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Week 10 Veto/Eviction

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
(FADEIN: Quick shots of RUSSELL and CADENCE, followed by shots of SIRI, and MARC. Followed by the Graphic for BIG BROTHER.)

(FADEIN: MARC standing out back in front of him is a giant device reading 'electro 2000, with a bunch of extention cords on the ground at his feet, in the backyard are a series of photos of various houseguests with outlets below them, blocked off in groups of 4, with numbers under each group, from 1 to 9. Marc takes in the situation and then unfolds a sheet of paper.)

MARC: "Once you open the second letter, your timer will begin, person with the quickest time wins."

(MARC opens the second letter.)

MARC: "Plug in to each section the outlet under the person who won the Veto that week. If you get any wrong when you throw the switch, one of the ones you got wrong will turn red. Person with the fastest time wins Veto."

(CUTTO: Marc in the Diary Room.)

MARC: "Man I've been so hurting without drugs around here and hard booze that I can't hardly remember people's names, much less who won veto nine weeks ago."

(CUTTO: A series of wrong answers from MARC who grows more and more fustrated.)

(CUTTO: MARC in the Diary room wearing the 'HoH' bathrobe.)

MARC: "Hey I got this, (Points to the HoH logo) I didn't need the Veto, thank goodness."

(CUTTO: MARC finally finishing his run through the quiz.)

(CUTTO: RUSSELL doing the quiz.)

(CUTTO: RUSSELL in the diary room.)

RUSSELL: "I thought I had some idea about who was what, but man, that was annoying.)

(CUTTO: RUSSELL getting a few wrong, then finally finishing.)

(CUTTO: SIRI starting the quiz)

SIRI: "Oh I got this!" (SIRI rushes through the quiz, in series of quick cuts we see her getting week after week right, till she flips the switch.)

(CUTTO: SIRI in the diary room.)

SIRI: "That was about how I got through high school, just having a good memory for stuff, of course 3 months after this is over I'll have forgotten half the names of the people playing."

(CUTTO: CADENCE doing the quiz.)

(CUTTO: CADENCE in the diary room.)

CADENCE: "I did about as good as I could, if I didn't win I'm not so worried. I'm pretty confident I can keep myself around for another week."

(CUTTO: MARC reading off the times, SIRI dominates everyone and wins Veto!)

(CUTTO: CADENCE and SIRI talking in the backyard.)

CADENCE: "You know you really can't win against Russell or Marc at the end."

SIRI: "That could be true."

CADENCE: "Well you know if you evict me, I'll most likely vote against you. But if we're the final 2, you got Casey, you got John and Holly. If Russell gets over you voting him out, you win."

SIRI: "That's possible, but odds are he won't...And you got Dan and Shane for sure, same with Marc."

CADENCE: "Marc is nuts, I don't think if he even knows who he'll vote for now."

SIRI: "I understand that totally. Yeah...You are right."

(CUTTO: SIRI laying in bed, looking at the Veto necklace.)

(CUTTO: SIRI in the diary room.)

SIRI: "This sucks...Russell's been with me the whole time...And I'd really hate to betray him...At the same time, Cadence is right, and she's played just an awesome game...I really feel like Marc got off easy, he won basically an immunity challenge and got himself out of trouble, now it's all on me to decide who stays and who goes...This stupid thing feels like the One Ring around my neck...If I vote out Russell, it's not given that Cadence or Marc would take me to the end. If I vote out Cadence, I got a better shot at final two, but I don't know if I can win...Bah...Sucks..."

(CUTTO: SIRI talking to RUSSELL.)

SIRI: "Would you vote for me if I made it to the final 2 if I voted you out now?"

RUSSELL: "Ummm, no, why would you keep Cadence around over me?"

SIRI: "I don't know if I can beat you at the end, I have a shot with her, lots of people on the jury are upset with her."

RUSSELL: "Well I'd be upset with you if you threw our alliance away now when we're this close to the end. Look, if I go, you know you have to win HoH or else Cadence is taking Marc to the end with her, and Marc would do the same for her. So right there you're putting yourself in a bad spot. Second gets 50,000. First is a lot more then that, but second is still a lot more cash then anyone else is gonna see out of this whole affair. Let's get to the payoffs and then worry about cutting people's throats."

SIRI: "I know, but it's a half million dollars, and really, that's life changing money...50 grand is a nice car, but it's not a really nice house..."

RUSSELL: "Look you got the Veto, do what you got to do, I'm with you to the end if you keep me, if not, then you've cut your own throat getting to the final 2, and most likely lost my vote with the jury."

(CUTTO: SIRI in the HoH bedroom laying on the bed looking beaten down by the weight of her decision.)

(CUTTO: The Veto Ceremony.)

SIRI: "OK everyone, it's time for the Veto ceremony, no surprise, I'm using it on myself."

MARC: "And then I'm forced to nominate Cadence."

(EMILY appears on the TV screen.)

EMILY: "OK Siri. You have the only vote now to evict somebody from the house, would you like to cast it now?"

SIRI: "Yes, I would"

EMILY: "Then go ahead."

SIRI: "It's been really tough....Cadence, I know what you said. Russell, I know what you said. In the end, Cadence you're right that I'm screwed at the end now...But I still have to honor my old alliance...So I vote to evict Cadence."

(CADENCE shakes her head and nods. She gets up and shoots a quick look at SIRI, before MARC comes over and gives her a hug...CADENCE then walks out of the house.)

EMILY: "Congrats Houseguests, you've made the final 3...Marc, you may compete in the final HoH challenge even with you being HoH now."

(CUTTO: MARC in the diary room.)

MARC: "I'm on the outside looking in, I know I gotta win this to make it to the end, but hell, who woulda thought I'd ever get this far. No quit in me now."

ANNOUNCER V/O: "MARC, SIRI, and RUSSELL are the final 3, the final three part challenge to determine the final HoH is next, who will win it, who will they take with them to the final 2? Turn in next time on Big Brother!"

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