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WFW Road To Glory: Psycho & Noble Sheik vs. Savoy Posse


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
This show will be set inside Disneyland to celebrate its 50th Anniversary. Gratitudous Disneyland references win brownie points.

This is a second round match in the WFW World Tag Tournament. The RP/Angle deadline is Wednesday, August 16th 11:59 PM EST. Send all angles to BOTH pmiller21@gmail.com and sedmunds@goucher.edu


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Happiest Place on Earth?

(The camera opens inside Disneyland on a sunny day. Upon one of the numerous wooden benches a masked man sits next to Mickey Mouse. As the camera moves in closer Psycho flashes a wide smile as he puts his arm around the mascot. The camera moves in closer and his usual load manically laughter can be heard)

Psycho: You know Mick, I bet all those people out there think you've got it pretty good. I mean after all...your rich...your famous...hell your the face of an Empire. Like Mary Kate and Ashley...only you don't have an eating disorder. You got it made it what everyone is thinking, but I think I know you better...right Mick?

---<<<The mouse shrugs his shoulders and Psycho wraps his arm tighter around his neck>>>---

Psycho: Your just like everyone else. You spend the whole day here, little kids grabbing and drooling on you all day. You go home there's Minnie...she's wearing the same DAMN dress...DAY AFTER, AFTER DAY!!!!! AM I RIGHT???/

---<<<Mickey tries pulling away, Psycho locks down harder and the mouse pounds at his arm>>>---

Psycho: Ah, but that's not the end of it. You got Goofy and Pluto...crapping on your lawn and sniffing at each other. Then...then there's the neighbors. That frigging duck and his squeaky Nephews constantly yapping and you can't understand a DAMN thing they are saying...NOT A DAMN THING!!!!

---<<<Mickey pauses for a moment then continues to try and escape>>>---

Psycho: ah, but the worst...the worst has got to be Snow White. That hot little thing living down the street from you, she's sharing all that time with seven...SEVEN DWARVES MICKEY....and do you even get a Hello in the morning. Nope...just Minnie in that same damn dress. Sure there's the money Mick...hell it's got your face on it, but your poor Mouse....all those annoying HAPPY friends...I'd stick my head in a trap Mick...I really would.

---<<<Mickey finally breaks the headlock and he runs away. Psycho watches and looks coldly at the camera>>>---

Psycho: You know I almost felt sorry for the guy, but you got to give him credit...he's a fighter and this is his world, but not on Road to Glory. NOT ON THAT NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

---<<<He stands and points at the camera>>>---

Psycho: NO...on that night...on that night the happiest place on earth gets turned into a living hell.

---<<<He smiles and laughs loudly>>>---

Psycho: Savoy Posse...your not ready for this. You not ready for the sheer hell that is Psycho and Noble Sheik. Just as my pal Mick doesn't admit to how bad his life is...neither will you...until that bell rings and you have to face reality.

---<<<He leans forward>>>---

Psycho: Ask Golem and whoever else that was we left a bloody mess. This team...this team that was thrown together have something in common. WE HATE!!! Hate you...hate all this light hearted fun...maybe even don't like each other, but when that bell rings. None of that matters. What matters is For fifty years the only blood that has been spilled din this place is when a kid has fallen off a ride.

---<<<He laughs loudly and grins>>>---

Psycho: But when that bell rings...I'm going to make it flow...RIGHT DOWN MAIN STREET AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

---<<<He laughs loudly, turns his back and walks away>>>---


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