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TV Title Match: The Jobber vs. Sean Edmunds


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
All that Glitters IS gold...

((FADEIN: Sean Edmunds is walking around in a building. He keeps looking over his shoulder as he walks. CUTTO: a different view that shows Edmunds turn the corner while looking behind him. A big man stands in front of him. As he turns around he bumps into the man and yelps. He then looks up and notices that it is just a statue of an important person in the town's history. He looks around making sure no one saw his display and he continues walking. FADEOUT.))

RABESQUE V/O: "Come on Edmunds! Come on out you little (BLEEP) I’ll kill you! Just wait, you won’t know when it’s coming, but I’m going to take you out! Trust me on that one Edmunds!!"

((FADEIN: Black and white footage of the end of the Jean Rabesque and Jon Skieler match. Rabesque is on the outside of the ring watching Troy Martinez manhandle Skieler. All of a sudden, playing in slow motion, is Sean Edmunds coming up from behind him, and in the end, nailing the Northern Lights Suplex on Rabesque. REPLAY: the Northern Lights Suplex being hit three times in succession. FADEOUT.))

EDMUNDS V/O: "Like a child who flees from home on the way to finding himself, I have fled from the WWL. And now I am finding myself. (fast forward noise as the voice/over continues) In case you havent noticed, I got a mouth that likes to run ... but I'm always able to back up what it says (pauses) one way or another."

((FADEIN: Edmunds continuing to walk the halls of this building he's in. He finally spots an EXIT sign. He tries hard to walk, but he can't help himself in a few instances when he jogs a bit before slowing down. Edmunds pushes open the door and walks outside. His face immediately drops as he sees Jean Rabesque sitting on top of his car with a baseball bat. Edmunds catches the door before it shuts and hops back inside. FADEOUT.))

EDMUNDS V/O: "Because I am SIMPLY .. (pauses) SENSATIONAL."

((FADEIN: Its night time now. We have an outside shot of the same door that we saw a few hours ago. The door slightly cracks open and Edmunds pokes his head out. He then throws the door open and walks out confidently. He stops short though when he sees that his car windshield has been bashed in as was the door windows and the back window. Edmunds runs up to the car and curses. He turns around and shakes his head.))

EDMUNDS: "Dirty little punks that come and think they can get a cheap thrill by destroying the property of those who they can never ascend to be. Its little runts like that that annoy me in the wrestling world. But as much as they try to divert my attention, make me worry about my safety, they fail. But lets move on from there. Upcoming Riptide it seems that the powers that be in the GLCW decided that it was time to give 'Simply Sensational' a little taste of whats to come in his journey. They decided to dangle the Television title and the Jobber in front of my eyes, and they were right when they predicted that they would light up in anticipation. I've followed your path a little bit here and there. Nothing much more than checking results however. So I'd be lying if I said that I could name off how long you went unbeaten, and how many titles you've managed to pick up in the process. (smiles) In case you haven't noticed, Jobber, I usually only keep track of that information for the one person who truly matters (pauses) myself."

((Edmunds turns around and looks at the car disgustingly. He takes out his cell phone and calls someone. After hanging up he calls up someone else.))

EDMUNDS: "Hey Baci, yeaa.. my car was kind of marked by a dirty dog.. yes, I know you just bought me it, but I can't help it if some people weren't trained to be humane and not animalistic. Thank you, when will he be here? I called the car to be towed and junked, no use in keeping tainted property. You will? Awesome. Bye."

((Edmunds turns around back to the camera and puts the phone in his pocket.))

