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I stalk, because I care
May 2, 2007
Hey all,

I am looking for any interested parties that would like to engage in some world building segments and/or interactions.

The basics of how 'Reaper's Army' or 'The Kabal' will be involved would be as a distraction/road block/confusion starter/pest.

This request does not have to be a segment of confrontational means unless you wanted it to be, as The Kabal will be sort of silent protesters in an essence. Unless their is a recruiting pitch involved.

Examples include but are not limited to

  • Reaper's Army would prevent your character from getting to a match on time. (Locking the locker room door, blocking an entrance, or some other strange way of getting in your character's way.
  • They could show up at ringside as a distraction or simply to be there.
  • Attempts could be made to recruit your character.
  • Anything off the wall you can think of.

If this interests you hit me up on Skype (jrok512@hotmail.com) or pm me here or reply to this thread. Thanks!
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