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WFW Great Expectations: Steve Savoy Posse vs. Unnamed Bastard & Luster


The Phenom
Jan 1, 2000
Salt Lake City, UT
The Newest Sensation to Hit the Nation, Bringin' Tag-Team Wrestling to New Elevations

:::FADEIN--On a busy street corner in the city, the PHENOM, STEVE SAVOY, emerges from an SUV. As he steps to the sidewalk, he tosses his keys to a hot dog vendor.:::

SAVOY: Start having a...... greeeat liiiiiiiiiife....

:::Suddenly, two men step to Savoy from around the corner. One is sporting an Indiana Pacers jersey, the other a tattered Miami Dolphins jersey. This makes sense because the two men are none other than NBA star RON ARTEST and former All-Pro running back RICKY WILLIAMS.:::

SAVOY: BEHOLD... my crew. What's the haps, pahd-nahs?

ARTEST: The haps is we bustin' caps in all the cities on different maps. Shifting zone-D makes me the baddest MC. Because when we hit the canvas, we're takin' tag-team gold like Nancy Travis!

:::'Sticky' Ricky takes a puff from a small, pipe-like object, then interjects.:::

WILLIAMS: *cough* *wheeeeeeeeze* Thaaaat's riiiiiiiiight...

SAVOY: Hmmm... as far as I know, Nancy Travis has never won tag-team gold of any sort, but I did love her in Rose Red.

ARTEST: Not to mention the Axe Murderer movie...

SAVOY: The wha?

ARTEST: So I Married an Axe Murderer... with Mike Myers??

SAVOY: I'm not quite sure I know what you're referring to.

ARTEST: Maaaaaaan, you's watchin' TV all the time- don'know what So I Married an Axe Murderer is?!

SAVOY: I only watch educational programming.

ARTEST: Last time I checked, the Spice Channel isn't that educational.

SAVOY: Don't hate just because I wanna spice up my life.

ARTEST: Somthin' tells me that's not the kinda thing Baby Spice had in mind.

SAVOY: Yeah, well I've got somthin' in mind for Baby Spice!!

:::Savoy and Artest pause momentarily and stare at one another. Finally the two erupt, simultaneously with a hearty...:::


:::Hyped by the Phenom's masterful joke, the two commence rapid hand-slapping, often missing the target. In the background, Sticky Ricky snickers, temporarily loses his balance, then snickers once again.:::

ARTEST: So what's the game plan, S-Pac?

SAVOY: Well, seeing as how this small WFW camera crew has somehow miraculously stumbled upon our meeting here, I think we should hype our alliance and our match.

ARTEST: Word. Those WFW folks are slow on the upkeep, so they might not know what our MO is...

SAVOY: Sticky Ricky, what's our MO?!

:::After taking another large puff from his pipe-like object, he responds.:::

WILLIAMS: My dread-locks is fresh like lettuce. I love you man...

SAVOY: I... love you.... too... Ricky...

ARTEST: This fool don't even know what time it is...

:::He grabs the camera by the lens and peers into it.:::

ARTEST: Check this out... see, the three of us... we're Disgruntled Athletes...

SAVOY: And what do we do?

ARTEST: We make noise, man.

SAVOY: Disgruntled Athletes Makin' Noise.

ARTEST: Or D.A.M.N. for short.

SAVOY: So DON'T call us Steve Savoy's Posse!

ARTEST: This ain't the old west, suckas!

SAVOY: Although, when we step into the ring with Luster and Unnamed Bastard, I'm goin' Clint Eastwood on both their asses!

ARTEST: Shoot... Bastard's unnamed cuz I slapped the John Hancock outta 'im!

:::Williams interjects.:::

WILLIAMS: Yo.... are you SURE I can't borrow 8.6 million dollars?

