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You've come to the longest running fantasy wrestling website. Since 1994, we've been hosting top quality fantasy wrestling and e-wrestling content.

The Debut!!!



<i>The scene opens outside of the arena were people are standing in line waiting to enter the arena. Then a black car pulls into the front of the arena door's and a man steps out. The man has short dark brown hair and hazel eye's. He's a pretty muscular man with two tatoo's on both arm's. He is wairing blue Tommy jeans with a white T-Shirt which is pretty tight. He is wairing white sneakers and he shuts the door and begins to walk into the arena. All the guy's let him in and all the fans get angry. Then the man begins to walk down the hall toward the entrence ramp. The lights in the arena go out and Right Thurr by Chingy hits and the same man begins to walk down to the ring. The man climbs up the outside of the matt and under the ropes. He walks around the ring and gets a mic from the ring announcer. The crowd quiets down as the man starts to speak</i>

<font color="white">"Da Playa" D-Dawg</color><font color="gray">Wassup guy's!! I'm D-Dawg and i've come here to this fed for one reason and one reason only and that is to be the best. I've been in plenty of feds in the past and this fed I wanna be the best. Well thats not the only reason see I also came here because I saw there are some diva's around that are really looking good and I think I would be nice with one. Plus I think that I can be the best and I can take on any guy that steps into this ring with me. So I'm kinda issuing an open challange to anyone that wants a match. I've been watching you guy's progress and I like what I see, but I'm still better. I'm D-Dawg and i'm ready for some action. Once I hit you with my move and you lay flat on the matt I will get the three count. So if everyone is wondering what the hell i'm talking about well I'm the best and I will prove it over and over again in this fed. I don't care who I have to beat to prove it I will beat anyone at anytime to prove it. See i've been threw too much in my life to give up now. So if anyone wants a match come see me in the back and if any Diva's wanna man who you trust and that win's i'm in my room. As for now i'm gone so Peace Out</color>

<i><font color="black">Dawg drops the mic and exits the ring as he walks back up the ramp and into the back were he looks around and ask's were he lookeroom is. A man points down the hall then Dawg walks down the hall and makes a left turn into a room and the camera fades out as the door shuts and D-Dawg is wrote on it</i></color>


League Member
Jan 27, 2004
(Scene opens up inside the locker room. DoP is sitting, watching D-Dogs interview, and chuckles)

DoP: That is some funny ****! Oh man..."I'm the best. I'm better than you. Just ask my mommy. She told me that ever day when I was little." Whatever, little man. I'm sure you think that since you grew up in "da hood" that you have some sort of edge over everyone. I'm sure it was very rough getting the foodstamps all together for grocery day, and probably even harder to figure out who your real daddy was. I, for one, couldn't care less. Since we're both new here, and this is a fresh little federation, we should give the fans something to talk about. And what better way to do that, than with an old fashioned Street Fight? Since you are "street," I guess you'll have the edge over me. It's not like my experience in Death Matches can compare to you running home from school every from the big mean neighborhood bully, or diving under chairs durring the daily drive by. I hope you do get yourself a "fine-ass *****" to bring to ringside. I'm going to take pleasure in painting her nails red with your blood.


DoP said:
I hope you do get yourself a "fine-ass *****" to bring to ringside. I'm going to take pleasure in painting her nails red with your blood.

OORP: Heheh...... NICE ! :p

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