EDMUNDS: "Business deals, sorry. One thing I do know, Jobber, is that you're fruit that is hanging ripe on the vine just waiting to be plucked. You see I enjoy the chase. I enjoy the pressure that amounts right before a match. It gives me the thrill of urgency. A thrill of uncontrollability. A suspension of my senses that nothing else can do. Well.. (shakes head) That nothing else can do. The Television title seems like it'd fit nicely around my waist, Jobber, just like it seems like it'd easily fall from yours. All it takes is one bad move, one missed opportunity, and I'll be all over that title like it was Karen Jewello over a pot roast soaked in grease. I only want one thing in the GLCW. Its not titles. Its not glory. Its not even money. Its the fact that I can go out there every night and know that one of these days, whether it be tomorrow or next year, I'll be able to take all the matches with the Troy Martinez's, the Jobbers, and whoever else might be thrown in my way, and use that to finally rip one ghost from my closet, and toss him by the wayside (pauses) like I should have done years ago."

((A black Lexus, very similar to the one Edmunds has bashed in pulls up. A man gets out and hands Edmunds the keys. Edmunds tells the man to stay by the car and get dropped off by the towing company. As Edmunds opens the car door he smiles.))

EDMUNDS: "I always here people say that my thirst for gold has always been my greatest downfall. That all that glitters is not gold. Those people have never looked into my eyes. They've never seen the shimmer and the glitter that illuminates them whenever I have a chance to do more, gain more ... because if they did, they'd realize that all that glitters (stresses) *is* gold.. and all that matters (stresses) *is* SIMPLY (pauses) SENSATIONAL..."

((FADEOUT: As Edmunds puts the car in drive and drives by the camera. The camera cuts to the guy who dropped off the car just shaking his head. Fade to black.))


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Lovely to See You

(Cue up "The Voice" by the Moody Blues)

(Fade in to the Jobber's Whitelandia compound. Cut to the interior, where the Camera moves from the living room, the the kitchen, then down some steps into the basement, where we see the Jobber sitting in the rather dark room on a rather old sofa that peopleusually throw in their less used rooms.)

The Jobber: Sean Edmunds, the GLCW must be strange and different to you. Finally you have arrived in a place that is not a laughing stock, that isn't a struggling worthless B level attraction. I was wondering why you would think destroying Jean Rabesque was such a feat, but that would explain it. I've seen Rabesque destroyed before Edmunds, you doing it in a sneak attack will hardly impress me. It doesn't make me think you are a particularly skilled competitor, just someone who believes that the ends always justify the means, while forgetting that certain means will in the end bite you back. I'm not criticising your tactics Sean, I just have to wonder where you think you'll get with them.

(The Jobber gets out of his seat, and begins climbing the stairs, speaking as he walks.)

The Jobber: You show the footage of Rabesque, and I'm supposed to believe this is my future? Edmunds, look at the state of Jared Poe after I retained the Television title in our match. He looked as though he had just been in an explosion. Do you think that a series of Northern Lights suplexes to a man who has been beaten so many times will intimidate me? Do you think it will intimidate anyone? It certaintly doesn't make you look sensational, wow you outwitted Jean Rabesque, the most backward thinking wrestler in the promotion with any sort of fame.

(The Jobber sits down in his living room, a copy of Machiavell's "The Prince" sitting besides him.)

The Jobber: You may see some logic, some sense in your actions, but beyond being a means to anger Jean Rabesque, they serve no practical purpose. Machiavelli writes that a man must be like an archer in planning his strategy, he must pick the right angle and arrow for a certain shot. Was making an enemy going into this match the right arrow Edmunds? Do you see yourself so great as you could fend off Jean Rabesque and myself in this match? You come into it rather unprepared to face top notch wrestlers as well. You are used to the same old bush league wrestlers Edmunds, and now you come into this match after facing who, Troy Martinez? Am I to believe you worthy of my title because you have beaten Troy Martinez? Impressed I am not. You could have beaten Troy Martinez in 30 seconds and it still wouldn't have proven a thing. Martinez is a has been, a has been who did nothing when he was worth something. Yet now you are given this title shot, and you believe yourself a match for me? In two tries in a row Jared Poe the much hyped up monster couldn't touch me Edmunds, and now you come in here fresh off beating nobodies and you hope to impress the masses with a defeat of Troy Martinez.

(The Jobber leans foward.)

