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The Movement vs. The Dogs of War

Mister Dread

League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Under your bed.

::FADEIN on the locker room directly following the Tag Team title match. “The Wolf” Chris McMillan sits on a bench, head down. His forearms rest on his knees, and sweat drops from his face. We can hear him muttering under his breath as he rhythmically tenses and loosens his muscles. Suddenly, explosively, he rises. Grabbing the closest thing at hand, which happens to be the NAWA International title belt, he pivots and sends the heavy belt flying across the room to slam into a locker door::


::McMillan begins pounding his fists against anything within reach. Lockers, the bench, his gym bag, screaming profanities the entire time, much to the … delight of the network sensors. The door flies open, banging off the far wall. Jason Payne rushes in, grabbing McMillan by the shoulders::

PAYNE: Chris, man, stop. You’ve got to calm down!

THE WOLF: CALM DOWN?!? Dammit, Jason, we blew it. We went in there half assed, and we got beat by a team that by all rights should have been begging for the sweet release of death twelve seconds after getting into the ring with us! Don’t you understand, Jay? WE FU(BEEP!)ED UP! Not only did we let a couple of Busch leaguers end our UNDEFEATED streak, we lost the GLCW Tag titles. WE LOST TO THE GO(BEEEEEP!)MN MICKEY MOUSE CLUB, FER CHRISSAKE!”

::payne shakes McMillan by the shoulders once, hard. McMillan’s eyes snap front and he glares at Payne::

PAYNE: You need to STOP NOW!

::payne and McMillan glare at each other for a moment. Suddenly, the tension goes out of McMillan’s shoulders and he heaves a sigh::

PAYNE: That’s better. Okay, look. It’s not as bad as it seems. Yeah, we got beat by the Movement, and that never should have happened. We went in unprepared and underestimating, and we screwed the pooch. Now, I went and had a talk with Krusher …

THE WOLF: You did WHAT?!? After what you said about him after Crash?

PAYNE: Well, he probably wasn’t too happy about that. But what happens in NFW stays in NFW. He’s got integrity, at least. Now will you let me finish? Okay, I talked to Krusher, and he’s willing to grant us a rematch for the Tag Titles next week on Riptide!

THE WOLF: Man, to hell with that! We should have walked out of here with those tag straps around our waists, BUT THOSE MOTHERFfffff … wait, did you say rematch?

PAYNE Yeah, a rematch. Would you listen? We’re getting another shot at the tag titles. We screwed up, but we’ve got a chance to go in there and do it right.

::McMillan blinks, his face slowly breaking into a grin::

THE WOLF: What are we waiting for, then? Let’s hit the gym.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
The Movement pays homage to the Dogs of War

(The scene fades into a GLCW backdrop. As the camera pulls away Rocky Wellington and Shane Rockwell, the new GLCW Tag Team Champions walk into the shot with the titles slung over their shoulders.)

SHANE ROCKWELL: Seems funny doesn't it Rocky? Almost one year ago we had our eyes on this prized possession yet we weren't able to secure it. Now, one year later, here we are, holding the gold.

ROCKY WELLINGTON: Rough battle with those two chaps. They are bloody tough!

SHANE ROCKWELL: Dogs of War, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You took us to limits that we didn't even know we could go. Payne, McMillan, you made us dig deep inside of ourselves and forced us to survive. I guess I could stand here and gloat about this victory. But in all honesty, all I can do is thank the good Lord above for the victory. From the start, no one thought we'd win the titles. Hell, even in the back of my mind, we stood no chance. But Rocky, he believed in us. He told me, "Shane, no matter what happens out there tonight, I refuse to let my shoulders touch that canvas for the count of three." That really inspired me. Not some sort of heroic inspiration. Just a boost of confidence. I thought, you know what, Rocky is right. We have to be pinned to lose the match. I began thinking that deep down we could win, only if the circumstances presented themselves. In our favor, they did and we've got these straps over our shoulders.

ROCKY WELLINGTON: Again, take nothing away from the Dogs of War. Those two gents have been up and down the road together and they gave us everything they had and more. To that, I salute you both.

SHANE ROCKWELL: So with our victory behind us, we stand before you all as the GLCW Tag Team Champions. Which brings us to the next edition of Riptide. Since we tore the house down last time out, we've been signed to a rematch with the Dogs of War. Payne, McMillan, last time we were a bit unprepared for what you were going to do to us. Next time out we're going to give the same that you gave to us. And this time out, we're going to do what we set out to do, prove that the Movement is by far and above the best thing out there.

(Fades out)

Mister Dread

League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Under your bed.
And the Dogs of War order Chinese

::FADEIN on a small, dimly lit room in some highway Motorlodge. The furnishing is sparse, a pair of twin beds, a TV bolted to a combination dresser/desk, a small circular table, and a single chair. “The Wolf” Chris McMillan is hunched down in the chair, his feet kicked up. Jason Payne lounges on one of the beds, feet hanging off the edge::

THE WOLF: Getting close now, Jay. One more chance to take those belts. Belts we should have held in the first place.

PAYNE: We slipped up, Chris. Everyone makes mistakes. We’ve just got to make sure we don’t do it again.

THE WOLF: Did you hear the Movement blowing smoke up our asses? I guess as far as their concerned they can afford to be polite. They are the tag champions, after all.

PAYNE: That’s a fluke, and you know it. Come Riptide, those belts will be around our waists like they were meant to be. Undefeated streak be damned, that’s something we can’t get back. But we do have a chance for retribution in the form of the GLCW Tag straps.

THE WOLF: I only wish we coupd have fought Kraven and Flatliner for them. What a match THAT would have been.

PAYNE: Yeah, I can imagine it. But that’s not the case here, Chris. We’re focusing on the Movement, remember? Now, do you wanna watch the tape again?

::payne produces a tape of their tag title match::

PAYNE: I know we’ve seen it a thousand times, but …

THE WOLF: We HAVE seen it a thousand times, and it stings more every time we watch it. But you’re right, we should be doing our homework. Pop that sumbitch in and let’s watch it one more time. And then see if there’s some cartoons on. Oh, and call for Chinese food, willya?


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