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WFW Great Expectations: Mike Lane vs. Gabriel


League Member
Mar 22, 2004
(FADEIN on Mike Lane sitting in his disheveled living room in a wifebeater and boxer shorts with his neck resting against his clenched hand on the coffee table)

LANE: What was that movie? You know, the one where that guy, I think it was Dinero, or maybe it was Pacino, yeah Pacino says "Just when I thought I was out they pulled me right back in" heh.. (cough.. cough) Ahhhh (sniff) story of my life, I swear. I should be out by now, everything was fine. My hearts not in this industry (wipes hand across his face) this business. Ya figure I show up to work drunk, time and again and they'd have cut the chord. Theres not many jobs where a guy can get a dozen last chances... in fact this one might be the one and only. But this company had a heart, they didn't let me wither away and die in a gutter, they "saved" me. So I sit here today, April 10th, two thousand and five, employed and with yet another "last chance". I give my word (smirks) my word to the people who saved me. I will NOT let you down, not this time. Because I'm a changed man, yeah not like the other times when I vowed to change, this time I'm for real... seriously, you can trust me can't you? (shakes head and stares towards the ground) Lets not play games guys huh, I'm useless so let me die with dignity, pull the feeding tube and can the three ring circus cuz I got nothing left to give. I gave up caring five years ago, and I gave up on MYSELF not too much later.

LANE: (teepees his hands against his mouth and looks up) But people don't want to let go, the higher ups think a contract is something that legally binds me to DIE in a wrestling ring, and I'm convinced that is the spectacle they're holding out for. Because its a fact wrestlers live short lives anyway, but I'm on the downswing of the rollercoaster. If theres a death poll going around the locker room I'm sure the guy with the checkmark next to my name already has plans for his money. So for Great Expectations we can drag my ass to the ring again, let the fans laugh, point and make me into a punchline, because I have nothing left to offer for entertainment outside of that. My career and my life for that matter....is a joke that stopped being funny a long time ago....

(Lane stares to the sky as the camera pans upwards and fadesout)

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