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Tyrone Walker vs Angel of Death


League Member
Nov 20, 2003
[The scene opens with a shot of the last LCW Pay Per View, Supernova. The year is 2002, and it's the Main Event. Announcing is the "voice of LCW" Jimmy Williams.]

Jimmy: As Tyrone Walker approaches the ring, AOD takes a run, diving between the ropes, tope suicida catching Walker hard on the outside! AOD straddling the World Heavyweight Champion now, driving his fists into Walker's face. Walker pushes him off, and slides into the ring. AOD is right behind him, climbing the ropes on the outside. Walker turns, missile dropkick! AOD is determined to be the first Unified World Champion! Walker rolls out of the way of a kneedrop, and quickly gets back to his feet. Walker bounds up to the top rope as AOD gets to his feet, hurricarana! Walker takes AOD down for the first time in this match! AOD rolls away from Walker, and kips up! Walker and AOD rushing to the middle of the ring now, AOD with an armdrag. Walker comes back, as does AOD. Walker with an armdrag! Both men rushing in again, AOD kicking Walker in the midsection. AOD with a quick DDT! Walker is dazed! AOD picking up Walker, whip to the ropes. Reversal, irish whip to the corner. AOD hits hard, and flips out of the ring!

[Walker jogs to the ropes as AOD gets to his feet. Walker springboards over the ropes to the ring apron, then off the ring apron with a flying headscissors on AOD. AOD rolls, and is back on his feet quickly. Walker runs in, but meets a superkick from AOD, who climbs into the ring right afterwards. Walker gets up, groggy from the superkick, and slides back into the ring to an awaiting Angel of Death.]

Jimmy: These men are determined to win this match early! Walker counters the rush by AOD with a tilt-a-whirl side slam. He hooks the leg! (One, Two, Kickout!) Walker grabs AOD by the head, yanking him to his feet. Short-arm DDT! AOD blocks it, and hits a Northern Lights suplex! (One, Two, Kickout!) AOD gets to his feet first, and boots Walker in the head. Standing moonsault on Walker. AOD to the corner, he's climbing the ropes. Frog splash! Walker moves out of the way! AOD eats canvas as the frog splash misses! Standing moonsault from Walker this time, he heads up to the top rope. Walker's turn to go for a frog splash, this one connects! Walker with a cover! (One, Two, Kickout!) Walker can't believe it! He raises AOD to a standing position, and hits him with a Snap DDT. Walker on the top rope again, moonsault! AOD moved! Walker is down and hurt after that missed high risk move. AOD climbing the ropes this time, he's waiting for something. Walker gets to his feet, he's on rubber legs. Walker turns to face AOD. AOD with a corkscrew hurricarana! He's hooking the leg on the way down! The Reaper! AOD is going for the finish! (One, Two, KICKOUT!!!!) Walker kicked out of the Reaper! AOD is stunned! Walker with the TKO Driver! It's all over! (One, Two, KICKOUT!!!!) Walker can't believe it! AOD takes advantage, GOING HOME!! We've got a new World Champion! The cover! (One, Two ... KICKOUT!!!!!!) Oh my GOD! Walker kicked out of the Going Home! AOD is dumbfounded! TKO 2.0! Walker hits the fireman's carry into a reverse brainbuster! He makes the cover! (One, Two, KICKOUT!!!!!) Oh man, ladies and gentlemen, when I said this would be an interesting match, I had no idea this would happen! Walker grabbing AOD now as he was getting to his feet. What's this?? TKO III! This has got to be it! The cover! (One, TWO, THREE!!!!!!!!)

[The scene zooms out until we see the TV screen playing the end of the Pay Per View. Continuing to pan back, we find Angel of Death sitting in a comfortable black leather armchair, VCR remote in his hand, reviewing the end of the match.]

Jimmy (voice over): AOD takes advantage, GOING HOME!! We've got a new World Champion! The cover! (One, Two ... KICKOUT!!!!!!) Oh my GOD! Walker kicked out of the Going Home! AOD is dumbfounded! TKO 2.0! Walker hits the fireman's carry into a reverse brainbuster! He makes the cover! (One, Two, KICKOUT!!!!!) Oh man, ladies and gentlemen, when I said this would be an interesting match, I had no idea this would happen! Walker grabbing AOD now as he was getting to his feet. What's this?? TKO III! This has got to be it! The cover! (One, TWO, THREE!!!!!!!!)

AOD: Tyrone, you and I have only ever met in the ring once before. It was for the LCW Unified World Title, on the last LCW Pay Per View ever held. It took not only the TKO 2.0 to defeat me, but you debuted the TKO III that night. It was a banner night for Team Danger, as you and Stevie took home both singles titles. That made you guys Tag Team champions, and the holders of the top two singles titles in the promotion.

[He pauses, looking at the camera with a sarcastic smile on his face.]

AOD: Sounds kinda familiar, doesn't it? You and Stevie have a stranglehold on the EUWC, just like you did with the LCW. This time around, you have a flunky with you, but it's still the same old **** with the same old smell. At Main Frame, I have a chance to stop Team Danger from decaying the EUWC like they did the LCW. It all starts this week, Walker. The International Title will go around my waist, and the downfall of Team Danger will begin. Don't say I didn't warn you, Ty.

[He turns off the TV, and puts the remote down on a table beside him before rising, and walking away. Fade to black.]

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