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The Chaos Theory


League Member
Jun 5, 2007
Legion: It's funny how in this business everything seems to go cyclical - someone once said that in order for the cycle to be effective it SHOULD take around seven years before it starts again, in NFW however...

Time isn't exactly as linear and now as we reach the first of the double-shot in Texas I find myself facing you Blaine once again and I think back to last time - the night that started the downward spiral of the Hellfire Club as in two nights The Black Market started the end and what ultimately your arrogance and greed among yourselves made official.

DC hates your guts now and quite frankly I'm MORE than happy to see you two just destroy each other everywhere we go but at Brawl he gets to take a bit of a break - I also remind myself that in a period of time where my focus has been on making sure the man you cast out in Bandit and Devastator proved themselves to be one of the strongest teams in NFW HISTORY that you'll be a welcome return to singles for me and yes the Graverobbers will be with me - they're a bit angry still about losing the EMT's so try not to piss them off OK?

I just take great comfort in the fact the score once I've package piledrove and curb-stomped you into the ground again will be 2-0 and proves one thing - for all the love you and your boys gave Crowley, the man that was influenced by HIS protege in Osman Spire won in the end - funny how that ALL is.

I caused the death of Hellfire - now to leave the chaos in my wake.

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