Re: TEAM Super Show I: Russian Chain Match: "Phenomenal" Frankie Scott vs. Victor Molotov
(A dimly lit, seedy, old gymnasium somewhere in America: Victor Molotov sits on the turnbuckle of a dingy looking ring. His hands are taped and there is no chain anywhere in site.)
MOLOTOV: Frankie Scott. You are a fool.
If you wanted my respect, why in the world would you come at me like a clown?
Do you truly think that making jokes about my homeland and pouring vodka on trees will earn you my respect? Do you truly think that giving me a treatise on the appropriate behavior pattern of the "foreign enemy" archetype in American profession “wrestling” is supposed to act will earn you my respect?
Do you truly believe the ability to hit a man with a chain is something even close to being worthy of respect?
Any man can hit another man with a chain, Frankie Scott. There is nothing special about that. It is common thuggery - nothing for humanity to honor or respect.
But to enter the ring armed only with your bare hands and defeat such a chain wielding hooligan without having ever to resort to his base tactics. Now that is a feat worthy of the utmost respect and glory.
And that is the only reason that The Purifier even bothered to dignify your “challenge” with a reason.
You are nothing to me, Frankie Scott. Less than nothing. To be quite honest, you were not even on my radar as someone worthy of purification until you opened your fool mouth and thought to “call out” Victor Molotov.
You see, Frankie Scot, there is a big difference between you and I.
You look for respect - and I take it.
You seek to play to the masses. To entertain them. To make them “care.” You want nothing more that no have the sheep all stand up in unison and chant your name just like it was some big Hollywood “feel good” movie and you were the hard-luck, All-American “underdog” finally making good on all of his spunk and grit and defeating the mean and nasty alien foe.
I, on the other hand, am not burdened by such unwieldy cargo. I true do not give a damn what the people think of me. Whether they cheer or boo. Whether the chant “boring” from even before the time arrive. Whether they storm out of the arena and demand their entrance fees be return. None of that matters to me in the least.
Because I am not fighting for them, Frankie Scott. I am fighting for something far bigger. I am fighting for the continued existence and purity of my sport. I am the lone crusader staving off the barbarian infidels who seek to stain her. I am a missionary. I am The Purifier. And I answer to a higher calling than the ticket buying rabble that infest your nation’s arenas like fleas on a dog.
You see, Frankie Scott. You are not Rocky and I am not Drago. You are not Braddock and I am not Baer. This is not some silly America entertainment. And I shall not feel obliged to conform to your image of what I am supposed to be.
You are not fighting a caricature of the Evil, Cold War Russian this week, Scott. And if you truly expected some expected to be facing some Pidgin English grunting, chain-wielding Soviet Brute or Bear, then your fall this week shall be all the more satisfying.
You see, my heritage is immaterial next to my mission, Frankie Scott. I could be any citizen of this Earth that looks at the blight of American culture that infects it like a cancer and seeks to remove the disease. That I was born of Mother Russia and arose through here intensive and expert athletic system is simply a lucky happenstance.
But like any great warrior for a higher calling, I have risen above all national boundaries.
I am not just some stereotype of what you would like a Russian to be. I am not merely the “foreign enemy” that you find it most facile to wrap your feeble mind around.
I am the Purifier.
I speak your language and I know your ways because I have been taught that you cannot truly destroy an enemy until you know that enemy. I refuse to go into battle unprepared and ignorant.
I refuse to be like you, Frankie Scott.
And that is why I need no chain to conquer and America Infidel the I meet in the ring, ever.