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Thumbnail links on the Poser Web Site

What Viewing Preference Do You Have For The Poser Website?

  • Prefer Thumbnails only

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Prefer Slideshow only

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Prefer Both

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Doesn't matter

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Okay, when I first set out to design the Poser Website, I initially considered using thumbnails but later decided to forego it in favor of a slide-show. Well, with the help of a suggestion from Ryan Strawsma, I realize now that with the site's potential for growth, a slide-show may not be the way to go, at least as the MAIN source of viewing. So I've decided to add thumbnail links to the site. (thanks for the suggestion Ryan :) ) I've already completed the thumbnail links for the mugshot section and will probably finish the rest of the site off totally later this week. Now what I'd like to know from all of you, is do you even want the slide show option at all?

I'm asking this because every time a poser is made, I have to update each section of the site and if slide-show is destined to collect dust as a result of the thumbnail section, then I'll just disconnect that link instead of wasting time updating it.

If you can just let me know what type of viewing preference you have for the Poser Website by answering the poll, (or posting a response here) it would be greatly appreciated.



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