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WFW Great Expectations PPV: Hacker Attacked?!


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA

BRANDON JACOBS: Welcome and now it is time for…

JONATHAN MARX: Wait a minute, it looks like something is coming on the video screen…


::a picture on the video screen comes up of a bloody hacker out of his wheelchair lying on the ground with a steel pipe next to his carcass, the images to the live Silencer backstage with a microphone in his hand::

Silencer- Oh Pitt...remember me. I am your worse nightmare Pitt. What I just did backstage was attacked a crippled man, one that couldn't beat you. It was so easy but something else was easy Pitt, she ran, she made it a challenge but yet I found her.

Silencer points to the back as a masked man brings out Natalia with her hands tied behind her back and a gag around her mouth. She is trying to break the hold that the masked man has on her but he puts her in a choak hold. Silencer puts his hand on her face.

Silencer- Aww don't be scared Natalia, I won't harm you that is if you Pitt meet my demands. I simply want one thing Pitt and that is you. I want you in a cage match. Think about it Pitt but don't take long, I'll be around.

::Silencer begins to walk off but then stops to look at the masked man::

Silencer- Ahhh yes, I forgot someone. My boss if you will.

::The masked man hands Natalia over to Silencer as he holds her. The masked man slowly takes ahold of the mask and takes it off to show Hacker with a sick smile on his face as Natalia's eyes get real big in surprise as Hacker starts to laugh as does Silencer as they drag Natalia to the back.::


VIC WATERS: So that is what Pitt was upset about going into the match, when I ran into him before hand, he looked all shaken up.

BRANDON JACOBS: It looks like these two aren’t going to stop playing with each other’s minds until they have their match.

JONATHAN MARX: I’ll try to speak with Wink, all of this has to stop once and for all, maybe I can talk him into giving them a match at the Superbowl of Wrestling.

BRANDON JACOBS: Folks, we have to take a short commercial break, but when we comeback, D.A.M.N. verse the Unnamed Bastard and Luster…. STAY TUNED!

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