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X vs. Hale


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Niagara, ON, Canada
X vs. "Big Air" Brian Hale

After narrowly losing to Karl Brown at Aggression, X has a chance to redeem himself against Brian Hale. Though Hale was defeated by Blu Thundarous, this could be his chance to score a victory.


{The camera zooms in to reveal a blackboard with a drawing of a steel chair labelled "Mr. Barbedwire Chair" and a picture of a stick figure lying on the floor labelled "Brian Hale." Also written on the board is an equation: "X + Brian Hale = Total Embarassmentation. The camera zooms out to reveal X wearing a white lab coat, wire rim glasses, and holding a pointer stick.}

X: "Well class, welcome to X 101. Today we will learn about "Total Embarassmentation." Now total embarassmentation is a common condition with the roster of Empire Pro Wrestling. Its symptoms include bruising, cuts, loss of pride and dignity, and in some cases erectile dysfunction. How does one get "Total Embarassmentation"? Well going up agaisnt the Hardcore King, X, will most often definitely result in "Total Embarassmentation". Any questions?
Good then here is your homework. Your homework is to make sure to watch the demonstration I have set up for you at Unleashed. At Unleashed I will show you a perfect example of "Total Embarassmentation" using the lab rat we all know as Brian Hale. Now,Brian, I have a special assignment for you. I want you to say your prayers before Unleashed and hope that you can narrowly escape the plague that is sweeping EPW.
Once I bust out Mr. Barbedwire Chair on ur sorry a(censor). It will be nothing but "Total Embarassmentation" for the rest of your life. So I am giving you a choice. You can either put urself at risk of being swept away by the plague or you can just walk away. Trust me, friend, you will experience less Embarassmentation by not showing up at Unleashed than if you endured the seconds of pain I will put you through. Its your choice, choose wisely.
And remember "This is Xtreme."
{X circles the drawing labelled "Mr. Barbedwire Chair"}
Class dismissed.
{X exits, zoom in on the equation written on the board. Fade}
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