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Week 8 eviction Week 9 HoH

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
FADEIN: A Montage of shots showing CASEY, CADANCE. The words "Big Brother" appear on the screen. Then followed by shots of SIRI and, MARC. Which are quickly followed by shots of RUSSELL, and DAN. CUTTO: The graphic "Big Brother" on the screen.)

(FADEIN: SIRI and CASEY on the Green Couch of Doom. Sitting in front of them on the left and right are the few remaining houseguests. EMILY appears on the TV in the room.)

EMILY: "Hello everyone...I'll skip the small talk and go right to the chase...By a vote of 2 to 1...Casey, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house."

(CASEY gets up, gives SIRI a hug and then leaves. Everyone's pretty much silent after the result is announced.)

EMILY: "OK houseguests, now it's time for the new HoH challenge. So if you would, everyone outside please."

(The houseguests head out back where there are 5 steps, along the steps are containers full of water and smaller containers with water reading 'true' and 'false' on them.)

EMILY: "OK houseguests, today's challenge is called chemical reaction. I'll ask a question, and you will pick up either the bottle marked true, or the bottle marked false and pure it into your container of water. If you're right. The water will change to a dark black, if you're wrong it'll stay clear."

EMILY: "OK, question 1...Cadence is the only woman to have won HoH twice."

(Everyone pours the TRUE bottle into the water, turning it black.)

EMILY: "OK everyone, step down to the 2nd station. Question 2. Russell has yet to win a contest."

(SIRI and RUSSELL pour in TRUE and turn their water black. DAN and MARC pour in FALSE and get no reaction.)

EMILY: "I'm sorry Marc and Dan, you're eliminated"

EMILY: "Question 3. The three challenges Marc won were Treadmill of Terror, Higher or Lower and Xmas Veto"

(Both pour False and get it right.)

EMILY: "Question 4. Shane won the endurance contest by standing bent over for 3 hours and 17 minutes."

(Both pour False and get it right.)

EMILY: "Question 5, John won the Bluff me a Veto contest."

(Both pour True and get it right.)

EMILY: "OK, we're down to the tiebreaker now. Without going over, closest wins HoH. Siri, Russell, this is your 9th week in the Big Brother House, it's thursday night, you entered the house on a monday. How many nights have you slept in the Big Brother house?"

(SIRI reveals 60, RUSSELL reveals 58.)

EMILY: "the correct answer was 65...Siri, you are the new Head of Household!"

(SIRI celebrates as she takes the HoH room key from CADENCE.)

ANNOUNCER V/O: "Siri has picked as good a time as any to win her first HoH. Who will be nominated? What deals will be made, what will be promised, and how will the game play out. You can only find out by tuning in next time on Big Brother!"

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