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The Dupree Cup MVW Announcement


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
This year's Most Valuable Wrestler Award is actually a Co-Most Valuable Wrestler Award. The co-recipients of this high honor are:

HAL of NEW and The Spoiler of MBE. HAL was the best wrestler on the best team, helping his team to victories in tag matches featuring Dan Ryan, Steven Shane and Ravager in the prelim rounds. Then, in the semi-finals and finals, he got the clinching wins in both meets, defeating former A1E World Champion Big Dog and former MBE World Champion Hida Yakamo in respective rounds. The Spoiler gets this honor for going unbeaten throughout all rounds and doing so in impressive fashion.

Both wrestlers will get a plaque and they will also bank shots at the TEAM Championship of Champions, to be used at their discretion, as long as it fits in with TEAM scheduling.

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