Hex Angel
The roads to Greensboro, NC
April 3, 2003
4:21 PM local time
"Most people would've been grateful for the help."
Angel leaned herself against her husband in the backseat of the car, notebook of verse and various artwork in hand.
"I am grateful for the help, Eli... but this is something I have to do."
It's been like this all day. The flight back from England was fraught with tension, particularly over the fact that Angel insisted that they bypass New York completely.
Their daughter, Mariella, is in New York. This is the first time Angel has been away from her in her short three- month- long life.
Nobody's told Angel her priorities are out of order. Nobody dares to. The truth is, she misses her daughter terribly... but MJ is safely visiting her extended family while her parents get some things reorganized.
Like this trip to the CS Enterprises headquarters. It's Angel's first face- to- face meeting with Commissioner Merritt, and her relaxed/edgy demeanor speaks volumes of a woman who has no idea what's in store.
Officially she's just along for the ride as Eli and Merritt have an appointment to hash out his part at PRIMETIME, and his intended follow- up to his showdown with Evan Aho at BATTLE of the BELTS. Eli hopes they'll be able to 'conference call' with Poison Ivy, still in England. Unofficially, she's quite unhappy that her band - her band was announced as a musical guest for the PPV event without her approval. Without her knowledge.
"How long do you think you and Merritt will be?" she asked, her attention returned to the words on the page.
"Dunno," replied Eli, "Things're pretty much back to normal - or what passes for it - after the whole Staking a Claim stuff and the man trusts Ivy about as much as anyone... there's not much to tell. I don't want a part of the continued faction warfare, just a match with Aho and a title shot."
He looked down at her and her writing - she continued to toy with the stanza placement for a song titled 'Tomorrow'. "Why?"
"No reason."
"You've always got a reason."
"Do I?"
"You're pissed at Ivy, ain't'cha?"
"A little."
"She was only trying to help."
"I know that," sighed Angel, repeating herself, "but I didn't want any help. Not like this."
"So you have a little help. Can only make things easier."
"Did you have any help getting to where you are now?"
"Not as such, but--"
"Same thing."
"Apples and oranges."
"'Help' for me would entail someone trying to make me look better than I am, most likely at their own expense. 'Help' for you's the opposite... all Ivy probably did was say to Merritt, 'Here, listen to this.' And it's not whether he can help, it's whether you're worth helping. And you are."
"Says you."
"Says Merritt, too, evidently."
"We'll see."
The conversation died out as the driver pulled off the highway at the appropriate exit - the massive CS Enterprises/Merritt Auditorium loomed in the distance. It's funny... but as the King of Extreme, Eli Flair has been mellowed by this stubborn, intense woman as well as his perfect three month old daughter, Mariella Jade.
The next few hours - the meeting with Merritt, the return to New York, and beyond... would certainly be interesting.
April 3, 2003
4:21 PM local time
"Most people would've been grateful for the help."
Angel leaned herself against her husband in the backseat of the car, notebook of verse and various artwork in hand.
"I am grateful for the help, Eli... but this is something I have to do."
It's been like this all day. The flight back from England was fraught with tension, particularly over the fact that Angel insisted that they bypass New York completely.
Their daughter, Mariella, is in New York. This is the first time Angel has been away from her in her short three- month- long life.
Nobody's told Angel her priorities are out of order. Nobody dares to. The truth is, she misses her daughter terribly... but MJ is safely visiting her extended family while her parents get some things reorganized.
Like this trip to the CS Enterprises headquarters. It's Angel's first face- to- face meeting with Commissioner Merritt, and her relaxed/edgy demeanor speaks volumes of a woman who has no idea what's in store.
Officially she's just along for the ride as Eli and Merritt have an appointment to hash out his part at PRIMETIME, and his intended follow- up to his showdown with Evan Aho at BATTLE of the BELTS. Eli hopes they'll be able to 'conference call' with Poison Ivy, still in England. Unofficially, she's quite unhappy that her band - her band was announced as a musical guest for the PPV event without her approval. Without her knowledge.
"How long do you think you and Merritt will be?" she asked, her attention returned to the words on the page.
"Dunno," replied Eli, "Things're pretty much back to normal - or what passes for it - after the whole Staking a Claim stuff and the man trusts Ivy about as much as anyone... there's not much to tell. I don't want a part of the continued faction warfare, just a match with Aho and a title shot."
He looked down at her and her writing - she continued to toy with the stanza placement for a song titled 'Tomorrow'. "Why?"
"No reason."
"You've always got a reason."
"Do I?"
"You're pissed at Ivy, ain't'cha?"
"A little."
"She was only trying to help."
"I know that," sighed Angel, repeating herself, "but I didn't want any help. Not like this."
"So you have a little help. Can only make things easier."
"Did you have any help getting to where you are now?"
"Not as such, but--"
"Same thing."
"Apples and oranges."
"'Help' for me would entail someone trying to make me look better than I am, most likely at their own expense. 'Help' for you's the opposite... all Ivy probably did was say to Merritt, 'Here, listen to this.' And it's not whether he can help, it's whether you're worth helping. And you are."
"Says you."
"Says Merritt, too, evidently."
"We'll see."
The conversation died out as the driver pulled off the highway at the appropriate exit - the massive CS Enterprises/Merritt Auditorium loomed in the distance. It's funny... but as the King of Extreme, Eli Flair has been mellowed by this stubborn, intense woman as well as his perfect three month old daughter, Mariella Jade.
The next few hours - the meeting with Merritt, the return to New York, and beyond... would certainly be interesting.