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Week 6 eviction week 7 HoH

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
(FADEIN: A Montage of shots showing CASEY, and JOHN, followed by another quick series of film clips of CADANCE, and SHANE. The words "Big Brother" appear on the screen. Then followed by shots of SIRI and, MARC. Which are quickly followed by shots of RUSSELL, and DAN. CUTTO: The graphic "Big Brother" on the screen.)

(FADEIN: JOHN and SIRI on the Green Couch of Doom. Everyone else sits on the Yellow couches on either side of them. EMILY comes in on the TV screen in the room.)

EMILY: "Well everyone, we know what's coming, so I won't make you wait any longer...By a vote of 4 to 1...John...You are evicted from the Big Brother House (JOHN shakes his head in disgust, MARC looks a bit surprised as JOHN starts to leave.)

JOHN: "Thanks a lot Marc, thanks a lot Cadence...I hope I see the two of you at the sequester house real soon." (JOHN leaves.)

(MARC still looks a bit confused at the house's verdict against JOHN.)

MARC: "Well, joke's on me I guess."

EMILY: "OK houseguests, it's time to go out back for the HoH contest."

(Everyone heads out back where a shuffleboard with a U-Turn and two rubber bands in the corners of the turns is waiting for them, at the end of the section with the U-Turn is a blue area.)

EMILY: "OK houseguests, we'll now be doing the shuffle for power. You each get one shot, the person who comes closest to the red section of the board while having their whole disc in the blue wins HoH."

(SIRI shoots and her disc doesn't get to the blue.)

(RUSSELL shoots and his disk goes past the blue and falls off the track.)

(DAN gets his in the middle of the blue.)

(CASEY gets inside DAN's and takes the lead.)

(SHANE gets in the blue, but doesn't beat CASEY.)

MARC: "Come on little puck...Ya gotta do it for daddy."

(MARC shoots the disc, but it doesn't clear all of the red.)

EMILY: "Casey is the new Head Of Household, congrats Casey!" (CADENCE hands the key to the HoH room over to CASEY who appears pretty happy to have won.)

ANNOUNCER V/O: "Casey is now in charge, how will this effect the game, who will be nominated? What promises will be made, who will avoid going on the block, tune in next time on Big Brother!"

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