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The way I see it


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
(Fade in on a Hospital ER. Tempesta is sitting up on a gurney, his legs slung off one side and is facing a doctor who is holding a clipboard. Mysterious Stranger is there, as is Dieter.)
DOCTOR: I won't discuss it with these, (eyes Dieter) people, in the room.
TEMPESTA: They're my family. It's fine.
DOCTOR:(Looks at the immaculately dressed Mysterious Stranger, with his bald head and his ebony skin, then to the massive 7' plus Blonde haired Blue Eyed Dieter, then back to Tempesta) Riiight. (Frowns) I see the resemblence.
TEMPESTA: Are you doubting the vera...(Shakes his head and steadies himself on the gurney) The truth of what I'm saying? (Dieter's chest swells as he takes a deep breath, waiting for an answer, Mysterious Stranger Cooly looks from one person to the next, his face an impassive mask)
DOCTOR: (Giving up) Fine. You have a grade three concussion. That means a full month with no rattling your head, if you want to avoid brain damage.
TEMPESTA: So when will the ringing in my ears stop? (Shakes his head)
DOCTOR: Well, if you stop shaking you head like that, about a week. Your balance should return to normal in a week or so. If not, get to an ER.
TEMPESTA: OK. Fine, So, I'm free to go?
DOCTOR: No, we'd like to keep you overnight for observation, just in case.
TEMPESTA: In case what?
DOCTOR: You took several severe blows to the head tonight, at least one of which knocked you unconcious. If you slip into a coma in your hotel, who is going to take care you? Here you'll have immediate care.
TEMPESTA: (Looks at MS, who nods once) OK, fine doc. You got a room for me?
DOCTOR: All set, a private room just like you asked for.
TEMPESTA: Thank you Doctor. (Shakes hands with the Doctor, who then leaves)
TEMPESTA: (Looks into the Camera) Adrenaline, that was one h*** of a match, You brought your A game, and I respect that. No, check that, I respect YOU. The way I see it, we got bigger fish to fry in this... (Eyes search around as he tries to remember)
MYSTERIOUS STRANGER: (From off camera) Steel Viper.
TEMPESTA: Thank you, Steel Viper a****** who jumped up in our business. We can settle this later, you and me, at Futureshock if you like, or we can let it go, your call. Me, I want a piece of that punk just as soon as I'm cleared to wrestle. In the meantime, balls in your court holmes.
(Sound Cuts out and we see TEMPESTA trying to stand on wobbly legs as we FTB.)


(We see a jacuzzi running as the camera comes down and goes to level with the top of the water as Adrenaline's head slowly rises out of it. He sighs and slowly works his neck muscles as a door off camera closes. The camera zooms out to show his brother, Kyle, walking in with a envelope.)

Kyle: See somebody finally handed you your ass.

(Adrenaline nods, but says nothing.)

Kyle: So you ready to give this stupid dream up and take the bar exam?

(Adrenaline remains silent as he brother shakes his head.)

Kyle: Well NFW offices sent this to the house. Your first royalty check...apparently some idiots starting buying your shirts after the house show last week. After yesterday's display I would expect this to double. There's also a tape inside.

Adrenaline::Taking a deep breath:: Put it inside then.

(Kyle walks around the jacuzzi and puts the tape in. Tempesta's hospital interview plays. After it's over Kyle faces his brother.)

Kyle: Hold on. ONe guy did this to both of you? I gotta meet this guy.

Adrenaline: Shut up a$$h*!e. He got a cheap shot after two guys killed each other.

Kyle: So this wrestling thing...last night you were ripping each other's head off and now you're going to f*ckfriends to get this guy back?

Adrenaline: Do you have to go out of your way to make it sound so gay?

Kyle: Just pointing out the stupidity of it all.

Adrenaline: Whatever. I'm going to get some of this Steel Viper weather it's finishing the job Tempesta starts or starting it myself. And then somewhere down the road me and Temp are gonna finish this.

Kyle: So you can't even more and you're going to call somebody else out? Jesus!

Adrenaline: You don't understand.

Kyle: Getting your head knocked in and almost bleeding to death for a stupid check that you could prolly make more selling popcorn at a f*cking movie theatre? You're right I don't understand.

Adrenaline: What's your problem? Carl didn't want to pitch last night?

Kyle: No you stupid c*ck$pit, my problem is when mom calls me in the middle of the night after some kid has gone online to find results and tells her her son nearly died and I have to clean up your mess!

Adrenaline: My head hurts..go buy me some asprine.

Kyle: Are you even listening to me?

Adrenaline: No not really...go get those pills.

Kyle: YOu're going to need more then pills to take care of that...jerk.

(Kyle walks off as ADrenaline leans back and closes his eyes.

OOC: Spiderman will rock. I work at a movie theatre and everything with a set of testicles is counting down until it release..we get an advanced screening for the employees(only a day, but it's before the public and it's free so it's all gravy.)

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