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WFW Christmas Card: Shawn Hart? Speaks?


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
BRANDON JACOBS: We are back and it is finally time for the Three Way Dance between Inner Circle, LOVE, and the Cameron Cruise Project.

JONATHAN MARX: I can't tell you how much I've been....

(CUEUP: "Watching the Wheels" by John Lennon)


JONATHAN MARX: We will have to get back to our spiel once Shawn Hart his say.

::The man formerly known as Shawn Hart, one Steve Savoy appears at the entryway in a golf cart, bringing the fans to their feet. After a couple of honks from his cart's little horn, he drives the cart in a corkscrew motion down the ramp, then crashes into the ring. After backing up and crashing into the ring several more times in succession, Savoy finally hops out of the cart and rolls through the ropes and into the ring.::

SAVOY: Lookie what the cat dragged in!

::The Corona Man dusts himself off.::

SAVOY: Now I know what you're thinkin'... you're wondering, "Who is this guy?", "What happened to the PHENOM FUN BUS?!" Heh, to those of you who are worried about those kinds of things, lemme drop a word of assurance on ya. You want a Phenom Fun Bus? I got one for ya right here, brah...

::He taps himself on the crotch, then bursts into laughter.::

SAVOY: I've said it in NEW, I've said it here all week leading up to this Christmas Card business, and i'll say it again right now. Steve Savoy is through playin' games. I'm done with the schticks and the gimmicks, so if the creative team or the board of directors or whoever the hell is tryin' to run the show here thinks they can make me dance... they've got another thing comin'. What can I say... gettin' punked out by a happy-faced hack job in rainbow tights was the last straw. The time has come, AT LONG LAST, for the Corona Man to pour his own special brew on World's Finest Wrestling.

::Savoy attempts to clear his throat loudly into the microphone, not once but twice. He cracks a grin then continues.::

SAVOY: As for Michaels and Gideon, I dunno where you guys' heads are at, but if you ever want to get back to the top... take back the spots you rightfully deserve from guys like NADS Ryan and Mild Dust Storm, then I strongly suggest you get off each other's jocks and follow my lead. Either way, let's just say Ol' Stevie's got some hook-ups... a T-R-U W-A-R-I-E-R just ITCHIN' to make his mark. And when I step into that ring tonight to RASSLE, his mark will be made! The Corona Man has left the building!


BRANDON JACOBS: We will take a quick commerical break and when we comeback, we'll have the tag match.... we promise!

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