New member
Handler Information
Name: Anthony S.
Email Address: Zlife17@gmail.com
Best Way to Contact You: Email and Skype (user on profile)
eWrestling Experience: This would be a new experience for me but I'm hungry for criticism and to learn
How did you find DEFIANCE? FWrestling.com I've lurked in guest mode and want to jump in fully
Are you willing to write matches? I sure am! I just hope they are acceptable to everyone
Writing Sample
This is an brand new sample I hope it isn't to horrible. I tried to not make her sound like a tweener because of the guidelines but will revise if I failed.
The interview area of the Wrestle-Plex is abuzz with talk before a well dressed man holding a mic cleared his throat signaling the crew to go silent and prepare for the segment.Lance Warner smiled into the camera as he adjusted his glasses briefly before starting his speech, the stone-faced Asian female standing beside him offering no comfort only an awkward silence.
The camera-man signaled they where going to be going live in any moment and Lance smirked at his interviewee still trying to gage her.
Her dark red hair styled in a Chinese bob with white streaks dyed along the length of the long bangs. Her outfit consisted of a black princess vest a stylized white tiger head over her heart, the outlines of the pockets a bright white. Her wresting tights where a simple matte black along with her boots. This whole ensemble was topped off with the massive white tiger pelt belt she had wrapped around her waist the buckle a golden paw.
Lance: Hello and thank you for tuning in this evening! I’m Lance Warner and tonight I am honored to introduce The Tigress Zhang Y-
Yi: The WHITE Tigress
Her words while not showing any confusion where heavily coated with her accent showing she was from some eastern country
Lance: Ahem I of course meant The White Tigress Zhang Yi! So Yi.....Yi is fine right?
Yi simply nodded as she stared at the announcer
Lance: Well Yi this is your first time entering the Wrestle-plex as a active member of the roster and the world wants to know...what makes you different than the current female talent?
Yi seemed to ponder the question for a moment before she raised her right hand up to the announcers ear and clenched her fist slowly multiple loud pops audible to the audience. She smirked and then flexed the already raised arm showing her toned muscle before slowly dropping it down.
Yi: Skill.....Raw power....What else would I need?
Lance: Very....direct some would say overconfident but if your story is anything to base you from I would say your a prime example of the old adage "A String of facts does not lead to the truth". Is it not a fact you a child of a low income home in china, only daughter of two hard working farm hands pushed yourself on until you not only moved here to the land of opportunity but also became a Olympic hopeful in both weightlifting and wrestling?
Yi beamed and nodded slowly as she seemed to be enjoying the positive write-up she was receiving from the veteran reporter.
YI: Yes...much hard work and many late nights by self in the gym
Lance: Is it not fact that you not only focused on physical power but also gained your degree in Zoology specializing in large cats?
Yi: Yes I've studied cats... VERY powerful hahaha
The woman smiled and roughly patted the announcers back in a racking motion but didn't seem to have a malicious or combative resoning
Yi: Enough talking yes? I have very important talk with a Mista..Hurley to get a contract
The Woman gave the announcer a soft smirk once again and then wandered off past the bewildered man and humming a simple tune.
Lance: W-Well There you have to people! A very......unique look into the views of the next potential DEFIANCE superstar Zhang Yi! I am sure we will be seeing her power her way through the competition in weeks to come
Wrestler Information
Ring Name: Zhang Yi (AKA: The White Tigress)
Height: 5'7
Weight:157 lbs.
Birthdate: May 3rd 1992
Hailing From: San Diego, California
Alignment: Face
Theme song: Walk by Pantera
Gimmick: A Very stoic and determined woman Yi isn't one to complain when the odds are stacked against her or to show her true mood to those she doesn't know. Despite her lack of apparent social skills she is clearly a avatar for justice and making sure everyone knows its unforgiving sting if they cross her.
Wrestling Style: Yi is a mostly seen as a brawler in the squared circle but her impressive frame and strength makes her easily able to pull off various powerhouse-esque moves when its called for.
Three Weaknesses:
Bad mic ability-Being a none native English speaker and a normally unsocial person Yi prefers to keep her time on the mic short and if possible having someone act as her stand in
Green- Yi is new to this level of the industry and for now it shows in her in-ring performance
Hot blooded- Yi is quick to anger and will lash out on whoever she sees as the reason for her not achieving a easy victory. She has ben known to do an illegal move in these situations the anger over powering her normal mindset
Three Strengths:
Strength- Before entering the world of the squared circle Yi was a Olympic hopeful in both weightlifting and freestyle wrestling, she hopes to be able to use these as tools
Aggression- While not one to pick a fight (or how she sees it anyway) Yi can damn well put the anger of a wild tiger into her eyes and her fists quick to maul her target with blows
Balance- Yi has the balance of cat on the ropes and isn't one to fumble off the top rope or preforming something involving the mid-rope
Ten regular moveset moves:
2)Mongolian chop
3)Mounted punches
4)Flying lariat
5)Battering ram
6)Spinning heel kick
7)Uppercut (Normally an irish whip rebound)
8)big splash
9)Brain buster
10)Back elbow
2-5 trademark moves:
1) (Sudden strike) Spin kick into a rebounding opponent aimed at the gut
2)(Justice slam) Torture rack bomb
3) (Mauling) Spear into mounted punches until official breaks it up
Finishing Moves: )
Tiger bite- Sitout spinebuster into the pin (only when physically possible)
Pounce-Face Breaker DDT to stagger the opponent before following with a clothesline
Name: Anthony S.
