Bryan grew up in a life of privilege. His father aspired for him to be an athlete from a young age, and through high school, Bryan excelled, earning all-conference honors in football, wrestling and lacrosse. However, while attending Columbia University in New York City, Bryan was truly turned on to professional wrestling after attending several events in the New York area and began training, often shirking school to do so. It was also in college when Bryan was truly introduced to cocaine, a demon that would hold over him for nearly three years. Out of college, Bryan made several independent bookings before hooking up with Matt Johansson in EPW as the tag-team Second Coming. They had limited success, and Bryan's smart, cocky persona never really got off the ground. After his backstage actions and personal habits angered EPW management, Bryan was released. He tried to catch on in other promotions, but by this point had fallen so far into addiction he was unable to keep a commitment and was left nearly unemployed. Confronted by friends, he checked himself into rehab in mid 2005. Finally getting clean, Bryan recommitted himself to wrestling and accepted a spot with the reborn MCW, where he quickly won the World Championship tournament before ownership issues led to the company's closing. Late last year, he captured the UCW United States championship from Adam Benjamin, before dropping that title to Dakota Smith.

Justin Evitable

League Member
Jun 29, 2007
Wethersfield, CT
I'll admit, I'm very indecisive....call it a gimmick or something

Name: Justin Evitable

AKA: The "True Face"

Height" 6'3"

Weight: 231 lbs.

Image: Clean cut individual, short hair, spiked up in the front, trim and cut, black tights, "True" written on one side, "Face" written on the other, black knee pads and elbow pads, "True Face" is written in kanji on his tights, "True" on the front, "Face" on the back. Long black boots in the style of CM Punk and RVD to assist in his kicks.

Hails From: Hadley, Massachusetts

Entrance Music: "Enjoy the Silence" by Lacuna Coil

Entrance Description: The intro starts as the lights dim down, after the intro starts the lights begin to strobe as Justin emerges from the back on a black Suzuki Hayabusa, drives down to the ring, gets off and begins walking around the ring playing to the crowd.

Submission Finisher: The Most Painful Hold in Sports Entertainment Today - Usualy after his Vide Infra, Justin hooks the leg of a face down opponent, reverse the way you hook an STF, applies a crossface and reaches around to his other hand that is applying an Anacond Vice at the same time, sits up to apply the pressure on the neck, back, arm and shoulder.

Finisher: Sold Out Slam (S.O.S for short) - Justin lifts the opponent high up in the air by the waist, then slamming him down on the mat, an extremely elevated ura-nage or Rock Bottom, names this move because he believes he sells out arenas for people to see his new trademark move.

Setup: Vide Infra (translated as See Below) - a front facebuster, instead of slamming face first onto the mat, Justin brings his knees up instead of extending them and brings his opponent face down onto both of his knees as he hits the mat. (Think of a reverse backstabber from Carlito instead involving the opponents face)

Other Favored Moves: Skeetboard - Spinning Front Kick to the face of his opponent

VMA - Elevated Stunner

Reversing any move into a DDT, he loves to do it...and likes dropping people on their heads....

Style: Techical and power, submission when needed. Head dropping to wear down the neck and submission to wear down the muscles of the shoulders and neck. Strikes with his fists and other various appendages to wear down the wits of his opponent.

Other moves: DDT (assorted variations), piledriver (assorted variations) suplexes (assorted variations), european uppercut to the back of the neck, striking punch to the shoulder blade, front russian legsweep, hammerlock german suplex, Wheelbarrel reverting to a arm drag wrapping his leg around opponents neck into a leg scissors and wrenching back on the arm twisting it and pulling it back in unnatural ways, various strikes with his feet using the Tae Kwan Do style of martial arts, strikes with his fist in a Shao-Lin Long Fist style of martial arts, various Shuai jiao style throws and takedowns.

Wrestles as: Over the top comedic face, sometimes a little too over the top, splits sometimes into a more serious face when provoked to extreme levels

Quotes: Do you like sausage?....

Titles Held: MBE Tag Team Champions (W/ Hida Yakamo of the Hida Heat Agency)
MBE Extreme Champion
MBE Unified Champion
PbPro Quintuple Crown Champion (2x and current)
2006 ENNY for Most Improve Wrestler

Three Strengths/Three Weaknesses
1. Great Ring Discipline
Justin can come out of nowhere, reversing or otherwise taking an odd circumstance and turn it to his advantage with a move of his own, he can take any situation and quickly make it work for him as he is a well rounded wrestler that can take the fight to any level

2. Fan Favorite
Justin is a man of the people, he has always fought for the people and acknowledged their presence, he gains strength from their cheers but the moment he loses the crowd, he loses the match.

3. Never Say Die Attitude
Justin will not give up on anything, even if the cards are stacked against him, he will try and give his all until all hope is lost, and its not easy to prove to him that all hope is lost, Justin will keep fighting until he has no fight left in him

1. Weird Sense of Humor
Justin does and sais some of the strangest things next to Yori Yakamo Jr.,and may actually do something in the ring to make a fool of himself and completely turn the match around out of his favor, sometimes doesnt make sense to the point where people think he's crazy, or on Qualludes, but Yori seems to have a monopoly on that market.

2. Lack of Care
Gets himself into some crazy trouble now and then with his mouth and actions, gets himself in odd man situations where he has no hope of coming out unscathed.

3. Elevated Sense of Self
Justin thinks highly of himself as a "True Face" and as a popstar, but that might get him into jams he might not be able to (or legaly qualified to) get out of.

