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Cross vs. DreamMaker


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
The A1E World Champion takes on DreamMaker in a Crucifixion match!

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New member
Dec 16, 2003
Azusa, California
Behold the Cross...


The scene is dark and nebulous. The sounds of lashing whips begin to resound. Screams join the fray after each lashing. The scene then changes color from black to dark gray to dark orange until we see the silhouette of lonely hill. Men are carrying large crosses up this hill as authoritative men whip them relentlessly. A voice narrates the scene with “Crucify” by Peace of Mind playing in the background.

Narrator: Thousands of years ago, the Persians and Assyrians invented a new form of execution. This form of execution called for the victim to be stripped of his clothing, tied to a tree, and left there to either die of starvation, exposure, or eaten by wild animals. When Alexander the Great “modernized” the Western World, this form of execution disappeared and declared inhumane. When Greece fell to the Roman Empire, the Romans revived the long lost execution, but they went further than the Persians and Assyrians. The Romans perfected the form of execution and made it the most grotesque form of execution known to man. To this day, its horror has become part of our English language in describing the pain associated with it. The word is…”excruciating.”

Crucifixion is an art of death. Those subjected to it die without honor, die in humiliation, and die an agonizing and pitiful death. The most famous crucifixion is that of Jesus of Nazareth. Even God in the Flesh succumbed to the pain and agony of the Cross.

After Rome fell, crucifixion fell with it. This art of death has laid dormant for 2000 years anxiously waiting for the day it, too, would be resurrected. The day has come!

Crucifixion has returned in the form of a man, a professional wrester, a champion. It has returned to A1E and for one night will appear in GXW. In A1E, the man who is crucifixion in the flesh is the World Heavyweight Champion. In GXW, he will be the execute DreamMaker.

A silhouette of Cross in his traditional black leather sleeveless trenchcoat appears.

For one night in Britain, the ancient art of death will cast its shadow over GXW. For one night, the world will be reintroduced to the pain and agony of a crucifixion.

Behold the man…

Behold the champion…

Behold the…CROSS!

Cross is standing in front of a backdrop of his Cross emblem. He looks intensely into the camera.

Cross: DreamMaker, your soul is MINE!

The backdrop suddenly bursts into flames.



New member
Dec 16, 2003
Azusa, California
Dream No More...


ENGLAND: A lonely hill.
It is a dark and foggy night on this lonely hill. The camera pans around in search for its reason for being out in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly into the scene appears an erect wooden cross. A voice breaks the silence of the English countryside.

Cross: Ominous isn't it?

From out of the darkness, the A1E World Champion walks out in all black, his leather sleeveless trenchcoat, and his World Title belt.

DreamMaker, you've been silent. Are you afraid? Is the sight of this cross too much for you to bare?

Certainly you will be at BATTLEGROUND BRITAIN for our match. You wouldn't shatter the dreams of your 5 fans because you are afraid of a ten-foot structure of wood, would you?

Cross smirks.

I didn't think so.

You have dreams of making something of yourself at the PPV. You are dreaming of beating the A1E World Heavyweight Champion and using the victory to catapult into GXW stardom, aren't you?

Well, DreamMaker, I'm here to tell you that your dreams are about to turn into the worst nightmare of your life.

I am not some pathetic GXW superstar. I am the A1E World Heavyweight Champion. I AM THE CROSS!

Cross walks over to the 10 foot cross and leans on it.

DreamMaker, the nightmare begins tonight as I will give you a preview of what will happen in the ring at BATTLEGROUND BRITAIN.

Our match isn't about a 3 count. Its about being crucified. The first to hasten their opponent to this cross and hoists him up for all the world to see, wins.

I will crucify you, DreamMaker, and make your silence permanent.

You see, DreamMaker, crucifixion is could silence anyone. It even silenced God in the flesh for 3 days. What makes you think you will do better?

I will begin by scourging you in the ring. Scourging is pretty predictable and consistent. The Roman solider would usa a whip of braided leather thongs with metal balls woven into them. When the whip would strike the flesh, these balls would cause deep bruises, which would breakopen with further blows. Did I fail to mention, DreamMaker, that the whip also had pieces of sharp bones which would cut into the flesh?

The back of the person being scourged would be so shredded that part of the spine was sometimes exposed by the deep cuts. The lash of the whip would go all the way from the shoulders down to the back, the ass, and the back of the legs. The whip would tear into the underlying muscles to produce quivering ribbons of bleeding flesh., and sometimes even expose internal organs.

Are you still dreaming, DreamMaker, or should I continue?

Usually scourging consisted of 39 lashes, although a soldier might inflict more, depending on his mood. I wonder what my mood will be? Many people died from scourging even before they could be crucified. Those who didn't die often went into shock.

By the time soldiers were done, the victim would have been in serious condition, even before the first nail was driven in to hang him on the cross.

If you still dream, behold the nightmare.

Whent he victim arrived at the site where he was to be crucified, he would have been laid down with his arms outstretched on a large beam. The executioner would have taken two sharp spikes, each five to seven inches long, and nailed one through each wrist, into the beam.

Are you awake now?

As the nails pierced the writsts, they would have crushed the large nerve that does to the hand. Imagine hitting your funny bone to the point your elbow was crushed. It's worse than that.

The vicitim is then hoisted into the air and hastend to the vertical beam. This isn't fun, DreamMaker, you are humiliated and in excruciating pain. If you survive the pain of this, you are left to hang until you finally die.

Camera does a close-up of Cross.

DreamMaker, at BATTLEGROUND BRITAIN this will not be some dream or nightmare, it will be reality. I didn't come to England for a match, I came to crucify you mind, body, and soul.

When it's over, you will DREAM NO MORE...

Cross returns to the darkness and the camera pans up to the top of the cross. On it, there is a sign nailed to the the vertical beam. It reads...DREAMMAKER.


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