Drunken Tiger: As always, it seems that somebody behind the scenes has a sense of humor that they need to impose on the "Pride of Korea". They are pairing me up with the epitomy of what I am against, an American soldier, and sending the two of us off to fight this "Brooklyn Brawler" and a mystery partner of his choice.
Now I don't know much about Steve Lombardi, but from what I hear he is not much good at the whole "winning matches" thing that all of us strive for in this sport. The only things that he's got going for him are that he's pulling strings with the MCW brass, he has a small element of surprise, and his opponents no doubt hate each other.
The string pulling behind the scenes is only going to take him so far. The awesome power and brute strength that I possess along with my striking and grappling skills can counteract that fairly easily. I've done it for years, because as you know Koreans are notoriously discriminated against. We have to make up for the chips being stacked against us by owning large amounts of natural ability.
The element of surprise might prove to help out as well, but in the end who are you possibly going to find that can match up with myself or The Sergeant. I know I'm going against my nature, but this guy... this Sergeant... he has an almost infinite amount of talent. Steve, I know that The Sergeant can beat you on any day at any time and in any condition. Who are you going to find that can do that with me?
Exactly... nobody. There isn't a single person on the face of this planet that can fill that prescription.
The only thing that can really give you any solace whatsoever is that both of your opponents that are tagging against you despise each other. An anti-Western Korean Nationalist teaming with an American-Imperialist Soldier? I'd say that the chances of those two having issues with each other would be more than slim, wouldn't you?
That's the stage for our match at MCW Finale.
You'd better pray to whatever power you believe in that Drunken Tiger and The Sergeant can't set our differences aside for long enough to beat you and your mystery partner. It's the only chance you have at escaping without needing a trip to the emergency room!
Dae Han Min Gook Mansae! (Long Live Korea!)