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"The Ronin" Sam Horry

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The H.N.I.C.

New member
Jan 15, 2013
Handler Information

Name: Sam
Email Address: theman75@hotmail.com
Best Way to Contact You: AIM: Flamindeath
eWrestling Experience:(What have you done? Where?) Over 10 years handling in about 20 different feds, championships, etc.
How did you find DEFIANCE? On rejoining, James threatened me: "Something, something fire! Something, something puppies!" then I think he said something raisins--funny story!

Writing Sample

I've handled here before and am coming back, so I think I'm cool. I mean if y'all need me too, I will. Just cut me some slack if it's wack. I'm rusty. I can do better.

Ring Name: “The Ronin” Sam Horry
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 241 lbs

Hailing From: Queensbridge section of Queens, NY


Gimmick: Sam draws parts of his in-ring style from many sources such as The Great Muta, who he looks to as an idol in the professional wrestling scene, and brings with it an amateur wrestling and all around vale-tudo style, leading to him being hard hitting but at the same time able to hang in a technical or submission match style.

Outside the ring, Sam is the life of the party, and he makes no bones about his lifestyle either.

Wrestling Style:
High impact with a focus on Submissions and strikes

Three Weaknesses:
It's What the Ladies Like - Sam doesn't hardly ever have what you could call a "stable relationship" with the other gender of the species, which you wouldn't normally think would matter in a wrestling setting however, when one spends all night doing what Sam does with the ladies, one can be quite drained before important matches.

Your Overconfidence is Your Weakness - Sam is very much a cocky bastard at times, but he's one that can back it up, most of the time. Sometimes there are checks the body can't cash, and somehow Sam seems to find a few of those big check types without thinking about the possibility that he might lose.

I'd run but...- Sam is also pretty much fearless, confidence, stupidity, whatever you wanna call it, at times no matter how the best of his friends try to get his attention and keep him from getting INTO a fight against overwhelming odds, he doesn't see reason, and you can figure out what happens from there...

Three Strengths:
When the Going Gets Tough - Sam performs best under high pressure situations. He can sometimes take over a match and "put a team on his back" if it's a team situation.

World Traveled - there are very few situations in or out of the ring that Sam can't handle, and that's because in his extensive travels he's seen just about everything.

Time and Time again - Sam keeps his focus by keeping himself in shape by doing many different forms of workout, this usually lets him push himself longer and harder than most seem to be able to.

10 Regular Moves:
1)Thai Clinch Elbows & Knees
2)German Suplex
3)Head And Arm Suplex
4)Front Push Kick
5) Spinning Hook Kicks
6)Open Palm Strikes
7)Rotating Belly to Belly Suplex
8)Dragon Suplex
9)Rear Naked Choke
10) T-bone Suplex

3-5 Signature Moves:

1)Dragon Screw Neckwhip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11Rzbp5dqj8
2)Half Nelson Suplex
3)Karelin lift: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2hfnWzQaTc
4)Omoplata-kimura shoulderlock
5)Triangle Choke Armbar

Finisher: MurderDeathKick
A savage, brutal High speed Roundhouse kick that knocks opponents senseless; the roundhouse kick version of Hansen's lariat

MurderDeathFinisher: GTH (Go To Heaven)
Go 2 Sleep but from a Vertical Suplex position instead of a fireman's carry position with Sam's Muay Thai knee striking the opponent, as Sam shoots the opponent forward ala the gourdbuster.
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Jan 11, 2013
The Land of Cheese
Does nobody else have anything else to say?

If not.

You have your prerequisite four yay votes.

I already reopened your backstage account.
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