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Zero Hour Dark Matches

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Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
A great idea was mentioned earlier and I want to make sure that the idea gets off of the ground. This thread will be for any new talent that does not have a match at Zero hour to RP about what is going on and to give the other handlers an idea of how your character thinks and acts.

The plan is to have dark matches before the show and incorporate them into the program.

Post those RPs HERE!


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
"Opening the Dahaka Box (Pandora's Box)"

(The scene opens inside a boiler room. You can hear the dripping of a leaky pipe incessantly drop onto the lukewarm hard concrete floor. Numerous light sources are either burned out or they flicker eerily in some strange haunting like fashion setting the atmosphere into motion thus only giving sporatic amounts of illumination throughout the boiler room. The heat of the furnace still burns strongly in full force in the background making this room incredibly hot and unbearable. The smell of the room has almost an humid but musky moldy like smell that makes it not the most pleasant place to be.)

(Sitting down underneath one of the only few working lights in this boiling room on a stool is "The Dark Phenom" Nakita Dahaka. She sits quietly almost in a quiet like meditative like pose in some sort of silent contemplation. The sweat pours from her pores profusely but still she remains peaceful as she sits. Her manager Delilah Demonik quietly walks up to Nakita from within the shadows. She puts a hand on Nakita's shoulder as she glances up at the camera and smiles slightly into the camera.)

Delilah Demonik: "The faded hour is slowly nearing closer and closer upon us. We get closer and closer to the aptly named 'ZERO HOUR'. Its so fitting that this pay-per-view is has been given its namesake because it also marks the emminant debut of 'The Dark Phenom' Nakita Dahaka. She is where every path comes to. She is the final destination. She is fate incarnate. All paths end with her. She is THE ENDING, and all who face her will meet the same."

"You all are probably wondering what my role is. Its simple really. I am the gatekeeper and the keymaster all roled into one. I am the one who opens and closes the Dahaka Box at will. Not familer with the Dahaka Box? Very well I will enlighten you. The Dahaka Box at one time was once better known as 'The Pandora's Box' but enlight of my pupil's recent entry into the MCW, I felt it was long due for a name change. Case in point all I have to do is...

(Delilah pantomimes like she took out a key from her pocket and places it in front of Nakita like she is sticking the key in a keyhole.)

...stick the key into the keyhole and turn it to the right, then at my descretion I open it up as the full force of The Dark Phenom's power and wrath is unleashed, and the best part is I have no desire to close the box once it is opened.

Everything that you've ever had MCW...

All of your dreams...

your ambitions and inhabitions...

your goals...

your desires...

your hopes...

will be taken from you in a swift beating heartbeat. That is what Nakita Dahaka will do to each and every one of you."

(Delilah pauses as she looks down at Nakita and smiles taking pride in what she is saying about her chosen pupil before continuing on with her little monologue.)

"Before you all think that she's just another Lindsey Troy hopping on some bandwagon of women's equality in professional wrestling, allow me to bring to you a little moment in history. Before the so-called great Lindsey Troy, and her propoganda of B**** patroling. There was one that came way before her. Her name was Nakita DuBov. That was before I found her. She was like a untamed and uncontrolled wildfire. No one could control her. She was without focus but had unspeakable and undenyable talent and power. But it was going to waste before she met me. She was like a lost soul wondering in the wilderness and then when it appeared that she was about to break she called my name out and I answered her. I came to her in her own little darkest hour. I did what needed to be done. I killed Nakita DuBov and layed her down to rest in peace and harmony. But then she rose from the dead like a phoenix from the ashes and I renamed Nakita Dahaka, the dark phenom and harbenger of fate and death."

"Why this little history lesson because I want you to know what I am capable of as well as knowing where Nakita came from. You need to know the human she used to be and the demon that you see before you under all the light. You need to understand that once I unlock and open the box I will NEVER close it and she will come to all of you. She will own your soul. Nakita is...

beyond uncanny...

beyond ungodly...

beyond natural...

beyond supernatural...

She is like a new evolution of life and I breathed life into her so when she is standing over your rotting corpses you will know that who made it possible, and her name was Delilah Demonik. We will do what no other human has ever done. Hear this MCW. You are all on borrowed time...

At Zero Hour...

(Delilah steps behind Nakita and leans down closely next to her ear closely. Her sensual blue eyes glimmer in the light suductively. Nakita's eyes open for the first time to look directly into the camera. Nakita's firey red hair hands down over her green eyes but you can see through the wet strands as Nakita emotes a casual smile of her own as she utters the following words directed at the camera.)

Nakita: "Time's up."

Delilah: "So let it be know...

Nakita: "So it is said...

Delilah: "So it WILL come to pass...

Nakita: "And become GOSPEL."

(The scene slowly fades out.)
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