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Week 6 nominations

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
(FADEIN: A Montage of shots showing SIRI, and JOHN, followed by another quick series of film clips of CADANCE, and SHANE. The words "Big Brother" appear on the screen. Then followed by shots of CASEY and MARC. Which are quickly followed by shots of RUSSELL, and DAN. CUTTO: The graphic "Big Brother" on the screen.)


RUSSELL: "Well, Shane and John never talk to me, so like, of everyone, I've gotten a feel for them but them, I'm just a ghost, so if you're looking for who I'd put up, that's the two."

CADENCE: "Any idea why that is?"

RUSSELL: "Nope, can't say as I know why, just that we don't really get together at all, so it's just how it is.Everyone else I'm cool with, that's just how it is."

(CUTTO: CADENCE talking to JOHN.)

JOHN: "You could like, put up Chris."

CADENCE: "He got evicted like, a month ago or so..."

JOHN: "Oh right..."

(CADENCE shakes her head.)

(CUTTO: CADENCE talking to Shane.)

SHANE: "I'd say Marc mostly."

CADENCE: "I've been trying to talk to him and he's not around. Well I know how it is..."

(CUTTO: CADENCE talking to CASEY.)

CASEY: "Shane's a strong player, dunno if you really want to go after him, Besides him, Marc and John really are the only two that come to mind as being targets."

CADENCE: "Cool cool...Just like having people talk to me before I make up my mind."

(CUTTO: CADENCE talking to DAN.)

DAN: "I dunno"

CADENCE: "Oh come on, quit being coy with me, you have to have SOMEBODY you want out of here...Like, Marc who put you up twice, or something."

DAN: "Not really...Just do what you gotta do."

CADENCE: "Ugh..."

(CUTTO: CADENCE talking with SIRI.)

CADENCE: "It's very possible you're going up...Just want to give you the heads up."

SIRI: "Oh, great, thanks, any reason why?"

CADENCE: "We'll talk later, hash out things..."


(CUTTO: MARC talking to CADENCE.)

MARC: "I dunno, whatever you think is best. I'm just about having a happy house, so like, whatever's good is good. If anyone, mebbe Dan, just cause we had that little spat after the vote."

CADENCE: "And you put him up twice."

MARC: "Hey, he was save against Holly, clearly...I wouldn't have voted him off on a tie breaker, no way."


(CUTTO: CADENCE sitting in the HoH room, looking at the 7 keys of the people she can nominate. She is deep in thought before finally putting two of the keys in the black bag and locking them away, she then returns and starts putting the keys in the container.)

(CUTTO: CADENCE walking out to the living room with the container, holding the keys of those saved from nomination. The group walks into the living room and sits down at the smaller table.)

CADENCE: "OK guys, nomination time...As you know...So well, let's get started...(Unlocks the first key.) Russell...You are safe."

(RUSSELL takes his key and then unlocks the next key.)

RUSSELL: "Shane...You are Safe."

(Shane takes his key...And then unlocks the next one.)

SHANE: "Casey...You are safe."

(CASEY nods, and takes his key. He then gets the container and unlocks the next key.)

CASEY: "Marc, you are safe."

(MARC takes his key, and looks relieved, SIRI appears glum, as DAN and JOHN look worried. MARC unlocks the final key.)

MARC: "Dan, you are safe."

(DAN takes the final key.)

CADENCE: "I nominated Siri and John...John, because well, you have to get a bit more into the game, just how I felt, and Siri, well, I just don't feel I know you enough to trust you...So that's why you're both up. And that's that."

(CUTTO: The group leaving, SIRI gets a hug from CASEY on the way out.)

ANNOUNCER V/O: "Siri and John face eviction, both will clearly do all they can to win the power of Veto, who will win it, will they use it, and if it is used, who will then go on the block? These important questions can only be answered on the next, BIG BROTHER!"

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