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The Emerald Warrior vs. "The Wolf" Chris McMillan



Warren A. Nickolson:"The Wolf" who in the world is that?
The Emerald Warrior: Some kind of lone wolf wannabe huh? Well Chris it will be you against me huh? Well I don't think you can beat me at all. When you feel my Torture Rack you will find out what I'm all about?
Warren A. Nickolson:Well we will see if you are a wolf or a cub who thinks that you can play with the big boys huh! Well my thoughts on this is Why are you called the Wolf? Well is is the way you wrestle very dirty and a cheating style? Well we will find out soon!
The Emerald Warrior:Also to let everyone know that we will beat you Chris because the fans demand it and it shall be done. Also to let all my fans know that I will be signing autographs before the show. It will last an hour then I have to go prepare for my match with a so called wolf? Well "The Wolf" Chris McMillan it looks like your days is numbered and the countdown is starting right now. We will look for you either under the bed or in the dressing room hiding either under the desk or under someone's skirt. You can run but you can't hide from The Emerald Warrior ever. So I'll see you in the ring.
Warren A. Nickolson:Well "The Wolf" Chris McMillian we will see you in the ring and be prepared to take a lunch dude!
This broadcast is brought to you by the public access show called The Emerald Warrior tells the truth!

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