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Week 5 eviction Week 6 HoH

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
(FADEIN: A Montage of shots showing SIRI, CASEY, and then JOHN, followed by another quick series of film clips of CADANCE, and SHANE. The words "Big Brother" appear on the screen. Then followed by shots of HOLLY, MARC. Which are quickly followed by shots of RUSSELL, and DAN. CUTTO: The graphic "Big Brother" on the screen.)

(FADEIN: HOLLY and DAN on the Green Couch of Doom, the remaining houseguests sitting on the yellow couches in front of them, CUTTO: EMILY looking in on the houseguests from her studio.)

EMILY: "Well everyone, today's eviction marks the first time that the evicted person will in fact have a say in the final result of this game, as they will be the first member of the jury. So as you know, how you vote somebody out now will matter as much as who it is you vote out...And now, the verdict...By a vote of 4 to 2...Holly...You have been evicted from the Big Brother House (HOLLY gets up and walks out, looking annoyed at her eviction.)

HOLLY: "Wow, wasn't a sweep? Thanks guys..." (HOLLY leaves.)

DAN: "I got two votes, against HER? Thanks for the support..."

(Everyone begins shouting that they in fact voted for HOLLY, the scene gets ugly after a few moments.)

CADENCE: "Clearly I wouldn't have voted for her, so you know you can trust me."

DAN: "Well I believe that."

SIRI: "So who don't you believe?"

DAN: "I don't know...Who knows? The only person I don't know anything about is Marc, cause he couldn't vote."

MARC: "Hey, if it came to a tiebreaker, she was gone."

DAN: "Of course you say that now, but if it had gone 3-3 you could have decided to take out a threat and leave her around to get picked off later, hell she coulda been an easy win for someone thinking about taking her to final 2. People are gaming around here, that's clear."

CASEY: "Look, this is totally counter productive and gets us nowhere cause we're all going to swear we voted for Holly, and it's just up to who trusts who about it."

DAN: "So you voted for Holly?"

CASEY: "Yes."

DAN: "You're not lying to me."

CASEY: "Look, two people are lying about this, I'm not one of them, there's been plenty of claims going on, the truth will only come out when we get out of this house and watch the show and see who did what."

EMILY: "Houseguests...This fight can continue after the HoH contest, which I'll instruct you all to head out back for."

(The houseguests, still fuming at each other, head to the backyard where 7 stands are placed for the people who can compete for HoH to stand.)

EMILY: "OK houseguests, the power is back on the line. Today's quiz is simple, I'll give you a question about the history of the house, and you'll write down the answer and then reveal it. OK"


EMILY: "Question 1...Who got the most votes for eviction, with losing the vote and being evicted? That's time...Reveal"

(SIRI, SHANE and JOHN write "Felicia" RUSSELL writes "Dan" CASEY writes "Casey" DAN writes "John" CADENCE writes "Chris")

EMILY: "And the correct answer is, CHRIS...Cadence is the only one to have gotten it right, and thusly, has become the new Head of Household." (CADENCE is stunned by the result of this question, then quickly smiles big at the news. MARC hands over the HoH room key to CADENCE. The Houseguests congratulate CADENCE for a little while before heading off in their own directions.)

ANNOUNCER V/O: "After a heated vote, the house now faces a huge nomination, how who will Cadence nominate? What will the reactions be, the end is coming soon, one of these 8 remaining contestants will win a half million dollars, which two will be nominated and risk defeat? Tune in next time on Big Brother!"

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