If there is, I'll put something together. If not, we can let it die. Speak on it.
User Poets The Shadow Pope Joined Jan 6, 1995 Messages 2,192 Points 36 Age 45 Location Top of the Pile Website www.valeriansgarden.com Oct 7, 2014 #1 If there is, I'll put something together. If not, we can let it die. Speak on it.
fugginVOSS The REAL Funk U. T-shirt Joined Aug 26, 2008 Messages 1,214 Points 36 Age 43 Location Australia Oct 7, 2014 #2 Let it die. People don't read everywhere and just vote on their own feds so I don't see a place for it.
Let it die. People don't read everywhere and just vote on their own feds so I don't see a place for it.
LQJT86C Where's my money, Chad? Joined Jul 3, 1997 Messages 2,073 Points 36 Age 41 Location The Silk Road Oct 8, 2014 #3 The forum has been so dead this year, nobody deserves shit. We should do FW's version of the Razzies. Year's Worst!
The forum has been so dead this year, nobody deserves shit. We should do FW's version of the Razzies. Year's Worst!
brusch Main Event Caliber Joined Apr 16, 2012 Messages 836 Points 18 Location St. Louis, MO Oct 8, 2014 #4 It all depends on how much I can get my own personal ego inflated. But yeah - I think if we did any sort of awards it would have to be a lot weirder than "best character" "best fed" etc to work. If at all.
It all depends on how much I can get my own personal ego inflated. But yeah - I think if we did any sort of awards it would have to be a lot weirder than "best character" "best fed" etc to work. If at all.