The Jobber: Edmunds, you can lean on your catch phrases, your clever self promotion, but what you cannot lean on is skill. I told Jared Poe that Machiavelli called the many skills virtu, and that his success was not because of his mastery of any skill, but because of fortune. Look at yourself Edmunds, all you have proven is you can defeat aged opponents past their prime. Your actions show no skill, no logic, and no reason behind them, they are just the actions of a man desperate to garner attention. Then Jean Rabesque comes to mark up your car, and I sit here wondering if there is a point to all of this. Play games with people like Rabesque if you like, but as it hardly concerns me I'd rather not have to watch it. I'm sure you think this entire situation just shows how intelligent, powerful and wealthy you are, but in reality it simply shows that you cannot handle real competition, and you must go back to the old tricks that worked for you in the old days. No one is impressed by a little attack, no one is impressed by money, and no one is impressed by ego. Until you display some skill, some real ability I can hardly take you seriously as a challenge to my belt. I've handled Poe twice, and I can handle someone like you who has come into this area thinking he can simply head to the top without any work.

The Jobber: But Edmunds, the simple fact is I'm not going to let you get in the way of my path to Manson, a path that will go through Golem. Edmunds, you won't stop me from getting back to Golem, and getting my chance to show that the loss to him was simply a fluke. It may seem like you are being overlooked, but Edmunds I realize you are a step on the path back to Golem, and to the World title, and you will be dealt with. Your fortune will not hold up for this match, and your ability to pay for new cars and piss off Jean Rabesque will not help you here. There will be no sneak attacks, no chances for you to get the upper hand, because I am still envigorated by my defeat Edmunds. It will not happen to you, not so soon after my loss to Golem. You won't be taking my title, because this title will remain around my waist to ensure that I get my chance to show that I am still a match for Golem, and that I am a match for Michael Manson. You can desire the belt as much as you want Edmunds, but you will not possess it, because you are too engulfed by your side drama, and too obsessed with your image. Image means nothing to be right now Edmunds, the only thing that concerns me is the path to the World title.

(Fade out)


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Ego is Merely a State of mind.

((FADEIN: 'Simply Sensational' Sean Edmunds standing before a GLCW banner. He is in full wrestling attire and is looking off camera before being told that the camera is running. He merely looks at the camera, shakes his head and begins to speak.))

EDMUNDS: "The GLCW isn't a new and exciting place for me, Jobber. Sure, its a little more classy and a little more chalk full of new people I've never faced before, but that doesn't make it any different to me. For someone who I've heard is extremely intelligent, its a shame to see that you put so much stock on things that are hardly true. Am I trying to impress you? Am I trying to show you what lies in your future? Of course not. (sighs) Who put those thoughts in your head, Jobber? Because whoever did, they used the wrong ones. I don't come here to impress you. I don't come here to acknowledge you. I don't even come here to wrestle you. I came here to finish something that I should have finished years ago. That I never got a chance to. So what if I hold grudges, Jobber? So what if this should have been dead and buried years ago. The fact of the matter is I'm not doing this for you. Nor for anyone in the backroom. I'm doing this for myself."

((Edmunds walks back towards the banner. He tugs on it and it falls off revealing just a backwall with some lighting above it.))

EDMUNDS: "I don't need the GLCW. I could have gone to anywhere else and they would have welcomed my services. But I came to the GLCW for myself. Because its been on my mind for a long time. You talk about the ends and the means and how sometimes one might bite you back in the end. I'm not one who looks at the means, Jobber. I'm only interested in the ends. I only look for, only crave, and only rest when I finally get the ends. The means are worthless to me. Utterly, and completely worthless. (smiles and shakes his head) And yet you spend so much time talking about how I am trying to intimidate you. Jobber, I could have barely cared if I wasn't on this card with you. Sure, the Television title is a nice little addition that I could possibly have. But its not what I'm after. You're not who I am after. As much as you'd like to try and inflate yourself the fact is I don't care about you. And I especially don't care whether or not you find me intimidating. Once we're in that ring, and once I look over and see that Television title's gold glimmering because of the house lights I will be able to tell you then.. that I care. But now? (shrugs shoulders) I feel no different that I feel any other day."

