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Welp, here goes nothin! Another application..

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League Member
Sep 30, 2014
Handler Information

Name: Nicholas
Email Address: nich0las.allen@yahoo.com
Best Way to Contact You: Forum pm or e-mail(Forum PM/AIM/Facebook/Email/other)
eWrestling Experience: XXW & ACE currently, 10+ years experience(What have you done? Where?)
How did you find DEFIANCE? The Zine

Writing Sample

Here's the thing. What we want here in DEFIANCE is for you to sell us on you as a handler. How you do that is up to you. Link us to an old segment. Write a new one. Link to a match you wrote. Just convince us that you want to be here and that you're worth having here.

This is the most important part of your application. I'm serious about that.

I'd like for him to be introduced with a couple vignettes, kinda how wrestlers were introduced back in the old WWF days (think Waylon Mercy, Razor Ramon, Issac Yankem DDS.) If this isn't okay, I'm up for whatever works best for Defiance. So anyway, this would be the first one.

[Static. White noise. The sound comes before the images that assault the screen, and as soon as the first image comes in to focus, three candles blazing on a dimly lit background, we hear a womans scream, akin to a horror movie princess.]


[The floodgates have opened, and now the images are changing every half second, barely letting you catch what you think are glimpses of poverty, urban decay and ladies of the night. "Engineered to Destroy" by Sluggo is playing as background noise, still audible, but the focus being the images. The first and almost only lines of the track are heard in that womans broadcast delivery:]

♫Engineered to Destroy♫
♫Engineered to Destroy♫

[And as the song really kicks in, the images really start to fly:]

[An abandoned building.]
[A car with no wheels.]
[Broken bottles littering an alley.]
[Gigantic "NO TRESSPASSING" signs hung on fences topped with razor wire.]
[Iron gates over windows.]
[Police lights reflecting off a storefront.]
[Was.. was that a body bag?]

[The music quiets just a tad, and we hear a mans voice begin to speak, coldy and calculating. Eloquent, but raw.]

Oli Maddox:
We all have our own stories.. our own.. tales.

[More images, even faster now and there's no telling what they could be. Only colors really, dark greys and blacks. Crimson and shadow.]

Oli Maddox:
Well, I've got a story.. and I'd just love to share it with all of _you_.

[He spits the last word like venom. There are no more images, just a blur with that same heavy track rumbling in the background.]
[And then everything comes to a screeching halt. The music has changed it's cadence and the camera is focused on those same three candles from earlier.]

Oli Maddox:
Soon, Defiance... soon, I'll tell you my story. And I think you're going to really enjoy it.]

[As the camera pans backward we get our first glimpse of the man that voice belongs to. Half in shadow, you can just make out his mohawk that lays flat and the shaved sides. You can see the flame reflecting off metal, giving notice to his numerous facial peircings. His chin down, eyes up staring directly in to frame. He cracks a slight grin..]



I really hope that is more in line with what you guys do.
Again, any and all feedback is totally appreciated.

Wrestler(s) Information

Please take note of a couple things. It is highly likely that a few roster members will critique your moveset. Please don't be offended. We take that shit seriously here - we don't want a moveset full of finishers and a finisher so ludicrously over-elaborate that it couldn't be done in real life. This goes double if you're applying as a female wrestler. We also check to make sure your finisher(s) and theme song aren't currently being used. It's first come first serve when it comes to those.

And if you're one of those handlers who hates doing movesets, just say so and Jeff will do it for you.

Ring Name: 'the Motor City Destroyer' Oli Maddox
Height: 6'1
Weight: 239lbs

Hailing From: Detroit, Michigan(This is where your character is introduced as being from)

Alignment: Heel(Heel or Face? You may not play a Tweener without special staff permission)

Gimmick: At a glance, he appears to be your everyday street-punk. A mohawk, facial piercings, a grunge look to his wardrobe, and this is on purpose. He is far from your everyday punk, however. Oli has had an incredibly tough life, and he's spent plenty of time on the streets, looking out for himself. During this time, he became incredibly street smart, he had to in order to survive. To keep warm in the winter months, Oli would spend his days in public libraries, reading as much as he could. He dropped out of school very young, so he doesn't have a proper education. But his street smarts and ability to absorb knowledge has made him smarter than a lot of other people who are far better off than he is. So I guess his gimmick is he's kind of a loner, but very eloquent. He's cerebral and psychological, and he'll often talk about unpleasant emotions. He's able to articulate them so well because not only is he well-read, he's actually FELT those unpleasant feelings. He wants other people to feel them too.(Describe your gimmick. If your wrestler isn't heavily gimmicked then describe his/her persona.)

