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The Legends Week 4 El Cabron Vs Jonathan Marx


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
3DS Baby!

::Marx and Jacobs are waiting outside Best Buy, waiting for them to open so they can the first ones in line to buy the new Nintendo 3DS::

JONATHAN MARX: I haven't gotten a system new since Nintendo.

BRANDON JACOBS: It is the dawn of the new age and this is the sequel to the second highest selling system of alltime.

JONATHAN MARX: I was reading this one message board, these Apple cult members were going on and on about how Apple was going to crush 3DS like I'm going to squash El Cabron because people with a phone don't need to go out and buy a whole new system.

BRANDON JACOBS: You are paying for quality and now over like thirty years of Nintendo delivering the goods. With a 3DS, you are going to be able to lay a smackdown like you are doing it in person.

JONATHAN MARX: What titles are you going to pick up with the system?

BRANDON JACOBS: I'm going Pilotwings Resort and Ridge Racer. I want to get a third game because I have a rebate coming my way for like $30 but I have no idea where to go with my third choice, Sims 3, Steel Diver, or Combat of the Giant Dinosaurs.

JONATHAN MARX: I have an idea, why don't we ask the fans what game they would choose out of three?

BRANDON JACOBS: Isn't it sort of breaking the fourth wall?

JONATHAN MARX: That is nothing for us, over the years, we've even broken the fifth wall sort of like I plan on breaking El Cabron's back with the Marxism.

BRANDON JACOBS: We do sort of have a rep for that.

JONATHAN MARX: Well fans, the choice is up to you, let your voices be heard!


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