((Edmunds starts walking off the set. The camera follows him as he goes over to a bucket and gets out a bottle of water. He opens it up and takes a chug of it.))

EDMUNDS: " (chuckles) I'm rather unprepared, Jobber? You misunderstand me. You cannot even see past your own eyes. To you I just walked out of the bush leagues. To you I just happened to frolic into the GLCW. To you I'm in over my head. I don't play around with logic. There's a method to my madness. You can be Machiavelli, Jobber. And I'll play the part of the Medici's. You choose your arrow. You aim your angle. And I'll send you packing, sans the Television title, into your own little seclusion. You want to play around. You want to try to rewrite history? Try it. But do not come out of this match trying to erase the result because it wasn't to your liking. So what if I beat Troy Martinez. It wasn't my fault that he was the first piece of meat I got to nibble on. It wasn't my fault that he stepped into my path. Sure, of course I don't deserve this Television title shot. I just arrived here and I haven't even gotten to meet most of the wrestlers here in the GLCW. But isn't life a (bleep) ? Its not the means, Jobber. But the ends. And in the end all that will matter is that I'll be holding the Television title. While you'll be spouting off Nietzche next. Well, it won't do you any good Jobber. Because while you try to paint me one color, I'll be turning another. I am not trying to impress anyone. I am no trying to leave my mark on anything. I'm just here for myself. So that when I go to bed at night, I can go to sleep peacefully. You are the one who craves attention, Jobber. Not I."

((Edmunds stops at his dressing room. He stands by the door and takes off his chest/robe type attire and slings it over his shoulder.))

EDMUNDS: "Ego is simply a state of mind, Jobber. Sure, my ego is bigger than most. (smirks) But thats because I've made it that way. Its just the way I want it. You say that no one is impressed by ego, you say that no one is impressed by money.. and I say who is trying to do the impressing? Certainly not myself. It's you. Its you with the ego that has been flaunted around the GLCW like nobody's business. Why else would you continually try to push yourself into my situation and make it your own? Why else would you consistantly and unabashadly try to make everything seem as if I'm calling out for attention? You say that I can continue playing games with Jean Rabesque all I want. But it is you who is trying to play games with me. I'm sorry, Jobber, but when I play games, I play to win. So don't start your turn unless you're prepared to lose. (pauses) And you even go as far as trying to question my motives before this match. I've had an enemy in Jean Rabesque for years, Jobber. He doesn't phase me because I know I've reached a point in my career where I can handle whatever he can throw at me. He doesn't even factor into this equation. But then again, you can try all you want to throw that trash at me. Just like Machiavelli's Prince, it will soon be found out as fraud. It doesn't work in practice. Only in theory. We can't live our lives in theory, Jobber. And I especially am not living mine in it. Jean Rabesque has his time coming to him. Just like you have yours. You're merely another step on my journey. Try not to think of yourself as any more. I know its an ego thing, Jobber.. but ego doesn't impress anyone and its clear as day that you're trying to impress anyone and everyone who will stop and pay attention to you."

((Edmunds opens his lockerroom door and tosses the attire to the side. He stands in front of the mirror and looks back at the camera through it.))