Email Address: Zlife17@gmail.com
Best Way to Contact You: Email and Skype (user on profile)
eWrestling Experience: This would be a new experience for me but I'm hungry for criticism and to learn
How did you find DEFIANCE? FWrestling.com I've lurked in guest mode and want to jump in fully
Are you willing to write matches? I sure am! I just hope they are acceptable to everyone
Writing Sample
This is an brand new sample I hope it isn't to horrible. I tried to not make her sound like a tweener because of the guidelines but will revise if I failed.
The interview area of the Wrestle-Plex is abuzz with talk before a well dressed man holding a mic cleared his throat signaling the crew to go silent and prepare for the segment.Lance Warner smiled into the camera as he adjusted his glasses briefly before starting his speech, the stone-faced Asian female standing beside him offering no comfort only an awkward silence.
The camera-man signaled they where going to be going live in any moment and Lance smirked at his interviewee still trying to gage her.
Her dark red hair styled in a Chinese bob with white streaks dyed along the length of the long bangs. Her outfit consisted of a black princess vest a stylized white tiger head over her heart, the outlines of the pockets a bright white. Her wresting tights where a simple matte black along with her boots. This whole ensemble was topped off with the massive white tiger pelt belt she had wrapped around her waist the buckle a golden paw.
Lance: Hello and thank you for tuning in this evening! I’m Lance Warner and tonight I am honored to introduce The Tigress Zhang Y-
Yi: The WHITE Tigress
Her words while not showing any confusion where heavily coated with her accent showing she was from some eastern country
Lance: Ahem I of course meant The White Tigress Zhang Yi! So Yi.....Yi is fine right?
Yi simply nodded as she stared at the announcer
Lance: Well Yi this is your first time entering the Wrestle-plex as a active member of the roster and the world wants to know...what makes you different than the current female talent?
Yi seemed to ponder the question for a moment before she raised her right hand up to the announcers ear and clenched her fist slowly multiple loud pops audible to the audience. She smirked and then flexed the already raised arm showing her toned muscle before slowly dropping it down.
Yi: Skill.....Raw power....What else would I need?
Lance: Very....direct some would say overconfident but if your story is anything to base you from I would say your a prime example of the old adage "A String of facts does not lead to the truth". Is it not a fact you a child of a low income home in china, only daughter of two hard working farm hands pushed yourself on until you not only moved here to the land of opportunity but also became a Olympic hopeful in both weightlifting and wrestling?
Yi beamed and nodded slowly as she seemed to be enjoying the positive write-up she was receiving from the veteran reporter.
YI: Yes...much hard work and many late nights by self in the gym
Lance: Is it not fact that you not only focused on physical power but also gained your degree in Zoology specializing in large cats?
Yi: Yes I've studied cats... VERY powerful hahaha
The woman smiled and roughly patted the announcers back in a racking motion but didn't seem to have a malicious or combative resoning
Yi: Enough talking yes? I have very important talk with a Mista..Hurley to get a contract
The Woman gave the announcer a soft smirk once again and then wandered off past the bewildered man and humming a simple tune.
Lance: W-Well There you have to people! A very......unique look into the views of the next potential DEFIANCE superstar Zhang Yi! I am sure we will be seeing her power her way through the competition in weeks to come
Wrestler Information
Ring Name: Zhang Yi (AKA: The White Tigress)
Height: 5'7
Weight:157 lbs.
Birthdate: May 3rd 1992
Hailing From: San Diego, California
Alignment: Face
Theme song: Walk by Pantera
Gimmick: A Very stoic and determined woman Yi isn't one to complain when the odds are stacked against her or to show her true mood to those she doesn't know. Despite her lack of apparent social skills she is clearly a avatar for justice and making sure everyone knows its unforgiving sting if they cross her.
Wrestling Style: Yi is a mostly seen as a brawler in the squared circle but her impressive frame and strength makes her easily able to pull off various powerhouse-esque moves when its called for.
Three Weaknesses:
Bad mic ability-Being a none native English speaker and a normally unsocial person Yi prefers to keep her time on the mic short and if possible having someone act as her stand in
Green- Yi is new to this level of the industry and for now it shows in her in-ring performance
Hot blooded- Yi is quick to anger and will lash out on whoever she sees as the reason for her not achieving a easy victory. She has ben known to do an illegal move in these situations the anger over powering her normal mindset
Three Strengths:
Strength- Before entering the world of the squared circle Yi was a Olympic hopeful in both weightlifting and freestyle wrestling, she hopes to be able to use these as tools
Aggression- While not one to pick a fight (or how she sees it anyway) Yi can damn well put the anger of a wild tiger into her eyes and her fists quick to maul her target with blows
Balance- Yi has the balance of cat on the ropes and isn't one to fumble off the top rope or preforming something involving the mid-rope
Ten regular moveset moves:
2)Mongolian chop
3)Mounted punches
4)Flying lariat
5)Battering ram
6)Spinning heel kick
7)Uppercut (Normally an irish whip rebound)
8)big splash
9)Brain buster
10)Back elbow
2-5 trademark moves:
1) (Sudden strike) Spin kick into a rebounding opponent aimed at the gut
2)(Justice slam) Torture rack bomb
3) (Mauling) Spear into mounted punches until official breaks it up
Finishing Moves: )
Tiger bite- Sitout spinebuster into the pin (only when physically possible)
Pounce-Face Breaker DDT to stagger the opponent before following with a clothesline
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