Wrestling Style: Well, as crazy as it sounds, Oli has a deep respect for the business. After he dropped out of school and ran away from home (after his mother died, we'll get in to that eventually) he spent a lot of time on the streets, with no place to stay. After three years of homelessness at 15 years old, he was almost ready to give up. Walking down the street, he begged for a miracle, a sign, anything. Not a moment later, a light popped on just feet in front of him, illuminating a storefront. Without even checking to see what kind of place he was walking in to, he just walked in and asked the first man he seen for a job. Oli told the man he'd clean the place, top to bottom, if only he could give him a place to sleep. The man agreed, and Oli just happen to be in a wrestling school. It took months before he would lace up his first pair of boots, but once he did, he fell in love. So his style? He's pretty technical, but also very traditional. Like any smart wrestler, he can also brawl with the best of them if need be.(Tell us a little bit about what your wrestler does in the ring and the general psychology behind it.)

Three Weaknesses:
1.) Temper, temper, temper. He flies off the handle a lot, gets worked up easy. Leads to DQ's and such.
2.) Apathy. Sometimes Oli gets in those moods where he could care less. He'll skip out on important things, stop talking to people all together. Things like that. He's got a couple problems, ok? ;)
3.) He's broken his right elbow three times, and has had surgery on it twice. He doesn't promote it, but once it's targeted it's hard for him to hide it.

Three Strengths:
1.) Iron will. He's a kind of guy who sees things through. Once he starts something, he'll finish it, either way.
2.) Stamina. He knows the most important part of any athletic event is cardio, and he busts his ass in the gym working it. It isn't a super power, but the guy can go for hours.
3.) His respect for the business. This alone earns him a lot of respect from his peers, no matter the gimmick or alignment. It also means he has a pretty good knowledge of it. He lived in a gym, and used to watch old territory tapes until they wouldn't play anymore.


Ten regular moveset moves:

1) Shining wizard
2) DDT
3) One legged dropkick
4) Spinning spinebuster
5) Superkick
6) Russian legsweep
7) Springboard double foot stomp
8) Dragon screw legwhip
9) Powerslam
10) Snap suplex

2-5 trademark moves:

1) Tree of woe/delayed dropkick
2) Death valley driver
3) Roundhouse kick
4) Running frontflip smash to a seated opponent in corner
5) Slingshot knee drop to the outside apron

1 Finishing Move: 'Super Destroyer' - Headlock driver

1 "MDK" (murderdeathkill) Finishing Move: 'Engineered to Destroy' - Argentine leglock (Optional)

I really hope you guys like this one. :)
All feedback is much appreciated.


League Member
Jul 16, 2014
I should probably finish reading the damn show instead of responding to this app, but I'm a yes. This character is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more compelling than the last app (no offense) and if done correctly will be very interesting.

Any old NWC/CAL dinosaurs (I think Rob and that's it unless I'm mistaken) -- this reminds me of the Gutterpunks...

The God-Beast

May 7, 2012
The City of Brotherly Shove
I should probably finish reading the damn show instead of responding to this app, but I'm a yes. This character is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more compelling than the last app (no offense) and if done correctly will be very interesting.

Any old NWC/CAL dinosaurs (I think Rob and that's it unless I'm mistaken) -- this reminds me of the Gutterpunks...

Kinda reminds me more of Johny Hotrod, but I can see the Raging Hobo elements too. Goddammit I wish Tim was still around.

Also, yes.


League Member
Aug 19, 2013
Winnipeg, MB
This looks and feels much better. Thanks for listening to everyone's feedback. I'm happy to say yes to this. :)


Active member
Staff member
Feb 4, 2005
Four yeses are needed and he got them, but just seeing that you're open to feedback and improving on the app goes a long way.

Saying yes anyway even if not needed.

Evan H.

DEF Director of Fun & Good Humor
May 7, 2012
South Tejas
So you're officially unofficially in, just wait for some combination of Jeff/Justin/James/Lindz to give you a thumbs up.

My advice, go back to the last PPV read that forward to get caught up, start mulling over who you might want to work with in the future on arcs and segments.


Apr 6, 2012
My advice, go back to the last PPV read that forward to get caught up, start mulling over who you might want to work with in the future on arcs and segments.

And while you're at it post some feedback in the feedback threads. We're all suckers for feedback.

You know, just to pile onto the homework that Mr. Hurley has set you.

Evan H.

DEF Director of Fun & Good Humor
May 7, 2012
South Tejas


Jan 1, 2000
Nick (or do you prefer Nicholas?), you've got a PM with instructions on what to do next.

Dave, will you give him access to the Booking forum please?
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