:::Savoy continues on, un-fazed.:::

SAVOY: So yeah, look out boys, cuz we're comin' ta getcha!! This D.A.M.N. team is like a bad burrito from Taco Bell. Tasty as can be, but it'll BURN your insides right out if you mess with it! Rest assured, you mess with us... the only thing you'll win is a 2 night stay at the indigestion hotel!

ARTEST: Acid reflux, b(FCC)tch!

SAVOY: My kung-fu will destroy you, Luster, and send you back to the welfare line from whence you came. Think I'm wrong? Try me... I'm beggin' ya.... It'll be the last and final and LAST mistake you and your Anonymous friend will ever make! The PHENOM... has left... the BUILDING!!!

WILLIAMS: *cough* Go Longhorns.......

:::FADE OUT:::


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
(Black text on a white screen.)

The time for advancement remains the present. The flashy old washed up cliques and caravans of ancient grapplers has halted at Great Expectations. Lined up at the arc two by two they will be struck down by a great power.

Those who oppose know soon they will lack the strength to continue.

They know that they currently are lacking in the strength simply to stand one versus one versus the seed of a new generation.

So they must have a partner.

They need a man.

They need help.

The only help they find is the ticket to an era of brute force.

Shawn Hart.

Less than a man, less than a god, he enters the new era limping to the beat of a tin drum.

The beat is the beat of upcoming destruction.

While there is one man in this tournament who is under the protection of the new era.

Not because he deserves it, but simply due to the luck of the draw.

There will be no betrayal here, for it is the one time when the goals of one of the unevolved and the new breed come together for the destruction of his equals.

Perhaps that is unfair and this man is slightly above the drek that will be thrown to the side. Pehaps he is a hair beyond them.

But when it is over all protection will end.

There can be no stragglers into the new era.

(Fade out)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Nazareth, PA

FADEIN: An advertisement for a new WFW DVD appears on the screen. (Cheesy ad voice starts talking.) “Luster-Vision is now on sale. Relive the most exciting Luster moments. Watch him busting a cap in those WFW *****es asses. See him death defy the masses with the Funkytown Express. Be a straight up player and buy it today.”

Luster: Yeah, Luster be liking that.

WFW Executive: We think it’s a good move for us and more exposure for you, Luster. You are our guy. We need you hip-hop expertise to take us the next level.

Luster: Luster gots all the skillz, mandingo. S*it Luster bout to bust into rhyme but Luster ain’t got nothing to flow wit.

WFW Executive: Thank you for your time, Luster. Good day.

(Geeky Exec leaves the room. Luster turns to the camera and grabs it to pull it closer to him. The camera is pointed to his face.)

Luster: Those WFW retards are fooled by my so called hip-hopness but this new Luster is not f*cking around anymore. Luster ain’t playin the fool anymore, he is here to win. He will do whatever it takes to win. Cheating, no problem, Luster already has. Luster’s trusty crowbar is never too far.

Luster: At Great Lusterations, Luster and UB will be victorious. The Steve Gay Posse can run back to the rest stop they crawled out from under.

FADEOUT: Luster throws camera down, fade to black.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
(Black Text, White Screen.)

The future beckons, man's new face rises over the horizon.

The new day has arrived with the force of 1,000 atomic weapons.

Luster has finally awoken to do his pitiful part in this partnership. He can do much in his mind.

The question of course is how much "much" is in his mind. To the unevolved underlings even the simplest task is an accomplishment.

To him defeating two simple opponents singlehandedly would be an accomplishment. Of course for homosuperior this is a daily task. The common man must be crushed into dust, and such a project for a human weapon is fully capable of the task.

The methods of the new era are cruelly efficent. They are the application of pure perfect pain.

The methods cannot be doubted. The methods were forged in the iron of the new human spirit. They are made of the hammer which will break down the old ruins of mankind.

Two men will enter to face the future, they will attempt to fight their destiny, and they will fall to their knees in worship of the new model. They will lay in awe after they are struck down, knowing they were touched by a body forged in the fires of perfection.


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