EDMUNDS: "I look in this mirror and I see someone who is ready and set. You look in this mirror and see someone whose spoiled and using smoke and mirrors. It's a shame, Jobber. It's a mighty shame. Don't take me seriously as a threat to your belt, Jobber, because I don't take you seriously as a threat to reaching my goal. I will merely march on past you. And leave you circling and circling and never going anywhere. I don't have time for *your* games, Jobber. They're pointless and time consuming and utterly worthless. And while you look ahead to Golem and Manson I sit back and watch. While you barely cling to that Television title I sit back and watch. And while you come to the dark realization that you can never ascend to the status of Golem and Manson I sit back and watch. And while you mobilize and fortify I will begin my forward motion. You cannot protect your back while you're too focused on your front. The Television title will be lost in this match, Jobber. No matter what you try and no matter how much you try to justify with your means.. the fact is that in the end, you can count yourself out of the race. Your loss invigorates you, Jobber. But my desire and determination propel me. And if its Golem and Manson that you want, its me that you're going to get. So keep looking forward, Jobber. Keeping blowing that trumpet and aiming those arrows. Because come Riptide, it won't matter if you shot it at every degree in the 360 degrees, (pauses) your ego.. your lack of motion.. will be too costly for you to handle."

((Edmunds starts to shut the door of his lockerroom while pushing the camera crew out.))

EDMUNDS: "Sure I've beat Troy Martinez, Jobber. And thats no big deal. But the fact of the matter is, after Riptide I'll have beaten you too.. (shrugs shoulders) and to me, they're one and the same. I've got my target. I've got my prize. You and the Television title might be some great parting gifts, Jobber.. but Jean Rabesque and the chance to end this nightmare.. that's SIMPLY (pauses) SENSATIONAL!"

((FADEOUT: As Edmunds shuts the door. The camera fades to black on his nameplate.))


League Member
Jan 1, 2000

(Cue up "Break on Through (To the Other Side)" by the Doors.)

(Fade into the Jobber's Whitelandia compound. Cut to, the Jobber sick of walking around the place is back in his living room, waiting for the camera to begin filming.)

The Jobber: You say you are continually pushing yourself to new heights, to new levels Edmunds. That you are continually motivating yourself to greatness. If one were to simply look at your past, we'd see this is simply not true, and that like Troy Martinez, like Jean Rabesque, and like Golem you simply have rode on the coat tails of your previous accomplishments. You've had World Titles handed to you after being eliminated from competition for them, you've been handed inferior opponents to build you up, and all for what? For someone who bitched and moaned how his precious titles had been taken away so unfairly by a federation that went out of business? You couldn't compete without that place Edmunds, because they were the only ones who thought you were anything other than a semi talented wind bag. Everyone else knew you to be a hack, an over promoted over hyped darling of one or two old men who shouldn't have had anything to do with the sport anymore. Of course it wouldn't matter that you only had the support of a senile over the hill promoter, because after shoving you down the throats of the people who would still pay attention to you long enough you started to get attention again. You could never defeat the up and comers Edmunds, you could just barely handle the bottom feeders who would be billed as newly discovered monsters.

The Jobber: But you would have it that your hard work, your skill and your motivation is what carried you so far. Sure you've had this issue with Jean Rabesque for years and years, but it is only natural as Rabesque is the same beast as you are. He was brought in, hyped up, and through hook or crook was made to look good. When people like me would secure the title that they felt was rightly his, he'd be quickly thrown back into the title picture, the belt would be stripped off of me, and Jean Rabesque would win the title back off the same person I had just beaten. Just like you Edmunds, Rabesque was given his stardom through some bizare divine right, believed to deserve it despite a career of mediocrity up to that point. Divine right is a great springboard to other career oppurtunities it would seem.

The Jobber: Maybe you meant more than you let on when you said you would be the Medici as I was Machiavelli. The Medici family passed their wealth and power down generation to generation as you have had your fame given to you, despite doing little to earn it in years. You and Rabesque are a match made in heaven my boy, you both have fame simply thrust upon you, and have to do little to hold onto it. Machiavelli was a part of the government that at one point took down the Medici Edmunds, but as our little historical references mean little in the great scheme of things I will leave it at that.