Wrestler Profile
The "True Face"s history was long and arduous in his stay in the MBE. Justin faced many pitfalls along the way just to be able to have a finger on any belt in the MBE, from unjust management of the MBE to the many enemies that he made along the way on his quest for the fans to bring gold back to the real good guys of sports entertainment. Justin barely managed to taste success with his Hardcore Championship, only to be pummeled into an injury. A few weeks later he returned again, despite doctor recommendations and fought alongside his then best friend, Hida Yakamo, and together with the Hida Heat Agency managed to take the Tag Team Belts and wear them proudly, only to lose them after reagravating his neck defending the titles, forcing Hida Yakamo to face their next opponents in a handicap match, inevitably losing them. Justin's career took a turn for the worst as Hida Yakamo blindsided Justin with a chair in the ring, cutting him from the Hida Heat Agency and ending their team and friendship. This dishearened Justin as he lost his only friend in the company and was now standing alone. Justin managed to fight with all his might to rise to the top. Justin's prime moments in this time was his upset at the Stacked Rings Ladder Match where he and Mr.Amazing eliminated each other, giving BobbyR the NA Title. This loss upset Justin greatly as he thought that he was destined to bring that title to the "True Face", but instead had to go back to square 1 again. After some grueling battles, Justin claimed the Unified Title and held it for a few weeks, before literaly dropping it at Hida's brother's feet. A few weeks later in a match with Maggot, Justin suffered a career ending injury that left many fans shocked as Justin's lifeless body, filled in a pool of blood with his surroundings smashed and shattered by an unknown assailant. This ended Justin's run in MBE for good. Behind the scenes Justin wanted his name to still be known in the wrestling business. Shaken by the loss of his potential career he signed a "Fake" Justin to carry on the "True Face" name to A1E, though after one match the "Fake" Justin was demoted to house shows and was slowly forgotten. After almost 3 years of recovery, and training back under japanese banners, Justin returns with a new focus, to be the same "True Face" he was when he began his wrestling career, and to party like he was allready heavyweight champion, unfortunately some of those parties have left questions as to whether some of the people were underage, Justin denies any involvement and claims that he wants to be a rolemodel for young people everywhere, and hopefuly make it as a pinup in some college girls dorm, HS girls room is also acceptable as long as she is a senior. senior means seniority and seniority generaly means older, wise and learned so to speak. Whatever, Justin doesnt have to explain himself to you, he's a popstar, well, at least in Russia, but his hobby of making songs for clubs has earned him "Favorite Artist in the St. Petersburg Club Scene" award 6 straight months, earning very little for this success, Justin has to focus on his wrestling career as well. After exploding onto the scene of MBE v.2, Justin has quickly gained acceptance among the fans and peers as being an important part of the new MBE and has a perfect attendance record so far since signing his contract, which is both impressive and stupid as he has worked on some injuries that could have meant the meaning between a career and an extended period on the disabled list. Justin's top career moment came from the restart when he defeated AJ Cirrus, Andrew Gilkison and Duchess in the tournament to face Doc Silver for the MBE World Heavyweight Championship, although coming up short against him for the second time, many people believe that to be one of the best matches of the new MBE and Justin's prime moment in his career thus far. Justin focused on the newly invading PbPro contingent lead by FreakFish and has been working ever since to purge MBE and it's fans of this poison...trying to take the helm of MBE single handedly, he fights on, winning the PbPro Quintuple Crown Titles and now looking to get them back and hold them for good...

El Vega

League Member
Aug 2, 2007
Name: Rafael Vega Juarez

Ringname: El Vega

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 203 lbs.

Image: Very attractive young mexican, very tan, long black hair, comes to the ring wearing a mariachi outfit and sombrero but is tearaway into long tights with the mexican flag colors and the eagle on the side, his boots are black on the bottom but the top is in the color of the mexican flag as well.

Hails From: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Entrance Music: Los Lobos - El Cancion del Mariachi (as preformed by El Vega and 2 others from his mariachi band, Los Amigos del Campeche)

Entrance Description: El Vega comes out with two other mexican individuals dressed up as mariachis and preforms his entrance music personally, he finishes it in the ring as he drops his guitar down, the other 2 exit the ring and he prepares himself for the match after tearing away the mariachi outfit and sombrero and throwing it to the crowd.

Finisher: Call of Juarez - Springboard Suplex into running Cutter

Submission: El Cancion del Mariachi - Opponent on mat face first, El Vega ends up back to back with the opponent, grabs the opponents right arm with his left hand, reaches back around the opponents neck and bridges up driving shoulder into the back and using the arm as leverage for the hold as he extends the neck and back.

Other Favored Moves: Missle Dropkick, Running Top Rope Tornado DDT, Diving implant and tornado DDT's off the top rope, moves involving Corckscrew Sommersault (splashes, senton, leg drop, may even springboard or spaceman to do them), Various Tilt-a-whirl moves, Desperado Stunner (Pump Handle into Stunner), Smashing the guitar over opponents head, various other technical and high flying maneuvers.

Style: Technical, High Flying/Lucha

Wrestles As: Face

Profile: El Vega started off as a billboard model before attempting a music career, instead of national fame he ended up starting a mariachi band and preforming at local events and never really making progress, Vega then used his natural agility to try and take his mariachi into the lucha libre scene where he quickly became a local celebrity and attracted many fans who go to watch his style, hoping to take this popularity to the states, he took the opportunity to sign on with MBE to see what could happen.

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