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WFW Merrython:The Night HE Came Home


League Member
Jan 12, 2005
Bradley, Il.
(Format: 30 second promo commercial)

(From a black screen a bell tolls quietly in background.After 3rd toll a louder,minor keyed bell tolls once with each caption)

Caption: 10 years ago.... (Red letters on Black Background)
Video: a montage of current events circa early 90's

Vox: 10 years ago the world was a different place. The cold war had ended, the Gulf War was won, peace seemed on the horizon in the Middle East, the economy had begun to surge, and from the ashes of this prosperity rose one man who's very name struck terror in the very soul of wrestling....

Caption: The Noble Sheik
Video: Montage of the Sheik assualting Black Rose, female wrestlers, fans, running down Chris Wink with a van,various blood-soaked moments from classic bouts with Maelstrom,Famine,Wink,and Pestilence

Vox: The Noble Sheik, an abomination who's penchant for horror knew NO BOUNDS. The very prototype of evil. A man so feared and hated that an entire championship division was created for him to spare the carrers of wrestlers worldwide and test the mettle of those who'd dare come to HIM...

Video: Sheik holds high the NGEN Mr. Vicious title as blood drips from the barbed wire embelishing the leather leaves of the belt. Camera closes on the belt in his bloody hands and freezes

Caption: And then...

Vox: And then...just as his reign of Terror seemed insurmountable, as he held the world in his blood-soaked hands....

Video: Black Rose circa 1995 reads a prepared statement.Halfway through scene cuts to a mausoleum vault in the WFW Graveyard dedicated to "The Noble Sheik 1992-1995" camera closes on doors to find 5 broken locks and enters crypt

Black Rose: "Today the world of Professional Wrestling and the NGEN celebrate the passing of the Noble Sheik.The Sheik died last night of apperently natural causes.By the wishes of his family private funeral rights will be accorded.There will be no visitation and no funeral details are pending at this time...(snicker)"
Still frame with photo: The Noble Sheik 1992-1995

SoundFX: Record scratch
Video: Sheik rips down still frame and appears in full arab frock, trembling in rage and dripping sweat in the middle of the vault.Behind him, an open burial vault is exposed and on the far rear wall a glass case is smashed and empty.Through clenched teeth he stammers...

Sheik: "It seems the rumors of my DEATH have been GREATLY EXAGERATED!"

Music: opening riff of "Black Sabbath" crashes in...
Caption w/Vox: A New Millenium...
Caption/Vox: A Dark Purpose...
Caption/Vox: An UNSPEAKABLE Horror...
Video: fast-flash montage of Sheik over piercing scream
Caption/Vox:...begins again.
Caption/Vox: The Noble Sheik...
Vox: and Golom meet John Doe and Pulsar....
Caption/Vox: WFW Merrython
Caption/Vox: The NIGHT that HE......
Video: Closeup on Sheik's eyes,unblinking and full of rage
Caption/Vox:.....came HOME!!

Vox: Be There....Beware....Be WARNED!!!
sound:heavy breathing to fade....

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