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Teleplay Style Cliff Notes


Jan 1, 1970
Ganked from Jamar Nicholas on the www.fwrestling.com/whatis/ page:

I've always written my RP as if it was in hollywood 'script' form - Like what you'd see used for writing a screenplay for a movie, play or TV show. There are rules to it, and some people have tried to do this, and screwed it up. I say this because the style I write in has been emulated by a lot of handlers over the years. You can't break the rules until you know how they work.

Throughout my notes, I prefer to use 'stage terms' to explain actions and such. The main thing is the use of the CAPS key to emphasize the commands/actions. IE: FADEIN, CUT-TO, MUSIC-UP, FADE TO BLACK, etc. are in CAPS. Also, when 'narrating' a character, their name is in CAPS as well, preferably the last name.

IE: (HORNET enters the ring, and throws a fist up as the crowd cheers!)

This, I assume, when these rules were made, breaks the text up easier for the cast/crew to read, and to understand direction, or a character that is about to speak or do an action. I'll do a summary below:

(FADEIN: To MASKED MATHEMATICIAN, standing at the front of the school, dressed in his wrestling togs.)

I will always give credit where it is due - I was taught this style by one of the best roleplayers ever, John Gilson. He, as far as I'm concerned, 'invented' descriptive, intriguing roleplaying. Before him, people were just typing in arguments. Props given.



So, the above is the basic foundation for Script-Style writing. I personally like to call it the 'TELEPLAY' format.

All NFW live shows use this format, so I'll provide a quick glossary of the 'stage-terms' or 'actions' we'll generally employ. Remember that when using these that its best to be within parenthesis to separate it from the announcers talking. RP's aren't required to use these, but a good portion of NFW handlers do like to use it.

Regarding the actual announcing team, there's one common thread I like to see for all NFW telecasts and that are the announcers names always in CAPS followed by a colon.

O'CONNOR: "Hey Woodman, you like that rule?"

H'WOOD: "No, but I like your wife spinning on my (BLEEP!) while I grab her casabas."

The usage of quotation marks is more of a decision to be made by the writer, I've seen the masters go both ways (JN using quotes, GG/CS not using quotes) so that's more a matter of personal style than anything else.



FADEIN: This marks the beginning of a scene. Its the most common way of opening a RP, segment or the next match back from commericial. Also can written as FADE-IN:, or FADE IN:

FADEOUT: Typically used to end a scene, or a match before going to commercial. It's typically used as a continuance to the next part of a live show. FADE-OUT and FADE OUT: are also ways of spelling it.

FADE TO BLACK: The end of a scene, match, show. Its used for a more dramatic close to whatever's going on and will always end a live show or roleplay. Can also be spelled out as FADETOBLACK: or FTB. Wrestlers have been known to use their own color, such as Kin Hiroshi's FADE TO GOLD endings.

CUEUP: Can also be written as CUE UP: or CUE-UP: it's the FW standard for the opening notes to a character's music.

MUSICUP: Also written as MUSIC-UP: or MUSIC UP: used to announce the opening notes of someone's music.

CUTTO: Can also be typed out as CUT-TO:, but this is when the camera shifts to a new scene within the same match, RP or segment.

FLASH CUTTO's: A fancy highlight reel that's typically used for the FRONTIERtron during wrestler introductions, or when recapping a feud leading up to a blowoff match and sometimes during the opening sequences of a live show.

QUICK CUTTO: A Quentin Tarentino styled camera cut to a new scene within the framework of a match, RP or segment. QUICK CUTTO's can be used like FLASH CUTTO's as a highlight reel.

FRONTIERtron: A direct shot of the FRONTIERtron in action. In NFW, there's the big FRONTIERtron and the surrounding SMOKEscreens (credit Pete Russo) to use during introductions, matches, live shows.

HIGHLIGHT REEL: It is what it is.

MONTAGE: Fancy way of saying here's some highlights.

SFX: Sound effects, I've been known to use (SFX: THWACK!) for chairshots. I've also been known to bold more explosive pyrotechnic sounds, but that's more of a personal style than anything else.

SLO-MO REPLAY: Slow motion replay.

SPLIT-SCREEN: This is where you can split the screen to show two different scenes at once.

(BLEEP!) Always used to block out non-approved words by the FCC.
Last edited:


Jan 1, 1970
Re: Script-Style Cliff Notes

No problem, Mr. Pants. :)

I'll be adding addendums to the piece as the world turns, but I'm hoping that for some of the handlers not used to the FW lineage of live TV writing that this could help.

Speaking of addendums, I added a little bold section regarding announcers in the JK Notes section. hehe

ADD Flash

League Member
Mar 31, 2008
Re: Script-Style Cliff Notes

This is definitely something that I'll be making the change to. I just saw this and I'll try to begin to RP and write in this format.

Thanks, bruv.


Jan 1, 1970
Re: Script-Style Cliff Notes

This is definitely something that I'll be making the change to. I just saw this and I'll try to begin to RP and write in this format.

Thanks, bruv.

While it is the 'traditional' style of NFW, we're not expecting everyone to use it unless they are writing for a 'live' show.

But feel free to do so, if you want! :cool:

ADD Flash

League Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nah, this style is really neat.

Plus I always wanted to learn that kind of format so once I think I'm doing it properly you'll see it in action.

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