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Teresa Quaranta

Frozen Atlantic

League Member
Jul 4, 2007
Name: Brandyn
Email Address: frozenatlantic@gmail.com
AIM/Yahoo Messenger: FrozenAtlantic
Preferred Method of Handling: FW Promo, but other stuff is OK too.
Best Way to Contact you: PM.


Name: Teresa Quaranta (given name is Maria-Teresa Cordova, but doesn't use it on camera)
Nicknames: The High Priestess

Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 170 lbs
Handedness: Right
Looks: Hispanic, brown eyes, barely shoulder length hair

Hailing From: Toronto, Canada

Disposition: Face

Gimmick: The High Priestess is NFW's very own quasi-evil genius. While she frequently airs off-camera segments showcasing her efforts at obtaining domination of NFW - efforts that almost always fail miserably - in reality, she's one of the show's most cunning competitors. Whatever your plan is, she's probably thought of it first. Of course, she might really be an idiot pretending to be a genius instead of the other way around. Who's to say, really?

Will work a match as a heel on occasion to keep the audience on their toes.

Ring Attire: Used to wear a black robe and other stereotypical goth getup **** because it was funny, but now considers NFW beneath irony and dresses up like something resembling a normal human being. Black military jacket with a stand collar, purple shirt, black pants, sometimes shades. A very small Crimson King patch, in purple, is the only winking reference to over the top grrnesses.

Theme Music: "Clarissa" by Mindless Self Indulgence (starting at the 0:30 mark).
Will, on occasion, enter to "300 Mhz" by At The Drive-In.

Ring Entrance: Teresa walks down the ramp briskly with a digital camera, talking to fans, slapping hands, and occasionally leaning over the rail to take a picture with someone ringside along the way. Then she slides under the ropes, spreads her arms on the turnbuckle like she's pointing to the exits or something like every wrestler ever does, and then backflips off. Then the jacket comes off and we're ready to go.

Works a fast paced strong / cruiserweight hybrid. Lots of stiff chops and kicks and stuff, but tends to run and use top rope moves as well. Is a decent grappler, but has been relying more on the striking attacks and cool flashy flippy moves as of late, toning down the chain wrestling based stuff.


Adaptability- Thanks to a steady and constant defense of illogic, Teresa is practically impossible to headgame out of the ring. Is extremely adaptable inside - can pull reversals with the best of them.
Pain Tolerance - Teresa can give / absorb a massive amount of pain through a match.
Highly Manipulative - Has a level of charisma typically seen only in cult leaders and Bond villains, and can attract friends and enemies practically at a whim.


Easily Distracted - For someone who plans so meticulously outside of a ring, she will sacrifice momentum in a match at the worst possible moment, chatting up the referee, tying her boots, staring at something shiny... anything.
Suicidal - Goes for ridiculous high spots at inopportune times, and more often than not, crashes and burns.
Dispassionate - Unless the match is against an archrival, she'll lose emotional interest during a long match and go through the motions. Perhaps lacks the determination needed to make top flight in a company of NFW's caliber.


General Moves:
Air Raid Crash
Aurora Special
Bakatare Sliding Kick
Blue Thunder Bomb
Canadian Backbreaker
Capture Suplex
Implant DDT
Shoulder Block
Springboard Shooting Star Press To Floor
Standing Rolling Fireman's Carry / Standing Moonsault Combination

Lady Of The Lake - Curls into a ball and offers hand. When accepted, rolls into an armbar. Only attempted at the opening of a match.
Spanish Inquisition - Backflip kick. Nobody expects it!
Eunuch Provocateur - Second Rope Corkscrew Knife Chop
Atheist Purge - Royal Butterfly
- ^ You know how a lot of wrestlers have that one move that announcers put over as really cool and devastating, but it never actually pins anybody, and they have to act shocked as hell every single time it doesn't win the match? This is hers.
Divine Intercession - It's a modified BME with a double stomp instead of a splash.

T.I.M.N.I - Dropsault

Process Of Illumination - Crossarm Diamond Cutter
Death Of The Future - Argentine Leglock


Cruelty's Heart - Flying Crucifix Armbar (Used mostly for big blowoff matches or heated feuds or burying people who "suck lots". If she's ever provoked enough to use this hold, outside interference will sometimes be needed to take it off.)


What is it that the kids today call themselves when they don't want to acknowledge that they've spent the vast majority of their life stoned and watching reruns of Family Guy? Philosophers? Well, Teresa Quaranta was one of Canada's foremost philosophers for the majority of her life. While investigating the deepest secrets of the universe from her couch senior year of high school, she met a Zen Master in the clever guise of a cockroach, and received a holy mission to free the world from the forces of oppression and fear. And what happened to be on her table but a plane ticket to Africa and a plan written in mysterious handwriting?

So after selling the plane ticket, using the proceeds to buy weed, and smoking it with some weird paper that had a lot of blather about getting some 'Ron Paul' dude elected in the States, Teresa joined a glorified circus and the rest is history. After taking lumps in training for a few months, turned the corner and really, really kicked lots of ass in the Toronto/Detroit/Pittsburgh/Montreal/New York circuit. But success came with its own stresses as it always does, and after doing some Very Bad Things to other members of the roster (even by professional wrestling standards), Teresa moved to NFW, where she'd hoped to escape all that and goof around and put forth just enough effort to be a goofy midcarder with just enough money to buy cool stuff. But certain denizens of the New Frontier got under her skin more than expected, and the only way she can think of to end her aggravation is to obtain total control of the company...

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