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Violence! 51 is LIVE!


Mar 5, 1998
Pompano Beach, FL
*Disclaimer* - This is a double post from the LoC Marks forum because ... it feels right. That's the best excuse I could think of, so BACK OFF!


Well, it's not live. I pretty much just lied to you about that part. It is up now, though, and after going through a bunch of changes and rebookings I think we did a great job with it.

This is the last show before our next special event, Or Die Trying, and the final two first round matches for the ODT Tourney took place to set-up the quarterfinals. There was a tag match between The Flying Vergomovs and newcomers, the Heirs of Wrestling. One Eye and Ninja K met for the second straight show in Underground Rules action. And in the Main Event Scott Riktor faced a Team Johnson Gauntlet to decide if he would get a Legacy Championship match at ODT against current champion, Superstar Vince Jacobs.

Also ... Rune Winters hit a sh*tload of people with a shovel. It was that kind of night.

So, read it. Why? Because it's the polite thing to do, you friggen jerk.


Click the Violence logo and ignore my not-so-subtle attempt to get you to look at the ODT Tourney brackets.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. New site goes LIVE after ODT! That time I wasn't lying, it's really going to be live then.

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