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WFW Ghoulish Games: Sebastian Dodd vs. El Arco Iris


League Member
May 15, 2004
[Fade in:
We find Sebastian Dodd standing outside of his apartment building in NYC. He's dressed in his usual non-wrestling attire of sneakers, jeans, and a t-shirt bearing a catchy slogan, in this case "Reading Rainbow...No...Beating Rainbow." He takes a quick seat on some nearby steps...and begins.]

"El Arco Iris...The Rainbow.

How lovely. Now I'm not one to make fun of names, it ain't my style. So you could be Baron Von Tough, The Rainbow, Johnny BadDude, it doesn't matter. But here we are...Sebastian Dodd makes his WFW debut against El Arco Iris...and it comes live on Pay-Per-View at Ghoulish Games. Fitting isn't it? That Sebastian Dodd, the revolutionary new force in WFW should make his debut on such a grand stage as this...it's a shame for Iris that it will come at HIS expense.

You must be loathing management right now for a couple of reasons.

I'm sure that you're probably bitter that you're stuck listening to this man who's done nothing in WFW bragging about what he's going to do...and I'm sure that in the back of your mind you must be wondering if it's actually true that Seb Dodd brings the greatest wrestling ability on the face of the planet with him to that ring.

Well, good news, bad news.

He does.

Seb Dodd is the best pure WRESTLER on the planet. The bad news is that you don't have a chance in this matchup. You're going to lose, you don't have a prayer. The good news is that if I feel generous, I can make you look as good as I want before I put the hammer down. So chances are Seb Dodd doesn't want a PPV squash. I want to get my face shown at Ghoulish Games as much as possible.

I've been other places I've done other things, but the way that I wrestle, EVERY match I'm in, is the biggest one of my career. I don't care if it's Sebastian Dodd vs. a Midget in a Gravy Bowl match, that's going to be the biggest of my career, and I'm going to prep like it. So Iris, you're going to learn right now that there's no such thing as a free ride AGAINST, or an off night FOR Sebastian Dodd.

Ghoulish Games...

Sebastian Dodd


El Arco Iris

WFW PPV! I'm not sure that the WFW World is ready for what I'm going to do.

But I am. I'm me...I'm used to it.

Starting at Ghoulish Games the letters WFW become secondary to S and D.




League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Miami, Florida
(FADEIN: El Arco Iris is sitting in a grassy patch in a sunny park-type setting. He’s in his mask, a rainbow tie-die tank top, and green corduroy shorts.)

El Arco Iris: El Arco Iris isn’t that bothered about the past, El Arco Iris is never ever bothered by the past. It’s the present that frightens El Arco Iris, because El Arco Iris has made a startling revelation. Maybe it was that revelation others have been trying to make El Arco Iris see for a long, long time.

(Iris plucks a lone daffodil from the ground next to him and observes it carefully, almost lovingly.)

Iris: For about a year El Arco Iris has stood for a symbol of all that is right in the world. Trying to deviate from the norm and instead try to make a difference for the better in people’s lives, trying to give back to the public who spends their money to try and escape from the troubles of their day-to-day lives. El Arco Iris has offered to help people overcome the sadness and rancor that grips their helpless hearts. But then the revelation struck.

(Iris crushes the dandelion with a hateful fist. He soon begins plucking dandelion after dandelion out of the ground and throwing them away angrily.)

Iris: Nobody wants help. Nobody, and El Arco Iris took this long to finally see it. El Arco Iris could offer release for anyone in the world and nobody would take it. This world is full of people who just would much rather wallow in existential emptiness if it meant material satisfaction than actually try and pursue meaningful happiness! No matter how hard El Arco Iris tries, no matter how much of El Arco Iris’ blood, tears, or sweat are soaked into that canvas mat night after night and month after month, nobody takes anything El Arco Iris says or does to heart. They’re all BLIND! They’re blind but of course they’re too blind to SEE that they’re blind! They’re shackled by their own stubborn hatred and refuse to let me offer them the key that could break the locks with a simple turn! It’s not worth the effort anymore. If I people can’t help me help them be happy, I have no choice but to throw up my hands and say “no more.” Maybe, just maybe, if El Arco Iris can retain the slightest ounce of faith in humanity, they will realize the error of their ways and maybe not reject the only one who can open their cursed eyes!