The Jobber: I have seen each part of this business Edmunds. I've been champion in places that get no respect, but then I moved on. You could never learn to do that Edmunds, instead you just continued to fight the same people over the same issues. I have fought from spot shows on the lowest leagues to the main event of pay per views in other leagues at the peak of their glory. I've sat and watched so many places rise and fall, and I never complained that they had fallen so that I could no longer reign as champion. I did not sit around waiting for them to rise again just so I could reign there, I moved on. I moved from place to place as you remained motionless. So when you say you have continually climbed and fought to reach new levels in your career, I must take a bit of offense to these claims. While I have worked, you have done nothing. But now these two career paths meet, and under such odd circumstances. Edmunds, you are my token opponent, someone I must face because I am the Television Champion, a title that must be constantly defended. You think that this is some next step on your path to the top. You believe that I am not on the level of Golem and Michael Manson. You are a fool Sean Edmunds. A fool for underestimating me, a fool for coming to this place, and a fool for thinking that you the equal of a Jean Rabesque will not be effected by his backlash. If he was of no concern, you would have never attacked him. Now you must fight this battle while telling yourself that Jean Rabesque is of no concern, and that I am of no concern. While you are so busy convincing yourself of this, will you have any concentration left to actually fight the battle at hand? Of course not, you are distracted. You see this title as your right, because you have been handed so many in the recent past. You do not know how to fight for anything anymore, you cannot even see what a game opponent is.

The Jobber: I have defeated Golem before Edmunds, do not tell yourself I am not on his level. I wouldn't remind me of a defeat to Golem Edmunds, as it just gives me more reason to crush you so I can strike back at him. You can continue to give me the ironic advice of me not being able to protect myself when focused on other things, when I have only one current threat to worry about. You are the only one who will pose my any threat when I step in to that arena. Golem will not be coming up from behind to seek revenge on me. I have no enemies who will be trying to crush me Edmunds, but you do. Your foolish actions have led you to fight a war on several fronts. Now you will face an opponent who is not being spoon fed to you, you will face a wrestler, a man who can injure you, a man who have twice thwarted Jared Poe's attempts to capture this Television title, and a man who realizes you are in the way of his path to Golem, and to Michael Manson. Edmunds, you can continue to live in a world where you are a legend, where you have beaten the best, and where you are king, but you will have to leave that world when you enter the ring with me. You won't be a legend as you step through the ropes, and you certaintly won't be when the match is over.

(Fade out)


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
I'm sick of your babble...

((FADEIN: As the cameras follow Sean Edmunds from one room to another in a hotel room. He has his suitcase on the bed opened and he walks over to it and takes some clothes out of it. He tosses them onto the table and searches through the bottom of the suitcase.))

EDMUNDS: "I know its here somewhere."

((Edmunds knocks the suitcase off the bed and his bathroom materials fall onto the floor. He goes over to a duffle bag next and pulls out some magazines. Then he pulls out some more clothes and tosses them to the floor.))

EDMUNDS: "Jesus, where did I leave it?"

((FADEOUT: As Edmunds flops himself on the bed and kicks the duffle bag across the room.))

((FADEIN: Edmunds is sitting on the bed, his face looks drawn and his eyes look tired. It's about 3 hours later according to the clock on the nighttable .. it reads 3:30am.))

EDMUNDS: "I see which game you're playing, Jobber. You're not the first whose tried to diminish me because of my past. You look back at the fact I won the World Title in an organization after I was knocked out of the tournament for it .. and for some reason you see that differently than what it was; pure genius. Is it my fault that I can talk myself into any situation? Is it my fault that I could con an imbocile into giving me his title? (smiles) No. Why go through the whole gauntlet when its simple enough to jump in at the end? I'm wondering what game you're going to be playing after Riptide, Jobber. I hate to disappoint, but I'm afraid that I'll be the biggest disappointment that you'll have faced in the GLCW. Because after I walk out of Riptide with your title you'll have nothing else. And if the rage that you have in you by losing to Golem couldn't even guarantee a victory over myself, how's a loss to 'Simply Sensational' going to bode for you in the future? Whose next that you'll lose to? Jon Skieler? Or maybe you want to dig deeper and maybe try your luck against Chris O'Neil? (smirks) Or perhaps you want to try to face Jared Poe again? Poe might not have gotten your title, Jobber, but he did get the best of you. I can hardly sleep, Jobber. I mean, here I am an overpromoted, overrated and underachieving wrestler whose supposed to be lost without his former home.. and now I'm getting ready to take the title from the man who has hopes and dreams of aspiring to be in Michael Manson's position. (rolls eyes) Leave your dreams where they are.. in your mind."

