Who is Yori Yakammo, jr?
"All right, we have a workable version."
"What happened to version 1, or as I like to dub it, the awesome version?"
"Apparently it violated several dozen FCC regulations, international copyright laws, several tenants of every major religion (except Yoriology), and even the vaguest notions of human decency."
(Stirring music straight out of The Wide World of Sports plays as we see images of flowers blooming, bustling human cities, kids playing on the playground, and finally Yori sitting on some sort of giant throne, with a dildo-themed design.)
(Yori sits in a smoking jacket, pondering things.)
(Yori does the hustle in a multi-colored discoteque with the giant green rabbit.)
(A shot of Yori's Sex Toy Designer of the Year awards from 2003, 2004, and 2005.)
(Yori grinds his way to ringside in his electric yellow fur coat and assless leather chaps.)
(Yori smashes various foes in the head with dildos, Steel-plated copies of Yoriology, Thai Hookers, steel chairs, Smitty's stilleto heels)
(Yori conducts the Thai Hooker marching band in a stirring rendition of Joseph Hyden's Surprise Symphony, #94)
(A montage ot Yakamo style groin attacks, from various, some seemingly impossible angles.)
(Yori works hard on a lathe, sculpting his latest dildo design. the YORIDENT 8" dual forked dildo.)
(Yori works on a cut of his first foray into Underwater Scuba Porn. Admiral Atlantis and his Anal Adventures.)
(Yori fights off a mob of angry apes in a futuristic post-apocalyptic world, with a little help from Mike Randalls)
(Yori speaks out against anti-obscenity laws in front of the Japanese diet, wearing nothing but a thong with a japanese flag design)
(Yori outruns an angry mob, in said thong.)
(Yori does a split to avoid a kick and then bites his opponent on the thigh)
(Yori does a cartwheel, followed by a back flip, followed by a punch to the jimmies)
YORI: Okay, so this part didn't quite make it pass the censors. BUT LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT BLACK BAR.
(Yori leaps across fifty Thai hookers laid next to each other on a motorcycle)
(Yori streaks across the field during a Japanese Soccer match, wearing only a Burger King Crown, andhigh on ludes)
(Yori rides a yak through the streets metro Tokyo, mud covering his naughty bits, and high on ludes)
(Yori flies off the cage at HULK-A-THON, with an assist from Powermaster, and probably high on ludes)
(Yori wins the MBE Unified title, through chicanery, shenanigans, and groin shots)
(Yori breaks into the PbPro offices and steals 2/5ths of the PbPro Quintuple Crown title before being chased off by guard dogs.)
(Yori wins the Rippongi Fair Pie Eating contest through chicanery shenanigans and groin shots)
(fade to black)
(c) Yorifilm.com 2006