(Iris stops plucking dandelions and turns towards the camera.)

Iris: Dodd…Dodd, Dodd, Dodd…You’re another drone stuck floating down the river Styx along with the rest of them, but your sight is probably more foregone than anyone else. Another product of mass-produced individuality, the one who’s obviously so much more special than everyone else we’ve all seen before. There was a time El Arco Iris would have believed you had the potential to be special, something exceptional, but as long as you continue on the path you’re on you will never be anything more than words and a pretty face. El Arco Iris knows this first hand…you will never be the messiah of ANYONE or ANYTHING until you can learn to be your OWN messiah. You’ll get a smile on your face, for sure, Sebastian Dodd, you will learn that nothing can be saved for you because you are doomed to a self-condemned fate. El Arco Iris will let you live on in your own illusion, though, because that’s the closest damn thing to happy anyone will get as far as El Arco Iris is concerned!

…Hey, you, camera monkey! Put that down and get El Arco Iris a damn Mars bar! El Arco Iris could go for some chocolaty happiness of his own right about now…

(Fade to Rainbow)


League Member
May 15, 2004
[Fade in:
Sebastian Dodd is found in his hotel room resting comfortably on a bed watching football. He is dressed in his usual non-wrestling attire of sneakers, jeans, and a t-shirt bearing a catchy slogan, in this case "Your village called, it's idiot is missing." He watches as Jevon Kearse blocks a punt, and he begins.]

"Ah...I see, WFW promotes insanity. Cool. I managed to catch that latest El Arco Iris...heretoforth refered to as EAI...segment, and I was blown away.


Not by the brilliance of it...or the sheer intensity of the segment...

I was blown away by the fact that this fellow not only has a job here in WFW...but that he has a match against the finest wrestler on the planet. And the worst part of the whole thing is this...he spent about seventy-five percent of his promotional segment not even mentioning me! I mean REALLY. How do you not talk about the hottest thing to come into WFW in forever!?!?!

And then...

When he finally did...

I was glad he'd spent the rest of the time talking about something else completely. He said something about how I can't be everyone else's Messiah until I'm my own...

What the hell does that mean?

Here's the thing EAI...I don't have to be a savior for Sebastian Dodd, because I don't need saving. I'm at the pinacle of the wrestling world. It's just a matter of time until I'm at the top of WFW. I am the Messiah of this company though Iris, because I'm going to save it from the idiocy and incompetence that people like you bring to the table.

I'm going to usher in a new era of intelligible, coherent promotional segments...and more importantly...I'm going to usher in the beginnings of The Revolution. The Revolution of technical wrestling coming back to the forefront of a business that has become too concerned with aerial tactics, and a cheap pop. A business that would rather have the fans stand on their feet for 2 seconds because joe Blow leapt from the top rope to the floor, than have the crowd rise up for a solid few minutes applauding respectfully after a brilliant technical sequence.

I'm going to bring that back. And I'm going to start it with you EAI. I'm going to show you what it is to be a Messiah. Because honestly my friend, as much as you sounded delusional...and borderline out of your mind for most of that segment...you said something brilliant at the same time. You asked the world...the people...to realize the error of their ways and not reject the one who can open their eyes. And that statement, while misguided...actually gave me hope that maybe just maybe there is a brain in that head of yours. See, in your mind, you are that person.

YOU are the one who's going to help them find that happiness, you're the one who's going to open their eyes.

You're wrong.

But someone is. And that someone is Sebastian Dodd. That's why I'm here my friend, I'm here to help YOU, and to help all of those people realize what they've been missing all along.

But even for that one brilliant statement, you had so many that were wrong. You said that you might believe that Sebastian Dodd could be something special. Well, there's two positives that come out of that statement. One Seb Dodd isn't going to be special, he already IS a special talent. And two, even if you don't believe that I could be, or more accurately that I am. I don't care.

And here's why...

Because you're going to get to find out first hand just how wrong you are.

Sebastian Dodd is going to show up live on Pay Per View and start my WFW career with a bang...and it's going to come at your expense.

There's a rumor that there's gold on the other side of The Rainbow. Well, I agree. I'm not going to get that Gold this week. I'm going to get it in the future. I'm going to win countless titles in this federation.

But it starts by getting past The Rainbow.

See you in the ring...


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