((Edmunds stands up and walks over to the mirror, he checks his eyes and then walks back over to the bed and sits on it.))

EDMUNDS: "You seem bitter, Jobber. Bitter that people like Rabesque and myself were allowed, if you will, to be produced. Its as if you were jealous almost. Jealous that you never had anyone who backed and supported you. I enjoy your words they make me feel good. (smiles) I have (quotes with fingers) 'fame thrust upon me and have to do little to hold on to it'. But as quickly as I enjoy your words, I easily am annoyed by them. Have you so little to say, Jobber? Some things you say have little weight in them. While you say I've done little to earn the chances I've been given, have you no realization of the time that I've put into this sport? I've given ten years of my life to this sport, Jobber. From when I started to now I've never ONCE asked to be put in the spotlight. Its just happened to be where I was placed. I gave my dues, Jobber. I fought for five years with little recognition. I fought for five years against people who would be promoted, who would be demoted, who would be forgotten, who would be deified. So while you babble on about how I'm overproduced and given title after title for doing nothing, its not that I'm just being handed them because I complained .. I get them because I have given myself up for them."

((Edmunds looks deep into the camera.. he shuts his eyes as he begins to talk.))

EDMUNDS: "Its not that I could never move on, Jobber. Its not that I had no desire to move up in the world. I felt chained to the World Wrestling League. Hell, I was chained to the World Wrestling League. And while you rode the wave from promotion to promotion I stayed in one for what seemed like an eternity. Well, eventually things come to an end. And now that I have broken free from the bondage I've set foot in a new home. Jobber you are no different from many of those I faced in the World Wrestling League. And as much as you'd like to say you are, the truth is that you are not. They all have said exactly as you have. That I am talentless, that I've preyed on the weak and feasted on the feeble. And like them, Jobber, you shall end up repenting your own ignorance. I am not a fool, and I am not capable of being made a fool of. I've been around this business for far too long to let someone like you take advantage of me, Jobber. So go ahead, try to tell me all you want that Jean Rabesque is distracting me from this match. Try to tell me that while I make enemies I am watching my grip on the Television title being pulled away. You are the fool if you think this. What would be the point in wrestling if it were not for my enemies, Jobber? They've never stopped me before from going after a title here, or a title there, so why should they now? Because it is you who is saying they'll be my disadvantage in this match? (Edmunds opens his eyes) Hardly, Jobber. Hardly. I never fight for anything anymore Jobber. You said it yourself. Because while the fight would be worth it in some people's eyes, the fact is I'd rather just walk over you and continue on my way. And I shall."

((Edmunds gets on his hands and knees and starts cleaning up the mess he left earlier.))

EDMUNDS: "Please Jobber. Let your rage swell up in you so you can take it out all on me. But ask yourself this, Jobber. Am I the one who made you lose to Golem? Am I the one who didn't have enough in him to do anything to stop Golem from walking over him? Am I the one who is on a revenge path because I lost to Golem? No. That'd be you. And I'm sorry if this makes you uneasy .. its not my fault you didn't have the talent to take Golem down. But while you're telling me that I'm far too distracted I can see the distraction in your eyes, hear it in the reflection in your voice. Your mind wanders when you speak of Golem, Jobber. If you're focused on me because I lead you to Golem, then I am focused on you because you lead me to Jean Rabesque. You will understand first hand what all the hype was about, Jobber. You'll get an up close and personal view of why promoter after promoter hands me titles ... and why you don't think so now, (smirks) you'll fully realize after Riptide that I am 'SIMPLY' (pauses) 'SENSATIONAL'..."

