(FADEIN: The First is pacing around, trying to figure out which rant to go on. Felix and Gotho are watching Heroes...)
FELIX: Man, Peter Petrilli must be the stupidest super hero of all time...
GOTHO: But he's sooooo cute...
FELIX: Well, you want to f*ck everything, so your opinion doesn't count and also ew. he goes back in time to kill his own brother, but wouldn't he just go back further and tell his brother not to tell everyone they have powers? Also, why's everyone always so preoccupied trying to save the cheerleader? She's invincible.
GOTHO: Yeah, it's all very illogical. I like Captain Planet and the Planeteers better.
FIRST: I just hate them so much...(Seethes)...It's like, on the one hand, they could be honest about this crap, and they hate each other, and if that's the case, then they could just sell each other out to us, we could maim one of them, break their leg, crush a hand...Do something horrible, something that even Craig Miles, who sees all, knows all, is all...Wouldn't be able to deny wasn't part of his cunning plan to become supreme overlord of all Wrestling and the Eastern Seaboard, which he will rename Milesastan...Or he could just feed us Beast, that worthless sack of sh*t, who's spent his whole life hiding behind Dan Ryan and now Troy...Oh I'd love to see the fear in his eyes when he's stuck in that ring, and he knows nothing will protect him...Nothing will save him, and that we're going to do damage to him that all his 20 houses, 40 cars, wife and 8 mistresses won't be able to fix...
FELIX: It actually doesn't matter whether or not they actually hate each other. They don't care about anything besides looking good. Winning....that may or may not be part of it, depending on the circemstances...They're not likely to deliberately sell each other out like that. They're more likely to f*ck up in the process of trying to one up the other...That's why I'm still sitting here talking about overrated TV shows. You're still trying to figure out what Miles' game is. I'm just planning on beating him and Beast half to death
FIRST: They have gotten to me...I'll admit it...It's just that I so fear that we're just...Human props in this game, that Miles and Beast have some pals waiting or whatever, and win or lose we'll just end up being beaten up as they form the "Cocky Beasts" or some other stupidly named alliance...I just look at what happened in the KoC and think to myself "Really, that was it?" that all the tag teams in this miserable company spent their time losing to one man...That this fight is really the alpha and omega of the tag division, and it's between two overblown dolts who are busy trying to prove who's the bigger diva, and us, who are just caught in the malestrom of their stupidity...
TV: "My name is Syler! you are not my mother!" "But I am dear...I am..." (Felix pulls out handgun and blows the TV set away)
FELIX: **** this show! Go get me another television, lacky.
GOTHO: Yes sir! (jumps out the window)
FIRST: Why does he do that? The door is right there?
FELIX: It doesn't matter. In a way, maybe Heroes isn't such a bad model for our situation afterall. It's a convoluted storyline featuring overexposed, hacknied concepts stolen from previous incarnations of the same ****ing thing. tens of thousands of times. It's like Beast is Peter Petrilli, basically means well, is very stupid, Miles is Claire Bennett, 'cause all he ever does is whine and annoy me with the illogicality of his very existence, and we're the guns that blow up the TV set because they are a boring show.
FIRST: I...Like being the guns...But tragically the TV show still exists in other houses...And I don't think we're gonna get to kill everyone's TV...But I just figured out why I hate all these people so much..It's cause everyone in this company is completely spineless, everyone's a bunch of b*tches, the whole tag division soiled themselves in fear and basically forced Beast and Miles into this fight with us...Rocko Daymon forfeits the world title cause of a hang nail. Sean Stevens spends all his time losing and yet is supposedly a main eventer. Craig Miles and Beast do their pitiful circle jerk and in the end all of it means nothing...It's the old boys network, nobody wants to get down and dirty, nobody wants to rock the boat...Ambition is a problem, not something that's rewarded....All they do is float in and out like blobs in a lava lamp...Everything's meaningless to them...All they care about is their 401's and hoping Wall Street gets bailed out so they can keep their vacation homes. You got any money?
FELIX: I've still got my endoresment royalties from Hot Topic. And the guys at Circuit city give me free **** out of fear.
FIRST: Fear is a great thing...It's just that everyone is all about this playing nice bullsh*t...We're not playing nice, this isn't the way it goes down...No (shakes head) what happens here is we hurt you...Beast and Miles...You get hurt...We're winning, that much will happen, but on top of that, you will pay a price in blood, you will pay a price in ripped tendons, you will pay a price in broken bones...I know you've heard this sh*t from so many other people so many other times and I know you'll be rolling your eyes and mocking this...But look at me...LOOK AT ME...Look at Felix...Does it seem like we're *not* going to follow through on this? Do you think we won't?
FELIX: You've heard it before...so have we....the difference is, well, hey....you're only here because there's no one else left.
FIRST: And you're the two most overhyped losers I can imagine, if Priest and that idiot with the huge name had made the finals, we'd have just roughed them up a little, art of despair, and we're out the door, you idiots trigger my bloodlust...
(Felix looks out the window)
FELIX: Ah, ****, Gotho's finally dead. Now who's gonna fetch the new TV?
(First looks out the window)
FIRST: I can't tell if he's breathing or not...He pulled this stunt on me last week when I sent him to get me M&M's and sprite...As for the TV we can just go on-line, all the major networks let you watch the whole episode anyhow on their websites.
FELIX: What do you mean "go online?"
FIRST: The internet? (Felix looks on blankly) The world wide web? (Still no sign of understanding)...Oh lord...On the one hand it scares me deeply that you're not understanding this, on the other hand, exposing you to this may in fact bring about the end times of man...
FELIX: They don't call me the boy who destroyed the world 'cause I'm a sexy *****...they call me a sexy ***** 'cause I'm a sexy *****....seriously though, what are we gonna do with Gotho's corpse?
FIRST: Go to a housekeeping store, get some shovels, find a place to dig a ditch, pour some lyme in it, dump him in, pour more lyme on top, and then bury him seems to be the best of plans...
FELIX: and then we're gonna need a new flunky...
FIRST: We can hold open try outs...Wait...I think I just his leg move...That could have been just from his body falling off that stack of trash bags or it could have been of his own accord...
GOTHO (voice can be faintly heard) k-...kill me....
(Felix empties a few rounds out the window onto the pavement)
FELIX: No, I'm fairly certain he's expired. poor thing.
(First looks on in horror for a few moments)
FIRST: Well then...I'll get to work on drawing up the flyers for tryouts...You're serious you've never been on-line?
FELIX: I have no idea what you're talking about.
FIRST: Well then, come with me and we'll take you to a magical land of endless pornography, message board wars, idiots posting videos of themselves doing stupid things...And yet even more porn...
(First walks a confused Felix towards a computer...Fadeout)