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WFW Great Expectations: Dino Is In Town


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA

(Commercial break ends)

(FADE-IN: Outside the Passion, one of Fort Lauderdale's hottest nightclubs. It's the tail end of Spring Break and the bar is packed with revelers on the last night before they return north to the grind of college or their jobs. Thumping dance music can be heard coming from inside, and everyone seems anxious to get in. However the bouncer is making it pretty tough for some people. Stunning women showing various degrees of skin can be seen waiting in line behind the velvet rope, along with the usual beefcakes looking for the night's conquest. Just then a brand new black 2005 Mustang screeches to a halt in front of the club and everyone glances over to see who gets out. A male, about 23 years old, steps out of the vehicle and tosses his keys to the valet and shouts some inaudible directions to him. The valet nods, gets in the car, and pulls away to its parking destination. The man watches the car pull away making sure the valet doesn't beat on it. The man steps toward the camera and he seems to be in his early-to-mid 20s. Wearing a black sport coat with a super tight dark blue shirt underneath, this guy is obviously in good shape as several of the overly made-up girls in line notice him and his perfectly blow-dried jet black hair. He is also wearing mirrored Ray-Ban sunglasses, even though it is 10pm and complete darkness has settled over South Florida.)

"DYNAMIC" DINO MORENO: "And so it begins...'DYNAMIC' DINO MORENO is about to hit the WFW like an F-5 tornado. I'm probably unknown to many of you in the wrestling universe, but that is about to change in a hurry. You see, the name on the marquee reads 'WORLD'S FINEST WRESTLING'...and that means that only the very best compete in the WFW. But taking a look around the roster, I see that the WFW needs a little injection of STYLE and CLASS. You people are used to seeing guys like Michael Manson, who can barely dress himself...and Copycat, who's made an entire career out of ripping people off, never having an original thought much less any kind of unique style. That's why I'm here in the WFW, to bring some VARIETY to the monotony. Yeah, I'm sure most of you are tired of hearing guys like Jean Rabesque babble on and on about himself and his boring career as if anyone cares. Well, I'm about to spice things up around here. I am a SUPERSTAR in the making...custom made from head to toe. Where *I* go...the party follows. All eyes are ALWAYS on me. Whether it's ruling the nights of South Beach...or wining and dining at the finest steak house in Manhattan...'Dynamic' Dino Moreno is BUILT FOR SPEED, baby! Coast to coast, the ladies love DINO the most...and to that I will raise a toast! But one thing is missing...I need a drink. So with that, WFW, with a woman on each arm..(he spreads his arms out and two barely dressed girls come from behind the camera and take hold of him on each side)... 'DYNAMIC' DINO is gonna bring this house down! Enjor your little pay-per-view folks...because next time you see me...I'll be puttin' somebody down for the 1...2...3! Let's go, ladies..."

(He turns away from the camera and they walk to the front of the club, and the bouncer just nods and lets them pass, as several envious males go slack-jawed as they wait in line. FADE-OUT)

(Back to Commercials)

World’s Finest Wrestling…. The official sponsor of Alvaro Espinoza


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