((FADEOUT: As Edmunds puts his hand under the bed, says "ah ha!" and pulls out what he was looking for earlier, the remote control to the television.))


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
I Concur

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-02 AT 11:51 PM (EST)]OORP: This damn CPU crashed 3 times as I typed this, as it was supposed to be done hours ago, not right now. Sorry about the delay I wasn't trying to skirt the deadline.)

(Cue up "Living in the Past" by Jethro Tull.)

(Fade into the Outer Whitelandia compound of the GLCW Television Champion the Jobber. Cut to the living room, where the Jobber seems more relaxed than he has been lately.)

The Jobber: So you aren't here for any reason Edmunds? You no longer fight for anything? Interesting Edmunds, as you refute that statement just seconds before you made it.

(The Jobber leans foward.)

The Jobber: Confused? Well I'm sure someone like you considers a reason for fighting some noble crusade for something, but does anyone here do that? Does anyone work for a greater good through wrestling? Of course not, we are here because we have enemies. That isn't the only reason, but it is the one you pointed out. Please find a story to stick with Edmunds, as your constant changes of reasoning are annoying.

(The Jobber sits back, again relaxed.)

The Jobber: So what is the other reason we are here? It may seem simplistic, but the reason is no different for any of us. The reason we fight, the reason we seek these belts, we seek to trounce our enemeies is we all seek greatness. Why else would you try and prove yourself against Jean Rabesque? Why else would I want to defeat Golem? Why win titles, why make our living this way? Each of us wants to achieve greatness and that is something you couldn't have in the WWL.

The Jobber: You might claim I am no different than those you fought in the WWL. You can believe that this is the same situation, but obviously it isn't. You haven't been handed this title on a platter, and I am not the same opponent you would face for months on end in the WWL. I am not Armageddon Edmunds, I have not been spoon fed to you to make you seem invincible, or just because the WWL had no one better to feed you. Do I look like some rookie punk Edmunds? But more to the point, you wouldn't be here if I was no different than Armageddon. If you wanted the same opponents, you would have remained in the WWL.

The Jobber: Why are you looking for something new? Because you simply cannot be seen as great the way you have been wrestling the last five years. You can only achieve greatness through skillful action, not by losing tournaments and being given the World title anyway. You wouldn't have gone after Jean Rabesque if you didn't think it would make yourself look good. Of course the problem if you didn't change your line of thinking from what it was in the WWL. The history books will not place you on a pedestal reading "Sean Edmunds, Great because he attacked Jean Rabesque from behind."

The Jobber: Furthermore, you claim I'm on your path to Jean Rabesque. The last time I checked Jean Rabesque was considerably below me on the GLCW rankings. You don't reach the middle of the ladder through the top Edmunds, at least not here. So either you are concerned with your perception and want the Television title to make you look great or you would have gone straight to Rabesque. Either that or the GLCW is treating you the same way the WWL treated Armageddon. I'm sure you would much rather choose the former, but it is hard for me to look at you anyway but the latter. You claim to have paid your dues, but you haven't in years. You claim to make people look great, but you never were great enough to enhance anyone's career. So you remain just another defense on my road to Golem and then to Manson. Don't feel like I am underestimating you Edmunds, this is simply the way I have felt about the likes of Castillo amd the likes of Poe. Now Poe is at the bottom of the barrell because our matches, as you will be. Perhaps that is how you plan to get back down to Rabesque's level, but I must say losing to me is a round a bout way to reach a man who is little more than an afterthought in the GLCW.

The Jobber: So Sean, you can come into the ring and possibly gain some respect from me if you can keep up with me. But there is no way I will allow you to take my Television title. Not only is it my ticket to Golem, it is just another show of my greatness. So continue playing with Jean Rabesque, and continue assuming that he will allow his enemy to win a title that he himself won't be able to win on his own. Keep it all up Edmunds, and you will continue to fail in the GLCW, and you will never achieve greatness.

(Fade out.)

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